The Storm

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An ocean. Birds are flying and porpoises are swimming happily. From the fog a ship appears crashing through the waves, "I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue and it's hey to the starboard, heave ho" A sailor sings.

"Look out, lad, a mermaid be waitin' for you in mysterious fathoms below." The prince grins at the sea. "Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face... a perfect day to be at sea!"

His butler however thought otherwise, "Oh yes... delightful...." He leaned over. "A fine strong wind and a following sea. King Stanley must be in a friendly-type mood." A sailor yelled.

"King Stanley?" The prince raised a brow, "Why, ruler of the merpeople, lad. Thought every good sailor knew about him." The prince's butler walked up to them. "Merpeople! Bill, pay no attention to this nautical nonsense."

Another sailor looked at him, "But it ain't nonsense, it's the truth! I'm tellin' you, down in the depths o' the ocean they live." He gestures wildly, Fish in his hand flops away and lands back in the ocean, relieved.

"Heave. ho. Heave, ho. In mysterious fathoms below." The sailors sing as the fish sighs and swims away.

Various fish are swimming. Merpeople converge on a great undersea palace, filling concert hall inside. Fanfare ensues.

"Ahem.. His royal highness, King Stanley!" Stan enters dramatically to wild cheering. "And presenting the distinguished court composer, Horatio Thelonious Ignatius Crustaceous Stanford!"

Ford enters to mild applause. "I'm really looking forward to this performance, Ford." Stan smiled. "Oh, Stanley, this will be the finest concert I have ever conducted. Our niece and nephew- they will be spectacular!" Ford exclaimed.

"Yes, and especially Dipper." Stan laughed, "Yes, yes, he has the most beautiful voice.." Ford swims away. "If only he'd show up for rehearsals once in a while..." He mutters to himself.

He proceeds to podium and begins to direct orchestra. Backup singers appear, "Ah, they are the niblings of Stanley." They sang cheerfully. "Great King who loves us and raised us well. The king of the seven seas!"

Now they introduce the twins. "Now here are.. the young twins!" Stan leans forward intrigued by the show. "And then there are the youngest in their musical debut, The two little twins, we're presenting them to you, To sing a song Stanford wrote, their voice is like a bell, Their the kingdoms.."

The shell opens to reveal that both of the twins are absent. Stan sits up, angered at the twins absents. "Stanford!!"
"Dip n dots, wait for me!" Is heard from afar, by the female twin. "Mable, hurry up!" The male twin yells, smiling. Mable finally catches up, "You know I can't swim that fast." She groans. "There it is. Isn't it fantastic?" He stares ahead, eyes filled with admiration.

"Yeah... sure... it- it's great. Now let's get outta here." Mable looks around, slightly paranoid. "You're not getting cold fins now, are you?" The male twin raised a brow at her. "Who, me? No way. It's just, it, it looks.. damp in there." She spoke slowly.

"Yeah. And I think I may be coming down with something. Yeah, I got this cough." Mable starts coughing unconvincingly. "All right. I'm going inside. You can just stay here and watch for sharks." He goes inside.

"Ok. Yeah, you go. I'll stay and.. what? Sharks! Dipper!" She goes through the porthole, but gets her fin stuck. "Bro bro.. I can't.. I mean- Dipper help!" Mable yells, Dipper looks back and laughs. "Oh, Mable."

"Bro Bro, do you really think there might be sharks around here?" A Shark passes outside. "Mable, don't be such a guppy." Dipper giggles as Mable pouts "I'm not a guppy."

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