Chapter 48

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After Liam dropped me back off home I ran myself a hot bubble bath and I'm currently laying in it tear streaked and overly emotional. I miss him already. Being in here reminds me of him, my whole fucking house does. I need my own place now more than ever..
Wiping my face I climb out the bath pulling the plug out and let the water down the drain just like my life is going.
Wrapping my body in a towel, I make my way to my room and dry quickly.
Sitting on my bed I hover over Victor's number wanting to know what he had to say and press call.
Straight to voicemail. That's weird. Trying again it does the same and I throw my phone at the pillow frustrated..
"Why ain't you answering? Damn it Victor" I say to myself and pull on underwear. Grabbing one of his t-shirts I pull it over my head and pull on a pair of blue jeans and my black shoes. Brushing my hair out I pull it up into a ponytail and order myself an Uber. I'll go to his house then I still have his key..
Grabbing my bag and phone I walk down the stairs and out the door before anyone pulls me aside. I can't be bothered with anyone right now.
Climbing into my taxi I sit there impatiently waiting to get to Victor's..

"Thanks" I say to the driver as he stops and I get out. Making my way to his door I hear loud music coming from his and wonder if he's having a party. Trying the door, glad that it's open and walk in.
Walking into the kitchen seeing some half naked girl and my stomach rolls. No.. He didn't.. Please god no! I walk into the living room and see Victor in just his boxers smoking a spliff.
"Baby girl, come join us" he says drunkenly and I think I just threw up in my mouth. Turning to leave I bump into the girl and she gives me a dirty look so I punch her taking out all my aggression on this innocent girl but I don't fucking care I swing my arms at her and suddenly feel arms wrap around my waist and lifting me up.
"Stop, stop NOW!" I hear Victor in my ear over the music and I begin to cry.
"How could you?" I ask him and he puts me down spinning I slap him hard across the face.
"How fucking could you" I shout angrily at him and he grabs my swinging hands by my sides and stares drunkenly at me.
"You better pack it in now Stacey. We're over remember.. Where's Liam?" he mocks and I knee him in the balls.
"I love you not him" I scream at him and run upstairs locking myself in his bathroom. I need to calm down this can't be good for the baby.
"Why would he do this to me. What did I do?" I ask myself looking into the mirror.
Suddenly the door handle starts to jiggle and I jump suddenly. Fuck.
"Stacey.. Stacey open the door before I kick it down" I hear Victor shouting from the other side. Ignoring him he starts banging on the door.
"Open the god damn door Stacey" he shouts and I just stand there frozen in place.
Slowly bringing my hand to the lock I unlock it and step back further.
"What the fuck are you doing?" he questions me and I just stare at him tears falling.
"I can't believe you'd just fuck someone else all because you can't handle the fact you got me pregnant. So much for being a man, little boy" I spit angrily.
He just sighs and slumps against the door frame.
"You have no idea how I'm feeling or what I'm going through" he tells me and I just stare at him.
"And you think I'm living in a fucking bubble. I'm pregnant Victor and your out her fucking random girls. You said you loved me.. HA! Clearly" I say hurt and I can see that hurt him.
"You need to leave" he tells me
"I should of stayed with Liam.. Atleast he'd man up and look after me, look at you your fucking pathetic.." I tell him and I can tell I'm hurting him but I don't care.
"It's probably his anyways" he spits looking me in the eyes. That one hurt.
I slap him again across the face and he just clenchs his fist.
"Go on I fucking dare you" I tell him
"Deadbeat and a women beater yeah" I spit and he steps back.
"Just leave Stacey you've said what you wanted to say. We're over" he reminds me and I nod.
"Yes we fucking are!" I tell him and walk out. We don't fucking need him. Putting my hand on my stomach I take one last look at him and walk out.
Running down the stairs I see the girl I punched up and laugh mocking her. And through my key at her.
"You'll need that soon" I tell her and walk out. I'm soo fucking done.

Arriving back home I run up to my room and drop on my bed crying. Why did I say them things to him. Now he's going to definitely think the baby's not his.
"Arghhhhh" I scream into my pillow and cry hard. I need to tell my mum and I just know she's going to hit the fucking roof..

Walking down the stairs I walk into the kitchen and sit down looking at my mum.
"Mum.. I'm pregnant" I just drop it and she chokes on her cuppa.
"Stacey you better not be playing with me. Seriously?" she says and by the look on my face she knows I'm serious. And I start to cry.. Again.
"Baby don't cry. It's gonna be OK" she says and I shake my head.
"He hates me mum. I don't know what to do" I tell her and she gets up hugging me.
"Its OK baby, let it out mommas here" she soothes me and my tears just flow.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now