Chapter 46

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4days later

Why am I so fucking emotional all the time my period... Wait fuck.. When's my period due? I check my phone calender and see I'm late, like a week late. Fuck.
"No, no, no! This can't be fucking happening" I stress grabbing my purse and running down the stairs and out the door to the nearest chemist.
Getting there I grab a few tests and pay quickly running back out the place in a rush and back home again. Running up the stairs I make my way to the bathroom closing the door and locking it not wanting to be disturbed and pee on all the sticks. Wiping I flush and set the timer on my phone for two minutes. Please god don't be fucking pregnant. I can't be. Victor's gonna freak aswell I just know it..
Sliding down the bathroom door, I put my head in my hands and think when this could of happened? We were so careful he always used a condom. Wait.. Oh my god fuck! When I slipped up and told him I loved him and he said he loved me too. That was the moment shit. My phone starts to go off letting me know its time to see what the future holds. Bracing myself I get up and look at the tests. POSITIVE.. POSITIVE.. POSITIVE.. POSITIVE. FUCK!! Oh my god I start to drop to the floor again and cry again. I haven't spoken to Victor in days and he keeps ringing and texting me. Now I'm going to have to see him.
Standing up I grab all the tests and take them to my room. Pulling out my phone I call him.
"Baby, finally.. Are you OK" he asks answering straight away.
I start to cry and drop on my bed.
"I need to see you Victor. I have to talk to you" I tell him sniffling.
"Of course I'll come to you now. Where are you?" he asks me and I sigh.
"I'm at home, come round no one's in now" I tell him and hang up. How am I going to do this. Just come out with it? Or show him the tests? I don't know what to do.. I cry laying on my bed and think he's going to react bad to this I just know it.

Hearing knocking I jump up and I just know it's Victor. Fuck. It's now or never Stacey I say to myself and make my way downstairs.
Opening the door he smiles at me until he sees my face.
"What's happened? Why you crying baby girl?" he asks looking concerned. I open the door wider and turn to walk up the stairs towards the tests.. Someone please say I'm dreaming and wake me up.
He follows me up and enters my bedroom.
"Here, look" I say handing him all the tests and his face drops.
"Whats this Stacey?" he asks and I turn one over to show the blue lines stating I'm pregnant.
"No, you can't be. I'm not doing this again" he says dropping the tests and stepping back.
"Victor why would I lie. I'm just as fucking shocked as you. I can even pin point when it happened" I tell him seriously and he just stares at me confused.
"Remember when I told you I loved you.. And then" he holds up his hand and runs it over his face.
"I get it but.. But" he says
"But what Victor?" I ask him and he looks away
"I'm really fucking trying here Stacey. I don't know what to do or say, my heads fucked right now. Your fucking pregnant" he says like it's a dirty word.
"Yes I'm fucking pregnant, get use to it because it's not going away" I spit getting angry. And he just stares at me again.
"What was you hoping I'd kill it! Well tough shit Victor you did this aswell" I tell him dropping onto my bed.
"So I have no say? Just you yeah" he asks annoyed.
"Absolutely just me. I know you don't want this but it's happened now. Get over yourself it's not just about you it's my body Victor" I tell him getting irritated. How is he mad at me. This is his fault as much as my own.
"I can't do this right now. I need to go" he says and walks off.
Hearing the front door slam shut I break down and cry. Why is this happening.

After crying for what felt like hours I pull my phone out and call Liam.
"Stacey? I'm a little busy right now.. What isit?" he asks when he answers.
"I told him I'm pregnant and he ran off. I don't know what to do Liam" I cry again and I hear him punch something.
"Fuck" he says and I move the phone from my ear.
"Stacey.. I'll be there in ten" he says and I hang up needing someone.. Anyone because it's not gonna be Victor..

After about half an hour I hear my door knocking and drag myself out my bed and down the stairs to answer it.
"What happened?" he asks and I look at him dumb.
"Well we had sex Liam.. That's how you make a baby" I say sarcastically and he just laughs at me.
"Come here" he says opening his arms to me and I fall straight into them needing comfort.
"I've got you, everything will be OK" he tells me stroking my hair holding me tight. I sniffle and think of what to do. I can't think straight right now. He pulls back holding my face in his hands and looks me straight in the eyes.
"Let me be the first one to say congratulations, you will be a great mum" he tells me making me smile sadly. A fucking single mum at that. This is not what I wanted for my baby.. My mum was fucking right!
"Don't for a second think your alone, I'm here like I told you I would be. That means for anything" he tells me and I hug him again. Why can't I have his baby instead....

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