Chapter 44

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Suddenly waking up I hold my head as it pounds and the hangover settles in. I sit up slowly and look around the room.
"Where am I?" I say aloud not understanding where I am. Confusion settles in then I'm hit with so much. The conversation with Victor him breaking up with me. The drinking.. The fucking drinking wow! And I called Liam fuck! I made a pass at him and he kissed me back. The fact he still loves me and wanted me but didn't want me to regret it which I know now that I would of. Thank God he had morals because I know I didn't lastnight. Bless him for looking after me.
I swing my legs off the bed pulling back the covers and stand unsteadily. Why am I half naked. I look around the rooms for my jeans but can't find them and walk out the door and down the stairs. Where's Liam?
I check the living room and find him sitting there with his head in his hands.
"Hi" I say shyly just standing there in my t-shirt and hotpants. So fucking awkward
"Morning beautiful" he says and pats the seat next to him. I slowly make my way over to him and sit down and he passes me his spliff. It's first thing but I don't even care I take it.
"Thanks" I tell him with a small smile.
He grabs a blanket and puts it over me and I'm relieved to say the least.
"How you feeling?" he asks me looking at me.
"Like shit" I tell him and take a drag anyways. Hopefully this will make me feel better.
"You want a drink and some food?" he asks and I'm taken aback by his kindness. Where's Liam gone. The cunt one.
"Why you being nice to me Liam" I ask him confused and he sighs.
"It's the least I can do after everything and I told you last night" he says and I wrack my brain for some information. He loves me...
"You love me?" I say after some time and he nods looking away putting his head back in his hands.
"So this drink and food. Yes please" I say and he jumps up and leaves me alone quickly. What's wrong with him?

Sitting there finishing off the spliff Liam suddenly appeared with a tray and hands it to me.
"Thanks, it means alot you doing this for me" I tell him embarrassed.
"It's just food Stacey" he says with a smirk.
"No.. Well yes this but I mean coming to get me lastnight and all that" I tell him and he nods with a smile.
"I'll always be here for me if you reach out to me. I told you I'd leave you but if you need me am here" he says and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. He's so cute. Bless him. I've missed him.
"There's something we need to talk about after you've eaten" he says and I sigh..
"I know we kissed Liam" I tell him looking at the plate of food.
"I know that you remember everything drunk love. It's not that, just eat and we'll talk" he says and I nod starting to eat my fry up. Greasy foods always a win for me hungover.

"Soo.." I ask as I put down my cutlery watching him smoke a spliff.
"It's about Victor and what happened with Marcus" he says and I wonder how he knows more?
"What about them.." I ask rolling my eyes. They'll be friends by the end of the week.
"It was my fault" he says handing me the spliff.
"How you wasn't to blame for the fight Marcus deserves it to be honest. He hates me for some reason" I tell him sadly.
I don't know what I actually did tho?
"It was my fault Stacey.. I kidnapped him and took Victor to after" he says and I gawk at him.. What?
"What do you mean you kidnapped him Liam fuck sake" I say rolling my eyes at him.
"He was bad mouthing you something about the first time he couldn't get you?" he explained and I remember the bathroom incident. A shiver runs through me and he looks me over.
"Exactly he wanted to finish what he started. He was calling you alsorts of names and Victor was listening" he tells me and I freeze. What is he talking about.. Finish off.. Noo!
"Victor fucked him up like you already know. But I finished him off. Like you'll never see him again Stacey. He was a major threat to you and every woman to be honest" he says and I think I'm about to bring up my food. He.. He killed him I know that's what he's saying.
"You killed him Liam!" I whisper shout at him and he nods slowly sighing looking away from me.
"It had to be done Stacey. I did it for you. Not Victor, I've spoken to Victor and he knows your here" he tells me and I begin to panic.
"What? You told him I'm here.. Why would you do that. Shit!" I say putting my hand on my banging head. This can't be happening.
"Calm down, you and Victor are going to be OK. He panicked and thought he was like me.. Not good enough for you" he says and sighs looking at the floor.
"He's nothing like you" I say getting angry. He fucking did this and I thought he'd changed. Who was I kidding..
"Victor is a good guy Stacey. He will love you how you deserve and that's all I want for you" he says and I shake my head.
"Your both fucking crazy" I tell him smoking the spliff needing it to help with this information
"I'm to blame not him. Just talk to him" he says and I look at him fuming.
"I know your to fucking blame. You did all of this Liam why are you trying to ruin my life. This isnt love you can't.. I can't do this" I say getting up and taking my plate to the kitchen. Putting my plate in the sink not caring I grip the ledge and close my eyes. Why is my life a mess.
Suddenly feeling hands on my waist I open my eyes and spin seeing a sad Liam. Join the fucking club buddy.
"I need to go. I can't be here" I tell him walking away but he grabs me.
"Just listen to me Stacey. Go have a shower get dressed. Victor will be here soon to pick you up. I told you my love wasn't good enough for you" he says sadly and my heart pounds.. Why does he keep saying this.
"It was good enough.. You just do fucked up things Liam" I tell him and walk off.
"I do what needs to be done, regardless of the consequences" he says and I just catch the last bit before I head up stairs.
"I love you Stacey"

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now