Chapter 52

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Hearing banging on my door I make my way slowly down the stairs not to cause to much pain and look around for my mum. She must of gone out. Good.
Opening the door Liam comes through smiling staring at Victor..
"Dont even think about it Liam" I say standing right infront of him. He looks at me holding myself up awkwardly and something in his eyes changes.
"You fucking did this" he says sounding emotional pointing at Victor.
"You don't think I fucking know this Liam. You don't think I'm fucking trying here" Victor says coming up behind me.
"Why didn't you try before when all of this started" Liam says calmly and I look back up at him. Begging with my eyes for him not to hurt him.
"I'm not going to do anything. I promised you and I keep my word" Liam says to me and I give him a small smile.. Thanking him silently.
"So what did you come for?" I ask him and he just looks at me.
"I don't fucking know Stacey. I love you and I'm hurting for you. I needed to see you and make sure you was OK" he tells me and I'm grateful. He's been amazing these past few days.
"I know Liam, thank you. But I'm OK Victor's here and has been all day" I tell him and he looks to Victor disgusted.
"I'm losing my fucking mind, the woman I love has lost her baby. My mum is losing her battle to cancer. I have so much anger built up and no one to take it out on anymore" he says looking straight at me. Victor was clearly the person he wanted to take it out on. But he won't for me. Thank God.. He'd end up killing him for fuck sake.
"I'm sorry about your mum Liam I can't imagine what your going through" I tell him putting my hand on his. He grasps it tight and looks me in the eye.
"I'm doing this for you and only you Stacey please don't make me regret another thing" he tells me and I nod understanding him
"You won't Liam I promise. He's here now and will be" I tell him
"Please be the man I thought you were, I don't want to hurt you because you look like your hurting enough and I'm adding to that. I'm sorry" Liam says letting go off my hand after squeezing it a little.
"I know I fucked up man and I'm trying to put it right now. Just let me" Victor tells him and I look at him smiling. My poor baby.
"I can respect a man that can own up to his faults. This is your last chance Victor" Liam tells him then kisses me on the cheek.
"Goodbye Stacey, I won't be bothering you again. I can't do this anymore" he says and walks out the door closing it behind him. What does that mean? He can't do this anymore? And what's with the goodbye?
"Let's get you back upstairs baby girl" Victor says to me and swoops me up carrying me up.
"Well that went better than I expected" he adds looking at me.
"I know for a minute I thought he wasn't going to listen to me and fly at you. Thank God I was there" I say as he lays me back down and climbs in behind me.
"I hate that you had to do that beautiful but I appreciate it none the less" he says and kisses me.
"It's OK, we got each other's backs" I say smirking and he nudges me.
"Alright then" he chuckles and cuddles into me.

Suddenly hearing loud voices outside I jump out the bed and I swear it's Liam I can hear. I see him smacking the shit out of some man on my street and try run down the stairs. Victor follows me and I open the door seeing people gather around aswell. Pushing past them I call out to him.
"Liam.. Liam stop you'll kill him.. Liam" but nothing, he's in his zone and there's no getting out of it. I call Mia quickly.
"Are you with Jason?" I ask her in a rush.
"Yeah why.. We're kind of busy" she says and I cringe thinking of them.
"Put him on.. Now" I tell her.
"Stacey what's wrong?" he asks
"It's Liam, he's beating the shit out of some man on my street and he won't stop. I cant get him to stop. You need to get here like now" I tell him and hang up.
"Liam.. Look at me" and he does but I can tell it's not him by his eyes. Fuck! I step back and he carries on pounding the poor guys face. What did he even do?
Suddenly he stops and lays down on the ground laughing with his arms out.
"Liam.. Liam your scaring me talk to me" I say and he starts to sit up.
"Now I feel better.. Stacey?" he asks confused.
"Yeah it's me, come on, let's get you up and inside" I tell him but he shakes his head.
"Go home now" he says and I shake my head at him.
"I can't just leave you out here.. Jason's on his way aswell" I tell him and he nods laying back down. What the fucks wrong with him. I've never seen him this fucked up.
Did I do this to him.. on top of his mums stressful battle?
Hearing sirens I shout at him.
"Liam you need to go before they get here. I'm so sorry I did this to you. Please leave now" I tell him but he just lays there.
"It's not your fault and I'm waiting for them" he says standing up clenching his fists. Fuck sake. No!
"Noo! You can't you'll go back to prison Liam" I say starting to panic my emotions all over the place
"It's where I belong.. Victor take her in now" he says and I shake my head again.
"I'm not leaving you Liam" I say to him but Victor grabs me and picks me up.
"I love you Stacey, now bring it on" he says walking towards the cop car. Victor rushes me into the house and I can't breathe. I can't just leave him out there alone.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now