Chapter 43

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Pulling up Liam looks at me with a small smile.
"We're here, let's get you inside" he says and climbs out the car. I open my door and try to get out myself and fail miserably.
"I've got you" Liam says picking me up and carrying me to where ever he's taking me.
I wrap my arms around his neck and just look at him
"Why was you so horrible to me Liam" I ask him thinking about the past.
"I was a cunt to you and I'll never forgive myself and I can never be sorry enough for that" he tells me making me smile.
"Good you was a cunt, but you was my cunt and you dropped me.. Just like he has" I say and my tears start again.
"Don't cry beautiful, I dropped you to save you from me" he says and I shake my head at him.
"No you dropped me because you got what you wanted Liam, it's OK I'm a big girl you can tell me" I tell him slurring my words. I need some more alcohol.
"It had nothing to do with sex Stacey, I was a fucked up kid" he says sadly and I shrug.
"It doesn't matter anymore, nothing does" I tell him sad.
"It will always matter to me, your my biggest regret Stacey I'm sorry" he says putting me on my feet while he opens the door.
"You should regret everything that happened instead. I do" I tell him bitchy and walk in when he opens the door.
"I don't regret you, I regret how I treated you Stacey there's a difference" he says grabbing me and leading me through a another door.
I spin in his arms and kiss him wrapping my arms around his neck and he kisses me back. Then pulls away.
"No Stacey your drunk. You will regret this and I can't say no to you so stop please" he says looking defeated but I dont care I need something. Anything.
"I won't regret it. I've missed you Liam" I tell him and he sighs looking at me
"FUCK, I miss you everyday but I will not break my promise. I can't do this with you" he tells me and backs away.
"You don't love me either. Why does nobody love me" I ask him looking into his beautiful eyes.
"Stacey I love you OK. I love you more than life itself. Your with Victor" he tells me and I scoff. And he raises a brow looking me over.
"He left me just like you did" I tell him walking into his kitchen looking for more to drink and finding a bottle of rum. That will do. Opening the bottle I start to down it and look back at him.
"Drink and smoke what you want. You'll be safe her with me Stacey but nothing will happen" he says sternly but I bite my lip offering him the bottle. He declines and I see him hesitant
"Fuck it, give me it" he says taking the bottle and swigging from it. I watch him smiling knowing I can always get what I want with Liam.
He hands it back to me and walks off. Following him in to wherever, I see its the living room and plop down on the sofa with the bottle. I watch him start to bill up and I want one too.
"Make me one pleaseee" I ask him fluttering my eyelashes and he just nods without a word or looking at me.
"Why don't you want me Liam" I ask him again thinking that he was good sex. Amazing sex.
"I do want you more than you know but we can't baby trust me" he tells me and I shrug not caring for my mistakes. I want him to love me..
He hands me a spliff and I spark it awkwardly drunk and sit back relaxing on his comfortable sofa.
"If you wanted me you'd have me and never let me go" I say to him
"Your to good for me. My love will fuck you up beautiful. You don't want that" he tells me and I shake my head.
"I loved you more than anything for so long even after the fact it took finding Victor to get over you Liam two fucking years no one was comparing to you and now look I'm right back with you."
"Yes I know and that love scared me" he says looking at me this time and I see something in his eyes. Hurt.
"If your hurting let me make it better" I say seductively and he sparks his spliff taking a long drag and I do the same watching him across the room.
"I am hurting and I know you will make it better but not while your drunk. I need you sober Stacey" he says and I wave it off.
"Mia said to always rebound drunk" I tell him randomly.
"No rebound, your going back to Victor beautiful" he tells me and I shake my head
"No! Did you know he beat up his so called friend today his hands were battered" I inform him as if he'd know..
"I already know" he says sighing.. But I don't care anyways.
"Less of him more of us. Why you so far away. Come sit with me Liam" I say patting the seat next to me.
"I'm sat over here because I won't be able to control myself if you come at me again" he says and I sigh needing comfort.
"Cuddle me then at least.. Please" I say quietly needing it right now and he sighs looking at me and gets up.
"I'll cuddle you all night. Please don't make a pass at me I won't say no this time" he tells me and sits down pulling me into him. I miss him. This.. My heads all over the place.
"I've missed you Stacey, more than you know" I hear him say quietly then kisses my forehead.
That's the last thing I remember before I fall asleep in his arms.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now