Chapter 64

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Sitting on the the sofa I hear Liam's phone ping and grab it while he's upstairs and see a text from Savanna. Who the fucks Savanna? I click the message and read what it says.

Savanna: Hey babe I miss you why won't you answer X

I scroll through numerous of her texts saying roughly the same thing and see Liam's last text..

Liam: Just listen to me, we were only fucking. It's not that deep, my heart has always belonged to someone else you knew this. Leave me alone Savanna

Is what it read but that was the day he seen me at the bakery. What changed?
His phone pings again.

Savanna: Why you holding out for a bitch that doesn't deserve you. Or want you for that fact.. She's just a hoe more than likely. Hit me up X

I reread the text feeling my blood boil who the fuck does she think she's talking about I ain't no fucking hoe. I hit reply and type my message.

Liam: Listen bitch I ain't no hoe! Your just jealous that he doesn't want you. Get over your self I bet your just some blow up Barbie.. Sorry Liam likes the real thing. Ya better leave my man alone or we'll have a problem... From the woman he loves X

Hitting send I feel no way of being on his phone as he walks back into the room.
"What's with the face?" he asks me seeing his phone in my hand.
"Well Savanna's just been told" I tell him and he laughs
"What did you do baby?" he asks chuckling.
"She called me a hoe.. I don't think so, so I text her back look" I say handing him his phone back.
He scrolls reading hers clearly then mine and looks at me smirking.
"Jealous baby?" he asks and I middle finger him. Why am I jealous? He's not mine. Yes he is! Always.
"Your man yeah?" he asks looking back at his phone then me.
"She doesn't need to know the details of our complicated relationship does she" I say raising a brow.
He laughs and shakes his head.
"So you've been ignoring her since the day you seen me at work.. Why?" I ask him and he just looks at me.
"It was easier playing the field until I seen you again. Now I can't think of anyone but you beautiful" he says and I smile.. Good save Liam..
"I know what you mean, you surprised me when you came into the bakery that day" I tell him and he grins.
"Baby I wanted to dive over that counter and kiss the fucking life out of you. All my buried feelings came rushing back as soon as I seen you, I havent been with anyone since that day" he says and I gape shocked at him. That was weeks ago.
"Wow, know wonder your little friend is constantly up" I tease him and he slightly blushes again. So cute I love it.
"He only wakes up for you" he groans into my ear and I squirm again in my seat.
"Good to know, let's keep it that way" I tease him running my hand up his thigh slowly.
"Fuck! I'm soo ready to have you all to myself again" he says and I smile.. Looks like I cant have them both..
"Every vibe of my being is for you and you only baby don't worry about that" he says looking at me seriously.
"How many other 'Savanna's' is there then" I ask him and he sighs..
"Not to many, it was only sex and they knew that" he tells me and I nod my head looking away from him.
"It took me a long time to actually go with anyone after you" he says and I smile turning my head to look at him.
"I've only been with Victor" I tell him
"Then you come back into my life and now all this" I gesture between us.
"I know you baby, you ain't like most girls. That's why I love you" he says and he doesn't even seem shocked that I've only been with one man since him in two years. Regardless of Mia setting me up. I just couldn't bring myself to move on.
"Ya damn right" I tell him smirking.
"What happens after we leave here?" he asks me looking me in the eyes seriously. I spin in my seat and he grabs my hands.
"Because my heads going again, all I can think about is that fucking folder" he says and I grin looking forward to seeing it.
"Let's take it one day at a time and see how this works, you can't stay out here forever" I tell him and he smirks.
"I could if I was with you" he says kissing my hands. I blush looking away from him and think I could too if I'm honest.
"Just the two of us.. You'd get bored Liam" I say and laugh. He shakes his head.
"All I've done for the past two years is fantasise about being with you Stacey, if anyone was to get bored it'd be you" he says sadly and I look at him sad.
"Liam your the most fun guy that I've ever met. I'd never get bored, trust me" I tell him and he smiles again.
"Well that's settled then. We're staying here forever" he says winking at me
"I really could Liam. This house is beautiful. I love it already" I tell him looking at the stunning fireplace and scanning the rest of the room.
"Just like you then, a perfect match" he says and I go shy at his compliments..
"So sexy when you go shy, I just want to scoop you up and never let you go" he says doing just that and holding me against his body. It feels so natural being with him.
"That's all I've ever wanted Liam" I tell him honestly.
"So have I baby, I'm sorry for the past I promise to never be that boy again. I've grown up and I know how to treat you now. Let me prove it to you" he tells me and kisses me gently.
I've officially made my mind up.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now