The Book

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Chapter 1

Brother's Secret

"On November 20th, 2016, we had won against impossible odds. A creature known as Gojira, or in english Godzilla, was frozen in the middle of Tokyo. Only flaw was that 20 days later Godzilla broke free from the ice and obliterated the rest of Tokyo with its atomic breath...", Mr. Yamamoto said as he told the class about the 2016 attacks.

"I've seen Godzilla." Haruto said out loud and we all looked at him and laughed. Only one who didn't laugh was his brother Kaito.

"Haruto is not lying. We have video evidence on our phone." Kaito attempted to back-up his brother's story. They had seen Godzilla in Tokyo Bay a few days back.

Mr. Yamamoto looked sternly at the class. "Now, as I was saying, Godzilla ran back into the ocean after the attacks, and has NEVER been seen since."

Haruto pulled out his phone and started to scroll through his videos, looking for the chilling photo. Mr. Yamamoto lunged at his phone and tried to grab it, but Haruto quickly pulled it away, holding the phone high above him. A ear shattering roar echoed through the room and everyone ran towards him, watching the video.

The phone had been dropped from a boat, and it began to sink. A purple light flickered in the dark water. Just before you could get a clear shot of the creature, the phone was pulled out of the water and screaming filled the air before the video cut off.

Silence filled the classroom for a minute before Mr. Yamamoto grabbed Haruto's phone and threw it on his desk. "This is still not proof! Godzilla is gone! Gone, I say! And Haruto and Kaito, detention! Both of you! Now!". Mr. Yamamoto pushed both of the kids out of the room and began teaching again.

"No one believes us Kaito, we should just stop showing them." Haruto said as he walked down the hall, looking through doors. He found an empty one and jumped inside.

"Haruto what are you doing?" Kaito stuttered as he was pulled inside the dark room. Gasping, he looked around. The room was filled with newspapers on the wall. He read one of them:

"In November of 2020, citizens gather around Tokyo to honor the victims of the 2016 attacks. The Government is blamed for the slow response to Godzilla's awakening, and half of the officials retired because of all the protesting. A mass grave site outside of Tokyo has the Prime Minister from 2016, who was killed by Godzilla after reportedly attempting to escape Japan. Now, we move onto..."

The paper was cut off there. A TV began playing on mute across the room, showing videos from Godzilla's rampage across Japan.

"Welcome to my lab. School has no idea about this place, it's where I study Godzilla. Learn his powers and weaknesses." Haruto stated as he went through a pile of drawings and brushed cheeto dust off his desk.

"Your what??" Kaito whispered. "You are keeping tabs on Godzilla?? You? You of all people?" He continued as he looked around, spotting a computer screen with a red dot flickering on it. "Is that Godzilla?"

Chapter 2

Flash from the Past

Haruto sighed as he stared at the flickering dot. "Yes. I've been sneaking out at night, going to the pier and looking for any signs, and I found one. Godzilla may be coming back."

Kaito gasped as he ran to the window and looked out at the skyline of Tokyo, its neon lights shining bright in the evening sunlight. "We need to tell father! We need to tell the police! Tell someone that he is going to return!"

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