Chapter 63 Victor's POV

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Sitting in my living room smoking a fat head I think about Stacey and Liam and what they could be doing.
How the fuck did this happen? We were getting back on track well atleast I thought we was. But like normal Liam fucks it up and shows up fucking with her head and heart. I know I'm losing her to him and I can't stop it.
"FUCK!" I stress punching the seat next to me. I need to occupy my mind.
Getting up I make my way out my house and climb into my car.

Arriving at work I see a police car parked outside and wonder what the fucks happening?
Jumping out my car I make my way to the office and walk in finding my dad talking with two officers.
"Son, have you seen Marcus?" my dad asks seeing me and I try not to show anything.
Shaking my head I look to the officers.
"No I haven't. Why what's wrong?" I ask them acting normal as possible. What the fucks gonna happen..
"His family have reported him missing and it's not looking so good" my dad fills me in and I nod pretending to be concerned for the lowlife scumbag.
"Oh I didn't know. I haven't heard from him either which is weird, come to think of it" I say to them and the officers look me over.
"What's your name sir" one of them asks me
"Victor Jones" I say looking at him and he jots it down in his notepad.
"And when was the the last time you seen Mr Blaine?" he asks me and I think about it.
"A few days now officer" I say politely and he nods jotting it down.
"And how was he the last time you seen him?" the other one asks me.
"Good I guess.. He's always the life of the party" I tell him and he nods writing everything down.
"Well if you see him or come into contact with him could you let us know asap. His family are very worried" the first officer says and I nod.
"Absolutely officer. Whatever you need to find him of course" I say with a small smile and look to my dad who's watching me intently.
"Well that will be all, thank you both for your time here's my card if you have any information call that number" the second one hands me his card and I look at it then put it into my pocket
"Will do officer. Thanks for looking into it" My dad says and they leave with a nod. Fuck! I hope Liam buried him pretty deep they seem too intrested in this case. Shit!
"Have you seen him son. Don't lie to me he's missing work aswell that's not like Marcus" my dad says and I shrug.
"I haven't seen him I thought he'd just been with some random like normal. Clearly not" I say to him shrugging again. I don't really care to be talking about him right now. I have bigger problems.. Like losing my fucking girl to the guy that killed Marcus for fuck sake.
"You better be telling me the truth boy" he says and I nod rolling my eyes.
"I am dad jeez chill out he's probably wasted somewhere" I say and walk off not needing his shit right now either.

After throwing myself into work for the day I'm finally finished and heading back home. I need another drink and a spliff.
She's gonna turn me to an alcoholic at this rate. I can't stop thinking about her and how I woke up seeing them cuddled up on the sofa. That fucking hurt and made my blood boil. His hands all over her all fucking night. Fuck!
I torment myself with vision of them kissing how they were lastnight and close my eyes tightly kicking the bucket that I see opening them.
I climb into my car and pull out to head back home.. A place that smells like her, she's fucking everywhere.
"What are you doing Victor?" I ask myself shaking my head.
"I need to get a grip, she's just a girl" I scold myself but my head aches at the thought of her with him.

Pulling up outside my house I climb out and make my way inside to my weed box needing it now more than ever.
Billing up lightening fast I spark it and relax back letting the feeling cloud my brain and my spiraling thoughts.
"Stop doing this to yourself!" I scold as I open my eyes.
I love her to much to just let her go but what am I supposed to do? There spending alone time together now for God knows how long and I haven't even heard from her yet. Like she's just completely forgotten about me already. I take long drags of my spliff and let the smoke burn my lungs before blowing it out.
Pulling out my phone I decide to text her.

Victor: I hope your OK, I miss you Xx

Hitting send I hope for a reply back and put my phone down. Continuing to smoke I finish my spliff and still nothing. What is she doing that she can't text me back. I think of her on top of him like she does me and I feel like screaming or punching someone. Why are you doing this to yourself man fuck!

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