Chapter 41 Victor's POV

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One week later

A/N: This chapter contains violence and disturbing details. Read at your own dismay
Thanks again 💜

Arriving at work I see Liam parked up outside the office and I wonder why he's here again.
Jumping out my car I walk over to him and pop my head through the rolled down window.
"Get in. Don't talk" he says and I look at him hesitantly raising a brow.
"Just trust me OK, get in now" he says and I sigh heavily getting into the passengers seat.
Pulling off he drives around and takes us to a secluded area. What the fuck?
"Stay there, and listen to what's about to happen" he says and I nod my head confused.
I watch as he jumps out and goes around to the boot opening it. I hear muffled noises then a loud bang.
"You're going to fucking regret this" I hear and I pause that's definitely Marcus's voice. What the fucks he doing?
"Yeah yeah I've heard that a million times before mate" I hear Liam say then laugh. This guy's fucking crazy.
"You and that fucking slag are going to get it" Marcus says and I wonder who the slag is?
"I don't understand how Victor can go with her after she's been with you.. Dirty black bastard" Marcus says again and my bloods begining to boil. I sit there impatiently and wait for Liam to give me my go still.
"Keep going.." Liam carries on coaxing him.
"Watch what I do to Stacey. You have no idea what I'm capable of. That night she got away but not next time. I'll take what I want she's a hoe" Marcus spits and that's it, I jump out the car and fly towards Marcus who looks petrified. He wasn't expecting me to be listening clearly.
"What's that about my girl. I didn't quite catch that?" I spit out and he shakes his head.
"You heard exactly what this peice of shit said. Now do what needs to be done or I will" Liam says and I look at him confused. What's he on about?
I grab him from the boot and swing left, right punches over and over at him he drops to the floor and I stop looking over his bloodied face.
"Don't stop, continue we're nowhere near done" Liam says and I look back at him. What the fucks his game?
I carry on, swinging legs kicking him in his ribs to his back, stamping on him taking out all my ampted up aggression I've worked up over the weeks and take it all out on Marcus. He coughs spitting up blood but Liam doesn't stop me just eggs me on.
"You heard what he said, what he's gonna do to Stacey.. Make him bleed Victor. He deserves this. You deserve to do this" Liam says to me and I carry on stamping and I move to his head flying my foot back I kick him straight to the face knocking his teeth down his throat. Good.
I watch as he lays there breathing weird but I don't care. I watch the blood turn black and think I've fucking killed him.
"Are you done?" Liam asks smiling casual like this is fucking normal.
"Yeah am done. He's practically dead" I tell him and he laughs.
"Not yet, but he will be. I guess it's my turn" he says going to sit on him. I watch as he wraps his hands around his throat and starts to choke him out.
Watching him claw at the ground staring at me for some help and I just stand there not being able to look away. He deserves this is all I keep telling myself over and over. He fucking deserves to die. I need to protect Stacey. It's not worth the risk.
"You OK man?" Liam asks me getting up now that he's stopped fighting and drifted off. He's actually dead. My best friend from way back is laying there lifeless infront of me.
"I don't know man. What the fuck" I shout angrily. He fucking knew what was gonna happen and he allowed me to basically kill my long time friend. Fuck!
"It's OK. Let it out just breathe Victor" he says laughing like this is fucking funny.
"Sorry man I shouldn't laugh but your face" he says trying to stop laughing. What a dick.
"Now what man? We can't just leave him here?" I tell him and he shrugs.
"I'll take care of the body, you head back to work" he says throwing his car keys to me.
"I'll pick it up later and Victor well done" he praises and I shake my head at him climbing back into the car. This man's crazy.

Arriving back at work I can't get the look of Marcus's eyes out my head. The way he stared at me for help and I just let Liam kill him. I don't need this shit on my conscience. I'm done with this. Pulling myself back together I plaster a smile onto my face and head on up into the rest of the guys like nothing even happened.

Checking my watch I see it's just past 4pm and I see Liam walking into the building site casual like he wasn't burying a body this morning.
"It's done. How you feeling now?" he asks me concerned.
"I'm good man thanks for sorting it" I tell him with a nod and throw him back his car keys.
"Any time man. Hit me up" he says like we're buddies now.
"Now get on with your life with Stacey and don't look back, she doesn't need to know if you don't want her to. It's upto you man" Liam says holding up his hands.
"I'll think about it. Thanks" I tell him and he climbs into his car and pulls off.
Do I tell Stacey I just killed someone or will she freak? I'm not fucking sure. Fuck!

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