Chapter 56

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"Let's order some food" Liam says to me as we're dancing and I perk up.
"Yes I'm starving" I tell him and he moves away grabbing his phone as me and Victor continue to dance.
"You enjoying dancing with Liam?" he asks me into my ear and I can feel his smirk on my neck.
"I don't see you complaining" I tell him as I grind my ass on him and he sucks on my neck.
"No complains here" he groans into my ear.
"That's what I thought" I tell him bending over twerking to the song. He grabs my hips and enjoys it as Liam walks in.
"Awkward much" he says to us and I laugh blushing as he comes up to me.
"Foods on its way, I've order pizza, burgers and kebabs, chips the works enough food for a village" he says loud over the music.
I thumbs up him as I continue to dance and he grabs me from Victor and holds my hips spinning me around while I wine on him this time. Looking at Victor he doesn't seem to mind so I continue my fun.
"Your bad beautiful" Liam says into my ear and I smirk up at him.
"Don't see any of you complaining" I tell him and lean my head back on his shoulder while he wraps his arms around my waist.
"I've missed this, you" he says and I spin in his arms backing away back to Victor shaking my head smirking still.
"Of course you have" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"Lets play a game. Truth, Dare or shot" Victor says looking at us and I gulp. Shit.
"OK. Let's do it" Liam says turning down the music and walking out. Suddenly appearing with shot glasses I sit on the floor and bill myself a spliff while Liam pours tequila shots. Damn that's gonna hit me.
"Round of shots first" Victor says excited and I giggle nodding.
"Let's go" I say grabbing a shot and backing mine.
"Eughh" I pull a face and shake my head wow that's strong.
"You go first" I tell Victor and Liam smirks.
"So Victor, truth or dare?" Liam asks him
"Fuck it dare" he says amping himself up.
"OK, I dare you to down as much of this bottle as you can" Liam says grabbing a hidden bottle from next to him.
I look at it and think rather you than me mate.
"You still have that?" I say to Liam laughing.
"You've had it?" Victor asks me grabbing the bottle and looking at it.
"Yeah it's strong as fuck. Try it" I tell him and he smells it heaving.
"Come on man do it or shot" Liam says and Victor takes a deep breath and tips the bottle to his mouth taking a first swig and stops. Heaving a little he handles it and goes back for more. Shit Victor.
He drinks a quarter of the bottle then stops heaving and grabs his spliff.
"That's not that bad I guess" he says coughing now the burn soaks in.
"Good strong shit" Liam says winking at me knowing what's about to happen I look at Victor and feel sorry for him. Bless him he has no idea what he's just done.
"Next Stacey" Liam says and I sit up.
"I'll start with a truth and work up" I say ready to grab a shot at the question.
"OK.. Truth you say." Liam says winking at me and I know it's going to be something childish.
"Who took your virginity?" Liam asks me and I gulp taking a drink of my drink.
"Erm.. You did" I say embarrassed and he looks at me surprised.
"Fuck, really? And I did you like that shit!" he says rubbing his hand over his face harshly.
"Yes really, now you know, and I know I took yours too" I tell him smug and he gapes at me.
"How the fuck did you find out?" he asks me
"You told Jason" I say and he nods understanding.
"Ok your turn truth or dare" I ask Liam and he sits back.
"Truth" he says straight away looking at me.
"Did you cheat on me?" I ask him thinking that's all I want to know.. For now.
"No never, I was obsessed with you.. Still am" he says looking me over.
"OK. Good. Next, Victor truth or dare?" I ask him smiling.
"Fuck it I'll have a truth too" he says laughing.
"Do you wish that you finished Marcus off" Liam asks him and my mouth drops open. Why would he ask that.
"You know what yeah I do. He deserved so much more but at the same time I'm glad I didn't" he says and I'm happy with that answer.
"Decent.. Good to know" Liam says and I take a shot needing it then fill up my glass.
"Stacey your turn" Victor says. Fuck it
"Dare why not" I tell them sitting on my knees looking between them.
"I dare you to kiss Liam" Victor says and I stare at him mouth open what the fuck, is he serious?
"Are you serious?" I ask him looking at him.
"Absolutely baby girl do it" he says with a smirk. I stare at him wondering if he's joking but I can tell he's not. Shit what do I do? I already feel drunk.
"I'll take the shot for you" Liam says.
"No you won't. She's gonna do the dare ain't you baby" he says smirking looking me over. Standing up I walk over to Liam and peck his cheek.
"There, done" I say and he shakes his head. "Don't think so. That's cheating, just kiss him already, it's a game.. Its fun nothing will change" Victor says and I sigh taking. A deep breath and look at Liam who's smirking. I did this the other night.. Its not that hard Stacey just kiss him already. I lean in to kiss him and liam grabs my face and kisses me forceful and I get lost in it kissing him back. He slides his tongue into my mouth like he used to and I moan a little and quickly pull away.
"Happy now?" I say to Victor who doesn't look to happy. He asked for this.
"I'm not that happy but least you did it. You look like you well.. Sounded like you enjoyed it anyways" he says and I roll my eyes at him.
"Anyways let's continue" I say with a small smile at them.
"Liam truth or dare?" I ask him.
"Dare" he says simply
"I dare you to kiss Stacey, I didn't like it but it was kind of hot" Victor says and I stare at him confused. What's happening?
"Are you serious bro.. Like I will do it and not care" Liam says standing up.
"Yeah, do it" Victor says and I sigh out standing up.
Liam grabs me again and kisses me softly picking me up as my legs go weak. I wrap my legs around his waist kissing him back pulling him in getting lost again not caring right now.
He pulls away far to soon and I'm left breathless as he puts me back down I sit down quickly and look anywhere but at Victor. Shit it's getting hot in here..
"Victor truth or dare?" Liam asks sitting down drinking some of his drink.
"Truth" he says smirking.
"OK. Did you actually enjoy watching us kiss?" I ask him confused at what he's playing at.
"Yeah, but I'm confused as to why?" he says and I nod. OK then..
"Stacey..." Liam says
"Truth" I say not wanting to kiss Liam again.. I think anyways my heads confusing me.
"Did you enjoy kissing Liam?" Victor asks me and I gulp. If I shot he's gonna know it's a yes so I might aswell answer.
"Yes" I say quietly and look down feeling ashamed.
"It's alright I enjoyed it too" Liam says not fucking helping.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now