Chapter 53

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Standing at my living room window watching as the cop car stops and one man jumps out. How on earth is this one man going to arrest him. He's definitely getting away. Thank fuck.
"He's gonna be alright baby girl" Victor says coming up behind me and hugging me.
"I hope so" I tell him not taking my eyes of Liam and the cop fighting. He takes him out and I see Jason and Mia.
"I need to go back out and do something.. Anything" I tell him but he grabs me.
"Liam's right, you don't need to be out there in your situation baby girl just relax OK. Jason's here now" he says and I watch as Jason tries to drag Liam off and it's not happening. Why won't he listen. I start to panic thinking he's gonna kill the cop and get an even bigger sentence.
"I need Mia then" I tell him and he backs away and I run and make it out the door before he catches me.
"Liammmm" I scream as loud as I can and he pauses looking back at me. Jason makes a move and grabs him finally containing the situation.
He drags Liam to his car and Mia comes running over to me.
"What the fuck happened Stacey?" she asks and looks around the street.
"That could have been Victor Mia" I tell her and walk back into my house with her and Victor now Jason's drove off with Liam. I hope he's OK.
"What? I told you he was on one. He's fucking psycho Stacey" she says to me and I nod already knowing.
But I'm completely OK with that knowing he would NEVER hurt me sooo..
"I know Mia. But I still need to know he's OK. Call Jason" I tell her and she sighs looking at Victor.
"I said call him.. NOW!" I raise my voice and she holds up her hands.
"OK.. Jeez chill out will you" she tells me and I take a deep breath. I just want to know he's OK isit that hard?
"Hello, Is he OK?" she says down the phone and looks at me.
"He's fine, just a little confused" she tells me covering the mouthpiece of the phone. Nodding I take the phone.
"Put him on" I say without thinking and hear him
"Stacey.. Thank you" he says and I begin to cry angrily.
"You stupid fucking bastard. Why on earth would you do that.. In front of my house aswell. What is wrong with you. And that could of been Victor if I wasn't there" I say getting irritated with them staring at me.
"Calm down, I'm sorry I don't know what happened I left yours and its blank and now I'm in Jason's car and I have no idea what happened in between. I'd never hurt him like that.. That would hurt you" he says and I calm down hearing him.
"Never do that again Liam. You understand me. You scared the shit out of me.. And today of all days" I tell him and I know he's put his head down.
"I know, I'm sorry. I need serious help. It was all a build up and I'm lost since you came back into my life I don't know what to do anymore" he says sounding emotional. He's actually crying.
"Don't cry Liam, it's gonna be OK. Where's Jason taking you?" I ask him hoping he tells me so I can go to him.
He was there for me now its my turn to do the same.
"I have no idea.. I'll find out when I'm there and text you, I hope to see you soon. I'm so sorry" he says again.
"I know you are. It's OK I'll always forgive you" I tell him and I sense the smile and he breaths out a sigh of relief.
"I love you Stacey Bloom" he tells me and I don't know what to say back..
"It's OK, don't say anything. I'll see you soon.. I hope" he says and we hang up. Handing Mia back her phone I turn to see Victor watching me carefully.
"Feel better now?" he asks and I nod walking into the kitchen.

After awhile Mia left and Victor stayed with me like he promised to and I still wait around for the text off Liam. Where is Jason taking him. I need to be there for him and make sure he's good for fuck sake.
"What did you want to do beautiful? We can go to mine if you didn't want to stay here" he asks me and I nod my head I could get high to be fair.
"Sure, doesn't look like he's texting anytime soon let me get some stuff together and get ready." I tell him kissing him and walking back up to my room.
I check my phone again and I finally have a message.

Liam: I'm somewhere safe for now. Don't feel like you have to come.. Your with Victor anyways 🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

I sigh knowing he's right I can't be running around after my wild ex on a goose chase because he's crazy. But I want to help.. Some way anyways.

Stacey: How can I help? I want to be there for you Liam. Please let me.. Don't push me away

Sending the text I put my phone down and start to get dressed. Pulling out light blue distressed denim jeans and a white baggy Nike jumper I put on socks and pull on my white air forces.
"You ready?" I hear Victor say coming up the stairs.
"Nearly, just doing my hair" I call back brushing my hair and wrapping the bobble into it for a messy bun.
Looking myself over in the mirror feeling and looking like shit but not caring to fix it. Grabbing a bag I pull out pajamas and some more clothes for tomorrow as I'll end up staying out anyways.
Done. I thought looking around my room.
Checking my phone that's vibrating I read the text.

Liam: I'll never push you away Stacey. And if you really want to be here for me I'm at my safehouse, bring weed and alcohol.. And Victor ofcourse. Victor knows where it is tell him it's where we took M. He'll understand X

Looking up at Victor I show him the text and he scans it quickly and nods.
"Let's go we'll grab some shit on the way" he says to me and he's being really understanding it makes me love him more. Helping my ex isn't an easy thing.. Especially Liam fucking Johnson.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now