Chapter 58

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Swaying my hips as Liam holds onto me I feel his dick against my ass and I pause for a second not knowing if to move away or not. We're all in our fucking underwear but I don't care. I needed to have fun today and that's what I'm doing regardless of the consequences. Victor doesn't seem to mind watching Liam's hands roam my stomach and up towards my bra then back down again. I spin in his arms trying not to look down and smile up at him, leaning over a little I twerk for Victor showing him what he's missing and I suddenly feel his hands on my ass.
"Baby girl, your teasing us" he growls and I wink at him continuing to dance like I have no care in the world. Liam offers me another drink and I take it happily downing it and hand him the glass back with him smirking at me.
"Still a drinker I see" he says into my ear and I nod my head.
"You've seen my best friend" I say laughing and he laughs too.
"How did I fuck this up beautiful" Liam says lowly into my ear and I shrug.
"You didn't want me anymore" I say and raise my arms running them down his chest teasing him and back up again. I glance down and he catches me and I blush. Shit. He wasn't ment to see me.
"I never stopped wanting you. Please believe that" he says and he's confusing me even more.
"You say you want me and love me but your loves not good enough basically.. Its confusing Liam" I tell him sighing looking into his eyes.
"My love broke you, that doesn't mean I ever stopped loving you Stacey. I'm sorry if I'm confusing. I'm trying to be open and honest.. Its hard because Victor's there and your no longer mine" he says and I look at a drunken Victor sat back on the sofa smoking his spliff watching me dance.
"I know but clearly we need to talk then Liam" I tell him seriously swaying a little and he grabs me pulling me close.
"I'm here and ready whenever you are, you'll always come first. I can't help how I feel its killing me" he tells me and my heart breaks for him.
"Your nothing how you used to be you know that.. That's the confusing part. It's like the begining but a hundred times better. I don't know how to feel" I tell him honestly and he looks into my eyes and leans in.
"What I did to you fucked me up too. And I've grown up alot since then.. I'll never be that person again. I know what I want" he says and my knees start to weaken. What the fuck is wrong with me recently, when I'm around Liam this shit happens.
"I will not ruin your relationship Stacey. I love and respect you to much to be that guy" he says and I smile.
"There's no relationship to ruin" I tell him smirking and he kisses me. Fuck what do I do. I want to kiss him back but I don't know if I should. Shit shit shit. Someone help me.
He pulls away and looks into my eyes.
"Just promise me you won't play with me, my hearts fragile and I go crazy when I'm hurting. Which you seen earlier" he says and pulls me into a hug, hugging him back and it feels weird to be hugging him in my underwear but so normal after doing it a thousand times before.
"I won't play with you Liam but your confusing my feeling for you aswell. I was so scared I'd lose you earlier and now your here in my arms I don't know what to feel" I tell him honestly sighing.
"Like I've told you multiple times I love you Stacey Bloom and want you.. And I don't know how to stop it. I don't want to stop it" he tells me and my heart starts to beat faster in my chest. I want to kiss him. Should I? I'm drunk so what the hell.
Grabbing his face I connect our lips and melt against him, kissing him as he picks me up wrapping me legs around his waist he kisses me forcefully and I feel his dick between my legs growing against my cleft. Fuck I forgot how big he is. Jeez
Pulling away feeling everything and nothing I jump down and run off towards the kitchen. What the fuck was that Stacey? I ask myself and sigh leaning against the kitchen counter. Why are all these feeling coming back now. I can't stop them.
Victor walks into the kitchen watching me and gives me a smile. Passing me the spliff he sighs.
"What's wrong baby girl? Not having fun" he asks pulling me in and I hug him leaning my head on his chest.
"I don't know, I need another drink I know that" I tell him and he drunkenly looks through cupboards and finally finds the one with all the alcohol in it. He pulls out a bottle of vodka for me and hands it to me.
"I need to sit back down baby girl" he says and walks off.. That drink clearly licked him bless him. He ain't gonna remember anything more than likely. I follow him back into the living room and see that Liam's gone. Where is he? I make my way up the stairs and find him in a bedroom head in his hands.
"Liam?" I say walking into him standing infront of him
"I'm sorry, I can't keep watching you with him. It's killing me" he says looking up at me emotional.
"I'm sorry Liam. I know it's hard what do you want me to do?" I ask him looking into his eyes. He stands up
"I want you to be happy with or without me" he says and looks me over.
"I want you in my life Liam. I don't want to lose you again" I tell him and he holds me against his hard body. I wrap my arms around him feeling him against me.
Missing the feeling, the smell of him I close my eyes and take him in.
"I'll be in your life as long as you want me to be regardless of how I feel" he says sighing and I feel selfish.
"Am I being selfish with you. Keeping you close when I should be letting you go?" I ask him and he shakes his head.
"I can't let go.. That's the point. I don't want to, you never stopped being on my mind. I missed you everyday Stacey. I couldn't go with anybody without thinking of you. That's why I've stayed single all this time. It's always going to be you Stacey" he says and I feel my eyes watering.
"I love you Liam" I tell him and he kisses me again but I kiss him back like before.. Like he's mine. Because he is. And always will be. I own his heart and he will own mine. Forever.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now