Chapter 61

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Waking up stretching my body awkwardly feeling arms wrapped around me. I open my eyes and smile at Victor who's still fast off on the sofa. I spin in Liam's arms on the sofa and his eyes pop open.
"Still an early bird I see" he chuckles and nuzzles into my neck.
"Morning to you too" I say giggling still a little drunk.
"You're still drunk, go back to sleep baby" he says pulling me back in closer.
I let him hold me and I close my eyes feeling the sleep come back and drift off back to sleep happy to be with him.

Suddenly been shaken awake I open my eyes and jump up seeing Victor staring at us screw faced.
"What's wrong?" I ask him sitting up untangling myself from Liam.
"What's going on?" he asks looking confused rubbing his eyes.
"Nothing obviously, we was asleep" I say annoyed that he woke me up.
"Why are you sleeping with him? Why didn't we go to bed?" he asks confused. I go to get up and Liam moves pulling me back in locking his arms. Shit, I need to move. Trying and failing miserably I hit him and he jumps up awake.
"What? What isit?" Liam says looking at me seriously. I look back to him and he looks up at Victor.
"Morning beautiful, morning Victor" he says kissing my forehead and getting up. Victor stares at him hard and I can see the confusion of the night in his eyes.
"So your just gonna wake up with my girl and act like nothings wrong?" he asks and I hold up my hand.
"Clearly not a morning person are you. All we did was sleep" Liam says smug and walks out the room.
"So your switching now?" Victor says sitting next to me and I look at him shocked. Wow, did he really just say that.
"My heads pounding, I don't care. Whatever" I say getting up and moving away from him. Grabbing my hoodie I pull it over my head and fasten my jeans.
"Your the one sleeping with your ex Stacey" he says getting pissy.
"Says the one that was half naked with a random girl the night before" I say back and he puts his head in his hands sighing.
"I'm not doing this with you here" he says and liam walks back in.
"What's this about a half naked girl?" he questions and I gulp. Fuck
I stand up and exit the room heading straight to the bathroom. I'm not getting involved.
Doing my business I see that my bleed has stopped and thank God that it has. It's depressing enough without being reminded constantly. Not that Victor's asked how I am once. Because he doesn't care.
Look to my left seeing products I decide to jump in the shower.

Stepping out the shower I wrap my body in a towel and make my way to Liam's bedroom drying. I rummage through his drawers looking for his t-shirts and pull one over my head and grab underwear from my bag.
As I finish up getting dressed I hear silence.. Weird.
Pulling on shorts I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen to Liam.
"Just in time beautiful" he says spinning with a plate in his hands. Another fry up. I swear he's trying to make me fat with these.
"Eat up it'll soak up the rest of the alcohol baby" he says taking a plate into Victor.
"Thanks" I just say and follow behind him.
I sit down back in the chair not choosing who to sit with and just look at both of them. I'm gonna have to choose sooner or later. I thought with a sigh. But I think I already know who. It's obvious really.
"Where's your food?" I ask Liam and he shakes his head.
"Im not ready to eat I need fresh air and a spliff first" he says and I smile remembering his routine.
"Still the same then" I say and he smiles.
"Some things never change" he says looking me over.
"Thankyou for the fry up. Not what I'll normally have" Victor says and I look at him confused. Whys he been bitchy.
"Your welcome, you miserable cunt" Liam says laughing and standing up grabbing the box to bill up.
Eating my breakfast. I slowly start to feel better and my thoughts start to go haywire. I want both of them, but the way Victor's acting isn't attractive.
"Thanks Liam its delicious" I tell him with a smile and he smiles back.
"I know what you need beautiful" he says smirking and I blush.
"Fuck this, we're leaving" Victor says standing up with his empty plate. Erm..
"I'm eating Victor. I'm not going anywhere" I tell him and he sighs.
"I'm not gonna sit here and watch you two flirt all fucking day" he spits and Liam laughs shaking his head.
"Right I'm going for some fresh air, I've built you a spliff beautiful for after and I'll be back soon" Liam says to me and I don't want him to leave me.
"Don't worry I'm only out the back, I ain't going for a walk like we did last night" he says smirking and winks at Victor. Not fucking helpful Liam!
"You went out lastnight? When?" Victor asks looking confused.
"You fell asleep I wasn't going to sit here alone, bored and drunk" I tell him and he just sighs again walking out.
"You OK, you want me to stay or you wanna come with?" he asks nodding towards the sliding doors.
"Well I might aswell if I'm just gonna be bitched at" I tell him and he takes my plate for me and I think Victor's making this decision easier for me with the way he's acting already.
"Well your done now, shall we leave and go back to mine?" Victor asks walking into the room.
"I'm staying here with him. I can't just leave him Victor would you like it out here on your own?" I question him and he sighs.
"Well I'm leaving now.. With or without you baby so choose" he says and I sigh putting my head in my hands.
"You can go love I don't mind" Liam says and I look up at Liam.
"I'm staying. Done" I say standing up and walking over to the sliding doors and stepping out. I can't do this with them right now I need to get my thoughts together without them arguing over me.
It will always be Liam.. I will always choose him period.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now