Chapter 45 Victor's POV

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Pulling up outside Liam's after he sent me his address, I sit there and contemplate what to do. What do I even say to her now she knows the truth. Fuck, why did he have to tell her. Now she's going to question me like fuck..
Pulling my head out my arse I get a grip of myself and climb out the car.
Walking up to the door I stand there for a minute wanting to just get back in my car but it suddenly opens.
"Victor" Liam says opening the door wider to let me in.
Stepping in I look around looking for her and see nothing.
"She's in the shower still" he tells me and I run up the stairs needing to suddenly see her.
Knocking on the bathroom door I wait
"Go away Liam you've done enough" I hear her say.
"It's me baby girl" I say to her through the door and it flies open and she's standing there in a towel looking like she's been balling her eyes out hard. My poor baby I did this to her. My heart breaks looking at her and I pull her into my arms hugging her tight.
"I'm soo sorry baby" I tell her into her wet hair but I don't care I need her in my arms. She starts to cry again and my heart hurts hearing her. I squeeze her tighter to me and just hold her while she crys.
"I'm so sorry baby don't cry" I tell her and she pulls away looking up at me.
"Your both dick heads you know that. You didn't need to push me away Victor. You could of told me instead of all of this. Look at us, we're in my exs house for fuck sake" she says and sniffles pushing past me and walks into a bedroom. I watch her as she dries and pulls on I assume Liam's clothes and I want to rip them off her. She should be putting mine on not his.
"Don't start Victor, I can hear your thoughts churning. I wouldn't be here if you just talked to me like a reasonable adult" she says pulling the t-shirt over her head.
"I know all of this now. I didn't know what you'd think of me when I told you I killed someone Stacey" I tell her quietly feeling ashamed and angry with myself.
"I think you should just take me home Victor" she says and I sigh defeated. I've actually lost my beautiful girl. Fuck!
She walks past me and down the stairs.
Following her down she stops at the living room and looks at liam.
"Thanks for the clothes, I'll give them back to you. And thank you for lastnight it means alot" she says and I wonder what she's talking about.
"Whenever you need me I'll be there Stacey I told you" he says back to her and I'm confused did something happen between them? Fuck I've definitely lost her. What am I going to do now. Shit.
"I'll see you then" she says to him and he nods and looks to me.
"You better look after her man" Liam says and I nod shrugging. No need we're clearly majorly over. I need to just go home and drown my sorrows in drink and weed and be alone. Yeah that's what I want. Not long now Victor I tell myself holding it together.
"Let's go" She tells me turning and walking towards the front door.
Following her out she doesn't look at me or talk. I unlock the car and she climbs in instead of waiting like she normally does for me. I'm losing her more and more. I can't handle it.
I climb into my car and start the engine. Looking at her in Liam's clothes makes me want to fucking scream at her to take them off or do something, anything.
She just stares out the window and silently crys to herself. Seeing the tears roll down her face is breaking me and I don't know what to do or how to fix it. Think Victor. Fucking think!
"Just drive" she says sniffling and I reach out to touch her but she finches away from me. I can't handle this. I reverse out and pull off.
"Can we go to mine and talk please baby?" I ask her but she ignores me.
"Stacey.. We need to talk about this.. And what happened lastnight?" I says and she looks at me even more hurt.
"What the fuck do you think happened Victor" she shouts at me.
"I don't fucking know but you two are all fucking buddies now so you tell me. Did you fuck him Stacey?" I just ask to get it off my chest and she just looks at me like I've grown another head.
"Are you fucking kidding me" she says looking at me pissed.
"Im home now.. See you Victor" she says climbing out the car and slamming the door.
"FUCK!!" I shout hitting the steering wheel and putting my head down. Why the fuck did I just ask that?

Arriving back at my house I open the door and go straight to the kitchen grabbing a bottle not caring about the time or work and take myself into the living room. Swigging from the bottle I grab the spliff I left before Liam called me and spark it.
What am I going to do now without her. I need to know if they did anything before I go crazy.
Pulling out my phone I text Liam.

Victor: Did you fuck her?

Hitting send because that's all I want to know I don't care if they got cosy I just couldn't handle it if she fucked him again.

Liam: No don't be stupid. I told you she's yours man. Get a grip Victor and save your relationship.

Rereading it over and over I breathe out heavily and thank all gods for the fact she didn't do anything. Technically I broke up with her but I wasn't expecting her to go running to fucking Liam shit!

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