Chapter 60

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Back at the house we find Victor fast asleep on the sofa with a spliff hanging out his mouth. Bless him. I remove the spliff and go sit next to Liam and spark it while Liam bills his own.
"How you telling him? Or did you want me to?" he asks me and I look at him for a moment.
"I'd love you to. But I think it'd be best coming from me, dont you?" I ask him and he chuckles.
"Why do I care. As long as you stay with me I'm OK" he says smirking and I slap his arm playfully.
"You know how hard this is gonna be. You flipped my life upside down Liam" I tell him and he looks at me sadly
"I'm sorry beautiful. I couldn't help talking to you when I seen you and I haven't been able to stay away since, I want.. No need you back" he tells me and I smile shyly at him. He's really fucking with my head. I think to myself and the shit he did and the way he's been since coming back into my life has been a complete u-turn. He's been there for me through alot, before and now and I want to be there for him. But would we work? I don't know..
"What's got you thinking so hard beautiful?" he asks me and I look at a sleeping Victor.
"If we'd actually work out again?" I ask him and he sighs.
"I'd give you my all and prove to you everyday that I'm worth your love" he tells me grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes. I hate when he does this because I get lost in them so easily and I have to say yes..
"OK" I say because I love him and with that I have to atleast try this. Victor will understand right?
"No pressure love, take your time please don't rush it. Your worth the wait. I'm not going anywhere" he says kissing my hand.
We kick back sparking our spliffs and just relax. I really need to think what to do. I want Liam but I want Victor too. What am I suppose to do. Can't I have them both?
"I can't wait to show you the folder I hope you like what I picked out for you.. Remember I was young" he says chuckling and I laugh thinking of him back then having a little secret folder for our future all along when I thought he'd run a mile from me.. How wrong was I?
"I can't wait to see it. I'll love it because you planned it" I say smiling happily.
"Are you done drinking?" he asks me randomly looking at the bottles around the room. I shrug my shoulders not really minding either way.
"Have you?" I ask looking back at him.
"I'm always drunk on love for you, but I can always drink more" he says smirking and I laugh at his cheesiness.
"What do you want to drink?" I ask him and he points to the JD bottle by the side of Victor. Getting up I grab it and swig from the bottle enjoying the burn and hand it over to him watching him do the same.
"I really want you to think about us Stacey. Sober not drunk and we'll talk about it over the next few days" he says and I nod
"I know and I will, I promise" I tell him with a grin. Already considering it.
"How you feeling?" he asks looking concern putting his hand on my stomach. And I forgot about it to be honest
"I'm good, really Liam don't worry about me I'll be fine" I tell him
"I always worry about you Stacey. Always have always will" he says pulling me closer to him.
I cuddle up next to him enjoying his touch surrounding me and take the bottle back drinking from it.
"I miss everything about you" he randomly says making me smile more.
"I've missed you Liam, all of you" I tell him and he blushes a little. Aww bless him
Just like he used too.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you" he says seductively making me blush now.
"Don't worry, I ain't trying to get in your knickers. I'll wait as long as it takes, even if you take me back. I know your not ready" he says and I nod smiling.
"I want you now" he says and grabs at his growing cock. I can't help but look at it and my eyes pop. Fucking hell.
"I want you too" I say feeling hot I squirm next to him and spin facing him. Taking my hand he rests it over him and I feel it twitch under my touch. Fuck I've missed him.
"We can't be doing this Liam. Victor's right there" I say pulling my hand away but he grabs it and kisses it instead.
"I was just letting you feel how turned on you make me" he says and I pick the bottle back up feeling extra hot and dehydrated I drink alot and he pulls it from me..
"No you don't. We're not having another drunken episode" he says chuckling and swigs from the bottle. So I light my spliff instead needing something. What am I doing.. Today's been a whirlwind of emotions and my brains all over the place and I know the alcohol isn't helping really just confusing me more.
"I'm good how you feeling?" I ask him after a moment.
"You know me, I can drink all night and all day" he says then drinks more. I grab the bottle and down it feeling like all this talking is sobering me up.
"Shots?" I ask him getting up and sitting on the floor at the coffee table and pour us both tequila shots.
"I love how you keep pace with me baby, no one else can" he tells me rolling his eyes.
"You know me, what about Jason?" I ask him and he shrugs
"He can drink but not like me.. Us" he says and takes the shot I'm offering. I back mine with him and pour a few more backing them one after the other feeling the buzz come back and stand up turning the music up knowing Victor will stay asleep from the last time I seen someone drink Liam's drink.
"Let's dance" I tell him grabbing another shot and giving him one as he stands straight up.
Nicki Minaj - Freak, comes on and I start to dance whining my hips and he comes up behind me holding my waist as I roll my hips into him grinding on him this time close up not caring and feel his cock instantly grow against my ass and I push back onto him enjoying the feeling of his hands back on my body.
"That's it baby, work that sexy ass" he says into my ear causing goosebumps to form over my skin. Lifting up my arms he pulls my hoodie over my head and I let him and I'm getting hot and he throws it to the sofa running his hands over me roaming everywhere.
"My perfect Stacey, I love you" he tells me and I spin in his arms wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I love you" I tell him smiling as he kisses my lips softly and pulls me closer.
I love Liam fucking Johnson!

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now