Ever Nutted So Hard You Almost Destroy Reality

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~~I was bored and I'm a monsterfucker, enjoy. These two are some of my ocs, Lovecraftian Horror is my favourite and IT was my obsession, enjoy~~

When the Entity appeared in her living room, quite literally out of nowhere, she had been....quite upset about the whole situation, after months on her friend's sudden disappearance after their argument, the human was left with a bitter taste in her mouth at it's appearance, especially after the only words the entity could muster were-
"Follow me"
And followed it she did, not like she had a choice, a second before she was in her living room, and the second after she was in what she presumed to be a cave. The walls were large, very large and polished, with carvings and markings too refined to have been made by an animal, they appeared to have a pattern, probably some...language the Entity spoke back in the vast of space. Speaking of whom. The entity was standing at the end of the tunnel, staring at her with impatience written all over it's face. The human sighed but followed nonetheless, she had to admit that being taken in a place that probably no other human ever saw was....exciting. And that's how they found themselves in the middle of a hole, circled by some unknown liquid that seemed to ripple whenever the entity walked too close to it, the human tried to ask what it was, only to be met by a "don't worry about it". The water-like-liquid filled hole had some sort of circular plate right in the middle, so big she couldn't see the end of it from where she stood, it also had spiral like circles engraved in it, like it was some sort of place to be showed off, looking at the ceiling she saw what seemed to be a spiral closed cone, the liquid dripped like waterfalls at the sides of it. She finally turned to look at the concerningly silent Entity, only to find it seating crossed leg on the floor, hands fidgeting with the hem of the shirt.
"I...please sit down, I have to show you something"
With hesitance she did so, sitting purposely too close to make it comfortable for the already out of water eldritch being. Minutes passed, and an awkward silence stretched over the enormous place, but the human didn't relent, no matter how much she wanted to yell at it, demanding an explanation, she just stared, and stared...and stared...until the Entity sighed.
"You're not gonna talk first are you"
It was met by silence, and so it sighed again. "Ok look, I...how do I....y-you know I'm not used to all of this-", the glare that was sent it's way made it swallow that excuse, it had to suck it up, -"just...don't freak out, please, I promise that it's alright and totally painless for me, just....don't scream please?"
The human merely arched an eyebrow, feeling slightly offended, but her expression immediately changed into awe, it's chest was, for lack of better words, unwinding like strings right before her eyes, opening like doors. A light shone through the quickly unwinding strings, and bit by bit a...something the size of a baseball could be seen, right in the middle of it's far too little lungs for a human being to have, the light it produced stretched like veins on every part of it's meat it could find, it seemed it was in the place a heart should be. "What....is that?", she had to hold back with all her might the urge to just reach out and touch it, it felt like the light was beckoning her to do it, whispering in her mind things she really shouldn't know. "It's my core, my original vessel made this....meat body and gave a part of itself to let me physically come here", the Entity studied it's friend's face, her eyes were full of wonder, even without it's otherworldly abilities it could see the need to reach out and grasp that inviting ball of light currently residing in it's ribcage. It smirked, "Take it", it laughed at it's friend's shocked face, "I want you to take it, this is....what I wanted to show you after all".
The human was sure her friend was going crazy, or well, crazier than usual, it just finished to explain how that light was literally a piece of it's true self, and it just...offered her, a human, to take it?....well fuck it then. Her hand trembled as she lifted it from her lap, limb reaching into the calmly wiggling mass of strings, till her fingers brushed against it. Both of the beings gasped. The ball was warm, very warm, but not enough to burn her hand, it didn't have a definitive mass, it was like compressed light, not solid but not air at the same time. Grasping it with the most care the human could master, she slowly pulled it out, eyes widening as the tentacles of light that came from it started to wrap around her fingers, like a curios octopus would do, it was softly pulsing, colours shifting between golden, to blue and then purple, everytime she were to gently touch it or trace it with her fingers, the colours seemed to deepen, and her friend seemed to react, 'huh'. "So....was this all you wanted to show me?", as amazed as she was, her anger was still pressing on the back of her skull, and judging by the way the Entity shrunk on itself, it was hoping she forgot about it. It's mouth opened and closed a few times, gathering the words before it spoke them, "No...I...wanted to apologise, and to show you that I want to try and be better, do better, but...I don't know how to do it alone", it's eyes finally looked at hers, gazes locking on each others, "will you help me?".
The human smiled, and the alien smiled back.
"I will".
And so they talked, about the then, and about the now, some words even about the will. The human still had the ball on her hand, light duller than before, but still bright enough to burn if you were to look at it too much, during the time they talked, the human was able to understand that the core, and her friend, were attached not only physically, but also mentally. Whenever the Entity spoke of things that made it happy, the orb would glow brighter, if it was angry, the orb would turn sharper on the edges, when it was relaxed it would be duller and calm, like right now. It was rambling about whatever was going on in it's mind, and that usually meant it could go off for hours, which was perfect for the human's current plan. She mindlessly hummed along, the arm holding the core slowly moving towards her other hand, her eyes darted up to her friend, sighing in relief at finding it still distracted. 'Now or never'. The free hand quickly dipped inside the light, it's warmth engulfing three of her fingers. The reaction did not disappoint. Valh'arkir gasped, legs bucking over and back arching, it fell forwards on it's palms and knees, eyes and mouth wide, strings on it's chest writhing wildly. The human gulped, and tentatively twisted her fingers, pressing against the not fully physical mass of the orb, at that Val's whole body shivered, or violently twisted on itself, a growl crawling it's way out of it's throat followed by what could only be described as whines and garbled noises, she immediately withdrew her fingers. "Oh god please don't tell me I hurt you!-", her hand was about to let go of the core, when the entity's hand wrapped around her wrist, "Don't-" it gasped and struggled to sit back into a cross leg position, "Do it again".
The human had to be hearing stuff, there was no way it was asking her do it again after the kind of reaction it elected. But the Entity just stared at her, face hardening, eyes now that electric purple that always followed it whenever it was too excited for it's own good, but this time there was something else behind that color, something primal that made the hair in the back of her neck stand up, made her body shiver and stomach crawl with something good.
"Do it...again".
And so she did, slowly the fingers came back to trace the rapidly pulsing orb, swallowing at the way Valh'arkir seemed to melt at every touch. She wanted to savour it this time, not wildly plunge her fingers in like the first time, so she gently pushed one in, feeling it wrap snugly against the digit, almost like it was welcoming her right in, watching as Val tensed more and more as her finger went deeper, eyes screwed shut and mouth hung open, teeth growing into sharp needles, and then the sweetest of sounds left those nightmarish jaws as she added a second finger. "Please- please just-", it moaned and slammed it's hand down the pavement, claws leaving dents, it's hips undulating on air, "I want more I need more I!-", it was desperate. And the human sighed at the burst of power she felt at the moment, it was almost like a drug, a drug she never wanted to let go off, she could probably spend all days down here, watching and listening to her friend moaning and begging for her touch, body desperately rocking down on something that couldn't please it like her touch would. Hershershers. A growl pulled her out of her thoughts, it's teeth were starting to cut through it's cheek, body now closer to hers, so close she could feel it's humid breath, it surprisingly didn't smell. It's eyes were half lidded, mumbling moans at every twist of her fingers, it crawled even closer, form basically covering her own, it's face nestled itself on her neck, all but purring as it's chest's strings started to tug and wrap around her body, "Please...more". The human inhaled sharply at the blatant display of submission, and her hand accidentally squeezed the core too rough. She was sure her ear went deaf by how loud the Entity screamed, but they way it was clinging to her body was so very worth it, and now she wondered, 'how would it react to verbal stimuli'.
"Is this what you wanted?, to render yourself so powerless?", all it could master was a mindless mess of bubbling saliva from it's non existing lips. Now that won't do. In a stupidly moment of boldness she grabbed it's maw, being mindfull of it's teeth, and tugged it up to her eye level, "Words Val, I need words", it groaned and another eye formed under it's left one, so she gave it's core a good press with her fingers, moaning at the way it's body grinded against hers, "Answer me Valh'arkir", it's eyes snapped to hers, pupils shrinking into slits, "Don't ah...don't say my real name", she just smiled, "Then answer me when I tell you to", it huffed, snuggling back into her neck, "Sorry...it was just...so much, it felt like all my senses were concentrated to the connection of my core", the human scoot back a little, "Was it too much? I'll stop the squeezing if you want-", but before she could react, Val had circled her hand with it's, barking out a loud, "No! No please....it's so good, too good", she found herself flustered at it's words, it was way too blunt for her liking, too bold, but for the sake of the moment she just shrugged, "Oh I see, so you want me to do this?", she pinched it with two fingers, and Val whined, sound long and drawn out. "No it's not!-", the fingers that were resting inside of the orb started to move, massaging against the flexing mass, "What about this?", she was met by a growl and the scrap of claws against polished floor, it's head shaking wildly, but it's response was a hushed no, followed by a series of please's. She just watched it for a while, entranced by it's body, it's everything, and then- "Oh, so this?", she grasped it with two hands, and pressed down, the light flared up, wildly changing shades, and Valh'arkir shoot up shrieking, back arched in a way it would make professional ballerinas retire, but it's face held nothing but pure ecstasy, mouth spouting keens and moans and begs and, "Yes! Yes this is what I wanted", it's maw opened whole, raws of teeth now going far down it's throat, and even if it wasn't physically possible, it's voice still rang out, "So good for me, so good, too good, thank you thank you thank you-", the human's hand wrapped around it's neck, as the other kept on roughly playing with the ball, no longer caring if she was hurting it, and judging by the way it's body was humping the thigh between it's legs, it probably wanted it to hurt, "So this is what you wanted, to be used by someone? Did you want to feel like a toy?", but the entity shook it's head, "N-not just...ahah", it struggled to speak, "Not just someone...o-only you, always you". Oh. Fuck.
Her eyes widened, and her hand clamped shut, making her almost being thrown off by the force of Val's spasm. It's words went straight to her pussy, or heart, she wasn't sure at the moment, but god be dammed if she wouldn't take advantage of it. "Yeah? Only me? Want me to use you? Make you my pretty toy?", it's maw opened up even more, as impossible as it sounds, honestly, the human should have been screaming and running in fear over such displays, but all she could feel was the growing need in her own pants, "Yes you'd make a pretty toy, the prettiest", she lowered down to those hellish teeth and started to kiss the stretched skin, rewarding with rougher twists and squeezes everytime it would purr, "I bet you'd look so good on your knees for me, like a good pet", at it's excited blabbering she sat on it's open chest, thighs on it's sides, she could feel the strings trying to find their way through her clothes, "and good pets don't bite right? Valh'arkir?", at the mention of it's name, the human once again found herself pinned in place by it's eyes, but this time it just nodded, and as if it was reading her mind, it probably was, the teeth down it's throat seemed to open up and retract, making space for whatever she wanted to try. Bracing herself she brought the hand wrapped around it's neck towards the gaping blades, slowly placing the palm against the fleshy meat of it's throat, she could feel under the skin the threats of the teeth poking out, but she surprisingly felt no fear, "Show me Valh'arkir, prove that I'm your only one, you just have to refrain from biting down my arm", and Val almost scoffed at the request, who did this human thought it was? A poorly trained chihuahua?, of course it wouldn't bite down on her, but it's retort died in it's throat as her other hand, the one who held it's core, moved up to her lips, barely grazing it before it felt the tip of her tongue press inside. It's arms shot to wrap around her torso, pressing against her as humanly possible, it's maw twitched, and the barely there taste of blood flooded it's sense, it was addictive, but still it relented and held it's aching teeth, it would not bite down like some feral creature, it would show it's precious human how honoured and good it was to being used by her, still, it allowed it's tongue to appear in the back of it's esophagus, wet limb licking and wrapping around the bleeding needle pierces of her skin, it shivered at her praise. It almost felt pride at it's self control, it could feel a tight knot forming in it's empty chest, teetering on the edge of whatever was going on, dancing closer and closer at every lick and push of it's human, but then it felt teeth grazing it's sensible core, before they bit down, hard. The knot snapped, and every muscle in it's body seized up, it's hips harshly rutting against the moaning body on top of it, it's eyes rolled in the back of it's head, and for a moment it's control slipped, and it found itself back there, in the vast void of it's home between the various realities, looking in the emptiness of it's own eyes, before it came rushing down, and everything it bottled up spilled out; moans, growls, keens, whines, the gargling of the excessive saliva, everything. And the human only looked upon this beast with adoration on her eyes, the hand on it's throat was now petting it's hair, lips peppering kisses on whatever skin she could find, "You did so good, my perfect pet, so good at pleasuring me", it's face pressed closer to hers, and in a moment of feral repressing it licked a stripe up her neck, chuffing at the way she laughed. They stayed entangled for minutes, or hours, time wasn't important to the couple at the moment, Valh'arkir felt itself....content, happy even, and a purr left it's lips as her human placed the orb back in it's place, strings returning into meat and bone as the cavity closed. It could get used to this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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