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I poured all of my concentration and effort into my staring contest with the school locker. It had a rusty reddish tint to the original sea foam blue paint that was beginning to chip off, and it was definitely metal. I sighed, taking my frustration out on the door. A teacher down the hall poked her head out of her classroom and gave me a disapproving grunt.

I ran a hand down my face and through my hair, done with everything. My mind brought back memories from when I screwed up... Bad. The metal gutters twisting in utter despair into a useless ball in the dying grass when I had been walking to school. The teacher's desktop computer screen caving in when I was called up to give a presentation. The new, expensive flat screen TV splitting in half. The one that my dad had been waiting weeks for to be delivered, spending all of his extra money to please himself. The iron screws at Home Depot piercing their packages as I walked by, trying to escape.

There was only one logical explanation. I was a super hero. Okay maybe not a superhero, but something was definitely going on. These circumstances didn't seem like "just coincidences." If only the locker just bent, just a little pressure, so I could know that I wasn't crazy. Or less crazy, at least.

My mind hurt from forcing all of my concentration on something so physically impossible. I felt a scream, pure frustration boiling within me, fighting, struggling to get out. Out of the corner of my eye, a flash of silver pierced my gaze. A boy about a year older than me had rushed past. His hair so pale it could be mistaken for brand new, shining metal. He seemed distressed, and I felt the need to run after him. If I had tried to help him, he'd probably think I was one of those kids who thought he was "all that". I was in the middle of the popularity group, not the nerd, but not the jock, or the one everyone seemed to love and hate at the same time. Just the right amount of popularity. I knew I was nothing special, and there wasn't anything that could change that, especially not a secret power. I tugged at the collar of my red and gray flannel that was beginning to choke me. I needed some fresh air.

My throat started to close up and my eyes started to blur. My head pounded like one of the drums down the hall in the band room. This was a different feeling. One that I've felt a couple times before. Like when that desktop caved in on itself or the gutters twisted in despair. I couldn't breathe as I was bathed in fear and anxiety that something was wrong with me. What was possibly going on? My ears started to ring, and I couldn't take it any longer.

I felt like I wasn't connected with my body at all. I was commanding myself from above, like a puppeteer showcasing a performance. But it's not like my pounding headaches were an attraction to look forward to. I had to snap out of it. I couldn't stand in the middle of a hallway and do this where anyone could see me. I willed my feet to start moving, then slowly paced myself into jog. The thing I didn't know, was that right when I turned my back, the metal locker caved in on itself

Written by reirei13 and coliet27

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