Chapter 66

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First time I saw her

Today my life changed.
I seen the most beautiful girl in my life. She walked past me in the hallway in school.
My heart stopped for a moment when she looked at me and smiled.
I thought I was going to explode with so much joy, I have to have her.
The thought of her makes me smile uncontrollably.
She will be mine one day soon, I just know it. I have to have her!

"I can't believe you wrote this Liam" I tell him and he shrugs unfazed by it.
"I had to get it out but I couldn't bring myself to tell you it was awhile before I even built up the courage to talk to you" he tells me making me smile.
"I remember seeing you and thinking you was hot.. You was the bad boy tho so I stayed away of course" I say laughing
"You became apart of me from that day and you haven't left since" he says and I think that was five years ago..
"I can't believe you have all these I flip though envelope after envelope. I pull out another one.

Today I finally spoke to her.
She makes me feel weak and vulnerable but I feel like I need her for some reason. Her smile lights up my world and her voice does things to me I can't explain. The smell of her is heavenly and I can't get enough of it. My next step is to hold her.
Fuck! I have to have her!

"Liam, that's so sweet, I can't believe you" I say reading it again and he flips through to the recent ones.
"You should read these ones" he winks and I take it out after putting the other one back.

Surprise meeting

I finally seen her today after so long. My heart yearns for her desperately. I need to have her back. I can't think straight since I've seen her.
Why does this always happen to me. Fuck I want her so bad. She looked perfect like normal.
I've never ferociously wanked in my life like I just have after seeing her.
No one compares to her.
No one will ever feel or have me again apart from her.
My future wife ♥

I feel a tear slide down my face for some unknown reason and he wipes it away.
"Now you know beautiful. Its always gonna be you" he says and I just stare at the 'future wife' part looping around thinking that's all I've wanted.. Him like this and it's happening. It's fucking happening I scream at my younger self in my head..
"Do you believe me now when I say I love you and only you Stacey" he asks seriously.
"Absolutely Liam, I don't think I've loved you more than in this moment" I tell him smiling wiping my eyes.
"Wait.. There's more you need to see" he says and flips to a page he wants.


▪ Paris
▪ Visit the effiel tower
▪ Take her shopping
▪ Take on a boat ride and see the city scenery

Wine and dine her in a fancy restaurant then offer her to go for a walk and stop at the river looking out at the boats and get down on one knee!


"Oh my god Liam, you actually wrote out the plan and everything" I say looking at the pictures of Paris he's drawn out.
"Perfect planning for my perfect queen" he says.
"Keep flipping you'll find something" he says and I flip through more pictures of us and a beautiful church with a stunning scenery.
I see a little white envelope that sticks out a little and look at Liam.
"Open it beautiful" he tells me and I do so slowly with shaky hands. Pulling it out I open the envelope and let the object fall into my palm.
"Oh my god Liam you found it" I say emotional tears forming again.
"I looked everywhere for it baby. It needed to be perfect" he says and I just stare at the engagement ring I picked out when I was 15. I can't believe he found it seriously.
"Talk to me Stacey, tell me what's going on in your head" he asks and I just stare at the ring.
"I can't believe you did all of this for us" I say not knowing what else to say.
"Well believe it, it's all in front of you baby" he says and I look at him tear streaked and kiss him affectionately.
"This is alot to take in Liam. I need a drink" I say feeling like an alcoholic.
"What would you like?" he asks standing up.
"Something strong.. Except that orange one" I say laughing wiping my eyes.
"Coming right up baby" he says and walks off. I try it on my ring finger and it fits perfectly. Looking at it on my finger feels weird. Could I marry Liam.. Stacey Johnson.. Hmm sounds epic I thought smiling to myself. Liam walks back in with two glasses and a dark amber liquid in them.
"Bourbon" he says and hands me one.
Downing it I shake my head feeling the burn go down my throat and a warm feeling spreads through me. Much better.
"You keep looking I'll bill up" he says and I nod and he looks at my finger and I catch the smile he tries to hide..
"You like?" I ask showing him the ring.
"I fucking love.. If only you'll keep it on" he says to me with a sad smile.
"Maybe one day" I tell him and he perks up.
"Definitely beautiful" he tells me and I carry on flipping through. I see a few houses with the white picket fence and there beautiful.
"I'd happily live anywhere with you" I tell him smiling.
"I'm happy around you full stop regardless of where we are" he tells me and I look at him shyly. He keeps making me blush. What's that about?
"Another drink?" he asks holding up the bottle. Nodding my head he fills me up and hands it to me. Looks like I'm about to get drunk on again..
"That folder. Keep it, its your choice" he says and I smile.
"But you've put so much hard work into it Liam I don't want to just take it" I tell him.
"I'll make another one. It's that simple. I'll never stop writing and planning for us. To the day your my wife" he says and I look back at my ring.
"I want that back tho" he says smirking and I hold it to my chest
"When we leave.. I want to wear it" I tell him getting used to it on my finger already. I love it.

"It's yours, but when the time comes baby" he tells me and I nod my head happily

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"It's yours, but when the time comes baby" he tells me and I nod my head happily. I've never been more happier than in this moment with him. I love him so much.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now