Chapter 50 Victor's POV

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Lying here in Stacey's bed while she sleeps in my arms feels like I don't deserve her. She lost our baby and I don't know how to feel. I was set on her not having it but now it's gone I don't know how to feel. Do I have a right to feel sad. I feel the tears creep down my cheeks and I wipe them away harshly not wanting to cry but the more I wipe the more they fall.
I need to be strong for my baby. She needs me and I will be here for her no matter what.
I hear knocking on the door and then a head pops in.
"You both OK? it's quiet in here" Lyndsay asks then sees Stacey asleep.
"We're good, thanks for calling me" I tell her sincerely and she walks in sitting on the bed.
"I don't agree with what you did Victor but I know my daughter loves you and you hurt her. I didn't think you'd be capable of that.. But this situation will bring you closer together and I hope for her sake that you don't fuck up again. She's had enough heart ache in her young life without you boys doing more. I think your great together but you need to communicate more and wear condoms. If you forget I understand with the heat of the moment but she needs to go on some sort of contraception if this is going to work. Do you want kids Victor?" she says and I shrug.
"I didn't from yesterday but this is changing my mind. I feel like I've lost something yet, I don't know what and I want it back" I tell her honestly and she nods like she understands.
"I get it.. I felt the same before I had my Stacey it happened to me and it devastated me for awhile but then I got over it, just like Stacey will" she says and runs her hand over Stacey's back.
"I'll leave you too it, you know where I am if you want to talk" she says and I nod appreciating it.
"Thanks Lyndsay" I tell her and she smiles getting up and leaving the room.
Stacey begins to move and I look down at her and she opens her eyes slowly.
"Hey beautiful, how you feeling?" I ask her with a small smile.
"Better now your still here with me" she says smiling up at me. Kissing her forehead I look down at her and check my watch. 10am she wasn't asleep long and she's suppose to have work.
"Are you going to work baby? I can call Anne and tell her your sick" I tell her hoping she says yes because I don't want to leave her.
"Please do, I can't bring myself to leave the house yet.. Are you going too?" she asks me and I shake my head.
"Not if you don't want me to. I'll stay as long as you like beautiful" I smile at her and she nods looking much better than earlier.
"What did you need from me baby girl? Anything you want I'm here" I tell her and she smiles.
"Chocolates downstairs.. And you, that's all I want baby" she says and I smile down at her.
"I love you" I tell her making her smile and blush.
"I love you too" she tells me making my heart beat faster. I'll never get enough of hearing her say that.
"I'll be back" I tell her as she sits up letting me out the bed.
Jogging down the stairs I see Macey in the kitchen eating her breakfast.
"Hey, Stacey wants chocolate" I say to her and she points to the top cupboard.
"Up there, help yourself" she tells me and I do so. Grabbing a bunch of different ones with a box aswell and two bottles of water.
"Is she OK?" she asks me looking at me.
"Yeah she's better, just relaxing now" I tell her and she nods getting back to her food so I make my way back up the stairs to my beautiful girl.
"Chocolate for you" I announce in a silly voice lightening the mood making her giggle. That's the sound I love to hear I thought smiling at her.
"I want to take you away baby girl.. Just for a weekend dont worry" I say pulling out my phone and ringing the bakery.
"Hi, is that Anne?" I ask the lady on the other end.
"Yes.. Speaking?" she says.
"Hi, I'm ringing to tell you that Stacey won't be in today as she's sick maybe the rest of the week as you know it's food related." I say
"Oh my goodness. Of course, send her my regards."
"Will do. Thank you Anne, goodbye" I say and hang up.
"So a holiday?" she says sitting up stuffing her face with a snickers.
"Yes baby a short break" I say sitting down next to her and she cuddles into me.
"Where? I'll go anywhere with you" she say happily making me smile.
"I was thinking Paris.. To get back on track and rekindle our relationship beautiful. I booked it lastnight after you left, I knew I did wrong and wanted you back. I love you more than anything baby girl" I tell her honestly and she blinks up at me slow smiling.
"Really.. We're going to Paris. Oh my god yes baby. I love you too so much" she beams happily with chocolate smudges and kisses me. Laughing at her I kiss her back and she wraps her arms around me hugging me.
"Thank you Victor. You mean the world to me baby" she tells me and my heart bursts for her.
"You have no idea my feelings for you baby girl, trust me" I tell her thinking I love her more than life itself and I don't know what I'd do without her. I fucked up and I need to make it right. And I will.

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