Chapter 49

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A/N: Trigger warning read at own dismay. Thanks again 💜

Waking up in so much pain I hold my stomach and scream
"Muuuuuum" I shout not knowing what's happening and she comes flying into my room. Pulling the covers back I lay in a puddle of blood and cry.
"I'm so sorry baby" she says and starts to cry for me.
"Nooo" I cry holding my stomach.
"I'm sorry baby.. Let me call the doctors" she says but I stop her.
"No one knew apart from you and Victor. It doesn't matter" I say crying. Nothing matters right now. I need Victor..
"Do you want me to call Victor?" she asks and I nod my head.
"Ok baby I'll be back" she says grabbing my phone and calling him.
I lay there crying in so much pain and slowly start to get up and pull off my sheet wanting to just get rid of everything that remains bloody. I make my way to the bathroom and strip out my clothes and step into the shower. Switching it on I let my tears fall again crying for the lost of something I never knew or met but loved instantly. I begin to fall to the floor and hold my stomach as I see the remaining of the blood fall from me. Watching as it just goes down the drain like everything else has and cry holding my head under the hot water.

"Baby.. You've been in there for awhile are you OK?" I hear my mum through the door but I ignore her not being unable to find my voice.
"Stacey I need to know your OK?" she bangs on the door.
"Yes mum I'm fine" I call out turning off the shower feeling numb I wrap my body in a towel and open the door to her standing there with Victor.
"Baby?" he says and I walk past them both.
He actually came.. After lastnight aswell he still came. And he looks like shit.
They both walk into my room as I sit there on my bed staring at nothing and blank.
"I'll leave you too it" my mum says.
"Thanks Lyndsay" I hear Victor say but I don't pay attention to what she whispers not caring.
He crouches down infront of me and looks up into my eyes.
"What happened baby?" he asks me and I hit him again.
"You did this. You killed it. I hate you" I cry and he just let's me hit him this time and I start to cry more than ever.
"It's gonna be OK baby" he says holding me and I cry into his chest. He rubs soothing circles on my back. I slowly start to calm down and look at his tear streaked face. Why was he crying? He didn't even want the baby..
"I'm so sorry baby.. This is all my fault. I shouldn't of done what I did lastnight. Fuck none of this would of happened if it wasn't for me" he says and I begin to cry again thinking of him with that random.
"Get away from me" I scream at him.
He retreats back and lands on his ass.
"You slept with someone else then come round here all 'I'm sorry' Noo.. No Victor. Its not fair I love you and your doing what Liam did. It's not fair on me" I cry and hold myself. He looks at me hurt and stays sitting on the floor running a hand through his hair then down his face harshly.
"Nothing happened with her Stacey. It was a massive mistake telling her to come around. I was hurt OK" he says and I look at his beautiful face heart breaking. I did this to him by going to Liam. Is this my fault?
"I'm sorry I kept running to Liam. You hurt me bad.. I wanted to hurt you too" I tell him wiping my eyes. He gets up and sits next to me.
"None of this is your fault baby girl. Its all me and I understand if you hate me forever and never want to see me again. I'll go now" he says looking at me and I shake my head.
"I can't hate you Victor. I love you so much" I tell him and he kisses me. Kissing him back It feels like forever since I've felt his lips on mine.

Finally finishing crying I pull myself together I get dressed in his t-shirt and a pair of shorts going to the bathroom.
"Are you OK hunny?" my mum asks from her bedroom door.
"Yes mum a little belly ache but I'm fine." I tell her with a small smile.
"You need to use a maxi for the rest. And never blame yourself. This wasn't anyone's fault it's just one of those things that happens OK. I love you baby" she tells me and I nod my head.
"I know mum, thank you. I love you too" I tell her and hug her. She's the best I swear.
After doing my business I wash my hands and make my may back to Victor.
"How you feeling baby girl?" he asks me and I shrug.
"Numb I guess. I don't know" I tell him honestly and he nods understanding.
"What can I do for you baby. I want to help" he says and I shrug not knowing.
"Cuddle with me. That's all I need Victor. Just you" I tell him standing there.
"Come here" he holds his arms out to me and I climb onto my bed and fall into them hugging him. Missing this feeling I feel myself drift off to sleep again crying and him stroking up and down my back.

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