Chapter 51

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I can't believe Victor's taking me to Paris. Oh my god I'm so excited.
"When are we going?" I ask him excitedly.
"This weekend if you want too. Well that's when it's booked for anyways but if your not feeling up to it then I can rearrange it" he tells me and I really want to go this weekend but I think next would be better..
"Can you rearrange I want to be able to be me.. Us on the holiday baby"
"So when was you thinking baby.. Whenever your ready" he says and pulls out his phone checking his calender
"Maybe in a few weeks when my body's back to normal if that's OK?" I ask him with a smile.
"My next free Friday is in two months baby girl.. Is that OK?" he asks and I nod happily.
"Perfect I'll be back to my usual self hopefully by then" I tell him and he nods typing away.
"Well that's booked so we're going away Two months Thursday baby girl I added you to the calendar event so you can remember too" he tells me and I check my phone buzzing with excitement. I can't wait.
Wait I have a text from Liam...

Liam: I hope your feeling better after what happened uno am always here for you beautiful X

Knowing Victor read the text because I feel him tense up behind me I reply back.

Stacey: Me and Victor are good but sad news for the baby.. Its gone 😔 don't want to talk about it anymore. Thanku for everything

Hitting sent I put my phone down and look at Victor.
"He's just looking out for me that's all. It's nothing like that anymore baby" I tell him and he nods.
"I know, I just don't like it but I can't stop you talking to him baby girl, whatever makes you happy" he says and I smile.
"I love you Victor Jones" I tell him and kiss him sitting in his lap.
He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tight.
"I love you Stacey Bloom" he says making me smile. Suddenly my phone starts to ring. Looking at the called I.D I see Liam across the screen and look at Victor he just shrugs so I answer it.
"What the fuck do you mean it's gone. What fucking happened Stacey?" he asks angrily down the phone
"I had a miscarriage this morning Liam I told you I didn't want to talk about it" I say looking at Victor.
"People don't just have fucking miscarriages Stacey, it must of been the stress" he says and I sigh.
"My drinking wouldn't of helped either. Well it's happened and we're both to blame then. That make you happy?" I say
"Why would I be happy? You lost your baby god damn it! And Victor's back around all of a sudden. Worked out great for him didn't it" he says and he's beginning to piss me off.
"You know what Liam fuck you!" I say and Victor just stares at me.
"You wish darling, I'll be paying your man a fucking visit don't you worry about that. Bye" he says and hangs up.
"Rude much" I say looking at my phone and putting it back down.
"Don't worry about him baby. He'll get over himself. It's about us not him" he says and I smile.
"Your right, I just feel shit for dragging him into our shit" I tell him
My phones starts to ring again. Mia this time.
"You was fucking pregnant? And you didn't tell me" she says pissy
"It all happened so fast babe I'm sorry." I tell her feeling more bad now. Leaning my head on Victor's chest I listen to her.
"Liam's going mad. He's fuming with Victor. Jason's trying to calm him down but I don't think it's working.." she says and all I can hear is Liam stressing banging around in the background. Shit
"Move Jason he's a fucking dead man" is all I hear in the background then alot of scuffling
"Jasonnn" Mia screams and the phone goes off beeping. Fuck.
"What happened?" Victor asks me and I look up at him.
"Jason's trying to calm Liam down but he says your a dead man" I tell him and his face drops. Shit..
"It's gonna be OK baby girl don't worry about it" he tells me.
"I won't let him hurt you, I promise you that" I tell him and he kisses my forehead breathing me in.
"I'll be OK" he says again and I'm not so sure.
"You will be, Liam won't hurt you he knows what I'll do" I tell him and he looks at me confused.
"He loves me to much to hurt you. He knows it will hurt me"
Looking at my phone go off again I check it.

Liam: Please meet me and I promise I won't hurt him X

Showing Victor the text rolling my eyes I smirk and he laughs.
"Told you" I say smug and text him back.

Stacey: Not leaving my house today.. You know where I live Liam

Sending the text I put it back and Mia rings me back.
"Girl he's on his way to you now. He's calmed down but I don't know how long for. Be careful babe" she tells me
"Liam won't hurt me Mia. You know this and he won't hurt Victor for me so we'll be fine. Thanks for the heads up tho" I tell her
"Alright I'll call you later babe bye"
"Bye babes" I say and we hang up.
"So Liam's on his way" I tell Victor and he nods gripping me tighter.
"Nothing will happen trust me" I reassure him with a smile.
"I hope your right baby girl. I've seen what he can do" he says and I remember Marcus. Yeah... Shit!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now