Chapter 42

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"Mum I'm Leaving, see you" I call out as I open the front door to my Uber. Victor called me and said he needed to talk to me and I'm wondering what's wrong? What's happened..
Stepping into the car I fiddle with my phone wondering what he wants to talk about and if this is going to go good or bad. What the fuck isit? My spiraling thoughts don't help me, thinking of Liam and how he dropped me too after his fun. Shit!
Before I know it I'm outside Victor's and thanking the driver.

Letting myself in with the key I see Victor in the living room and go straight to him.
"Hey baby" I say sitting next to him and I see his hands. What the fuck?
"Oh my god what happened? Are you OK?" I ask him looking him over seeing he has no other marks that I can see.
"We need to talk" he says and I pause thinking I was right... Oh my god no!
"What happened to your hands Victor?" I ask looking at him confused.
"It doesn't matter" he says smoking his spliff. Clearly..
"Yes it does. Tell me what happened Victor?" I question him and he sighs sitting forward moving away from me. Why?
"I fucked Marcus up" he tells me and I gasp looking back at his hands. There so bad he must be battered.
"Why? What happened Victor talk to me baby" I tell him and he shakes his head. Looking around the room at what he's staring at and I see my bag packed. Wait what's happening?
"Why's my bag packed Victor. Talk!" I start to raise my voice because he's irritating me now.
"I'm clearly just as bad as Liam, and I don't want to break you like he did so it's best that you go" he says not looking at me and I feel my heart starting to break. Is he serious? Surely not?
"Are you fucking serious? Your nothing like Liam I love.."
"Noo stop Stacey, I'm just like Liam and I realised that today, you deserve better. I ain't better" he says standing up and pacing. What the fuck happened today? I'm so confused.
"Your making no sense Victor, what did you do?" I ask him and he holds up his hands.
"Well it makes perfect sense to me. Just please leave we're done Stacey" he tells me and my tears start to fall. This can't be happening again.
"No! I'm not just going to leave you because you beat up your friend Victor jeez" I tell him. What does he take me for.
"Stacey! Leave now don't make this harder than it needs to be" he says and I shake my head.
"No I'm not leaving you Victor I love you" I tell him and he just looks anywhere but at me still. Why won't he look at me?
"Whatever, be gone by the time I'm back and post my key" he spits and storms out slamming the door behind him. What the fuck just happened?
I sit there staring at the wall not understanding what went wrong. He's nothing like Liam. Why's he saying this. I walk into the kitchen and grab his bottle of whiskey and start swigging from the bottle feeling the burn I cough and my crying starts. I drop to the floor and let out all my emotions and scream. Why is this happening to me again. What is wrong with me?
I drink more and more feeling the alcohol go to my head I crawl to the living room and bill my self a spliff needing the cloud to forget all of this.
I sit on the floor pulling at his weed box knocking shit on the floor but not caring like he doesn't and make a fat spliff.
Sparking it I take down the drink in gulps and smoke long drags feeling the effect quicker than normal.
Why does no one love me. Whats wrong with me. I pull out my phone and call Mia..
"Hey girl, I'm a little busy right now can I call you later" she says answering.
"Yeah sure bye" I say and hang up and call Sian.
Ringing.... Nothing.
"Fuck sake!" I shout stressing to myself I take another swig from the bottle.
I scroll through my contacts having no one else to call and stop on Liam's name. Thinking fuck it I call him.
Waiting for him to answer I continue to smoke and down the bottle.
"Hello beautiful" he says and I feel my emotions hit and begin to cry down the phone to him.
"Stacey talk to me, what's wrong why you crying?" he asks me and I just sniffle not knowing what to say or why I rang him.
"Where are you I'm coming to you now"
"No I'm at Victor's he wouldn't like that" I say through my tears and I hear alot of noise in the background.
"I'm coming to you now. Stay there" he says and hangs up. I don't know what I'm going to do now. How could this happen again. What did I do wrong? I let the questions repeat over and over how I fucked this up again and suddenly hearing banging on the door. I ignore it not wanting to talk to anyone and relight my spliff and drink my drink. I hear the door open then footsteps but not bothered I don't pay attention until I see Liam standing infront of me.
"How did you find his address?" I ask confused looking up at him.
"Don't worry I know everything, come on baby let's get you up" he tells me crouching down taking the bottle from me.
"No, I need it, give it to me" I say holding out my hand tears beginning to well up again.
"You can have it if you come with me. I ain't leaving you like this" he says and I nod my head looking away from him. I look and feel like shit why did I call him?

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now