Iyi ki doğdun kızım 🤍

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Hello SÇK family !
Here we go for a one shot picking up from the amazing cliffhanger of episode 43 of SÇK ! This one shot has been inspired from some images from the first fragman !

I hope you will enjoy it ! Please don't hesitate to tell me what do you think about it !


" Hayir ! I want Baba, if he isn't here I won't blew any candle " yelled stubbornly Kiraz another time and Eda sighed, she knew that when Kiraz is in such state it was almost impossible to deal with her . Her daughter was stuborn, she may even be the most stubborn kid in the world, but to her defense she was the daughter of Eda and Serkan so stubbornness was on her genes !

Ah Serkan ! thoutgh hopefully Eda, if only she could convince him somehow to change his mind and to try to face his fears and insecurities as hard as it is ! If only he understood that Kiraz doesn't need a perfect father, she just needs him her father !

Eda still hadn't processed all what Serkan told her yesterday because it was too much pain for her to handle, and today with Kiraz disparition she hadn't the time to seat calmly and think about it, but she was determined to talk to him again to tell him how Kiraz was tired of the perfect image of an absent father and how much she needed her real father with all his imperfections. To tell him that he will be an incredible father.  Or she will rather tell him that he already is an incredible father, Kiraz loves him with all her heart, she enjoys spending time with him and remembers every little detail he tells her. She never got attached to someone this quickly.

Eda sighed again, thinking about how to convince Kiraz, maybe she should just call Serkan and talk to him right now ? If he saw how desperate Kiraz is may be he will change his mind ?

Suddenly she felt an acceleration in her heartbeats, a feeling she knew very well, a feeling that happened just around one person. She looked up at and the vision she saw took her breath away : Serkan was entrering in an astraunot suit and a balloon in his hand !

The whole assistance was staring at him in a complete surprise, most of them with tears on their eyes : Serkan Bolat was joining Kiraz's birthday party dressed in an astraunot suit. This could mean only one thing, he is here to be part of his daughter's life.

Seeing the surprise in everybody faces, Kiraz turned and found her self with an astraunot who could only be ...

" Aaaah....Baba "

Eveyone on the birthday venue had eyes glued on the emmotional daughter father meeting playing before their eyes, they were all unconsciously holding their breaths in an attempt to not disturb this unique moment. No one even noticed that Burak had turned his back , refusing to see a dream he has been harbouring for almost a year crashing before his eyes.

Serkan removed the astraunot helmet, letting Kiraz see his face and kneeled down to her level. His heart was beating madly, his hands were shaking, all kind of emotions rushing trough his mind. But he brushed off all his emotions and said in a very soft voice : " Doğum günün kutlu olsun kızım "

Eda was looking at them and barely breathing, she felt she could faint any second, but she tried to calm herself, it was the worst time to faint. She dreamed about this moment every single night in those five years away from Serkan, so no she won't faint and miss the two people she loves the most   meeting both of them finally knowing who the other is.

Everyone was waiting for the little girl reaction. Kiraz turned to her Mum her eyes asking for a confirmation, Eda nodded at her daughter silently confirming what she understood and Kiraz turned to Serkan again finally breaking the silence addressing him a question : " Serkan Bolat ! sen benim babamsın ? "

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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