Lady changer

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H- It's time. Dark wings rise!

N- Duusu, spread my feathers.

H- We have to go out, can you-

N- Gabriel, I can function on my own, let's go.

They jumped out the window and ran across the roof tops, Ladybug and Cat Noir came and ran behind them.

H- I feel the anger and frustration, determined to catch the villains that haven't been so vulnerable yet. Fly away my evil akuma, and evilize her!

They all stopped as the akuma flew into Ladybug's ear rings, Hawkmoth laughed evily, Mayura coughed, but righted herself and told Hawkmoth to continue.

H- Your feeling so determined to win against the bad guys, I give you the power to switch people with the one fo you choice. In return, you will bring me your and Cat noir's miraculous. 

LB- No, I won't!


He yelled at her, she dropped to her knees fighting to release the akuma. She gave in and transformed, her costume was reversed and she pointed her finger at Hawkmoth and Mayura, she laughed.

LB- You thought I would use your power to help you, wrong!

She pointed her yo-yo at them and a black light came out, switching their bodies and turning them into each other. Hawkmoth staggered back in Mayura's shoes.

M- How the hell do you walk in these?!

H- How do I release the akuma?

M- You just take it back.

She took it back and it went into the staff, then Ladybug went back to her regular costume, she yelled lucky charm and threw it into the air, then Hawkmoth and Mayura ran back to the mansion, making sure they weren't noticed. Mayura had to carry Hawkmoth home, but she was stronger as him.

M- I don't know how you do it, this hurt like hell.

H- Stay here, I know what to do. Dark wings fall.

M- Fall my feathers. Wait, Nathalie!

G- You'll have to call me Gabriel and I have to call you Nathalie, the miraculous ladybugs should've fixed everything. We have to pretend to keep Adrien safe. 

N- Then, be careful when your talking to Adrien.. sir.

G- I know, be heartless and cold, I've been around you for enough years to be able to fake being you. Now, we should bring you back out to the office.

She went over and carried him out to her desk, then set him down in the chair, Adrien heard the bang as he slipped in the short heels. Nathalie put him in the chair and gave him the water bottle on her desk.

N- Your mouth touched that.

G- No, yours did. 

She gave him the bottle and opened it.

G- Now drink.

Adrien came in the room, and Gabriel drank the water, thinking it wasn't his mouth.

A- Is everything alright?

G- Nathalie just had a dizzy spell, nothing to worry about.

A- Are you alright?

N- Yes Adrien, I'm fine.

G- Now don't forget to do your piano and there's fencing tonight.

Adrien nodded and closed the door, going back up to his room. Nathalie looked at Gabriel, he smirked.

G- Do I really sound like that?

N- Well, considering your always fine.

He quoted her fingers.

G- Alright, well we can't stop working, you'll have to find a way to sketch your designs while your at my computer, perhaps you can do them on paper?

N- You won't be able to do yours on my computer.

G- I have a laptop that will hide behind it, no one steps foot on the podium except me anyway.

N- Alright, why don't we just get to work.

Nathalie nodded and pulled out the laptop, she started working behind the screen of Gabriel's drawing board, the watch on Nathalie's wrist buzzed and Gabriel jumped.

G- Time for you to make dinner, and then bring Camembert to Adrien, then come in here and argue with me that I'm not hungry, and end up feeding me anyway.

N- Yeah yeah, but do you have any flats?

G- In the bottom drawer of my desk.

N- Thank god, why didn't you tell me that when I went to the kitchen?!

G- I have to be cold for however long, I had to have some joy somehow.

Gabriel rolled his eyes and replaced the heels with flats, then went to the kitchen and pulled out a recepie book. Then sighed.

N- I can't cook very well. Damnet.

While Nathalie finished up her work, Gabriel was making supper, he did his best, and the pancakes turned out well, he had no idea what else to make. Adrien came downstairs and sat at the table.

A- Will my father be joining me?

N- I'm sorry, Adrien he's busy. I can sit with you if you like.

Adrien nodded, Gabriel never realized how sad Adrien was, or how much time he spent away from him. He really didn't know much about his son, he sat down next to him and ate with him, like Nathalie sometimes did, then he went back upstairs to his room for the night with the Camembert.

N- Uh, why does he like such smelly cheese!

G- It's probably just a phase.

N- How do you function, your job is stressful and I depend on you a lot.

G- It's not for everyone. Now, there's a few things you should know about my apartment, I live next to a cat Lady, and now she needs me to feed her cats, so don't forget to do that, but she only asks me if she sees me-

N- Could I stay here?  I know where there's a room where Adrien wouldn't be able to find me.

D- Your staying the night miss Nathalie...

Noo- They switched bodies, oh this isn't good!

N- What do you mean? Spirit out Nooroo!

Noo- Calm down master, we have to find a way to get you to transform back within the next day, or you'll remain like this!

G- What do we have to do?

D- We have to do the same thing, run in front of Ladybug and Cat noir so that you can akumatize her again, if she hits you with the rays before the end of the day, you will turn back, if not, then it will probably wear off.

N- But how do we do th-

G- Oh no, this can't be good.

Their voices had switched back, Gabriel sounded like Nathalie and vice versa, their voices were in the opposite bodies.

D- Or that could happen.

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