Chapter 68

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Drinking my drink I dance to the music and decide we should play another game.
"Let play truth or dare again" I say walking over and standing infront of him.
"Ok beautiful let's do it" he says wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my lower stomach with open mouth kisses.
"Dare" I say and he looks up at me.
"I dare you to down this" he says filling up my glass with whiskey.. Easy one.
Taking the full glass I take a deep breath and look at Liam and smirk. Putting the glass to my lips I slowly start to drink the drink taking big swallow and before I realize it's gone.
"That's my girl" he says laughing and takes the glass. The room start to spin a little and I sit down next to Liam crossing my legs facing him.
"Truth" he says and I think of what I'd like to know.
"How would you feel if this didn't work out?" I ask him looking into his chocolate eyes.
"I'd be devestated, but I'd respect your decision" he says and I furrow my brows.
"And if we were together and it didn't work out.. Clearly I'm doing something wrong" he adds and I smile.
"I doubt that Liam.. Truth" I say and he smirks.
"When can I taste that sweet pussy" he asks and I blush feeling like I'm going bright red. I cover my face and he laughs removing my hands.
"Soon as" is all I say letting him fill in the blanks and he nods licking his lips..
"I'm ready, as soon as you are baby" he tells me and I nod smiling shyly.
"Dare" he says and I look around the room
"I dare you to do what I did" I say grabbing his glass and filling it up handing it over he looks and just downs it in one... Fuck I forgot he can do this shit.
"OK show off.. Dare" I say and he kisses me.
"I dare you to get naked and show me whats mine" he's says cocky with a smirk. I think about it for a moment and slowly start to stand up.
"You sure? It's been awhile" I ask him looking away.
"You are perfect baby, don't ever think any different" he says and It makes me feel better. I slowly start to pull down my shorts and kick them off and pull the top over my head. I stand there in just my hotpants and he stares at me with awe.. Like he's never seen anything so perfect in his life.
"I fucking love you Stacey" he says standing up and grabbing me by the hips.
"Did you forget your not wearing a bra baby" he asks and I shakes my head.
"I knew exactly what I was doing" I tell him and he kisses along my neck down to my beasts and sucks gently teasing one of my nipples. I moan pushing it into his mouth further enjoying his mouth on me. He switches and gives the other the same attention.
Pulling back he looks at my now hard nipples and licks his lips.
"So fucking sexy Stacey" he tells me and I blush a little as he pulls away and sits back down watching me grabbing at his now hard cock.
"Your turn" I say bringing the game back and he nods still staring at my hard nipples. I clench my thighs under his intense gaze and he smirks.
"I'll be there before you know it.. I can wait, I'm a patient guy" he says.
"Dare" he says after and looks me over again.
"I want you fully naked.. Now" I tell him and he smirks at me.
"You get what you want beautiful" he say standing up. He drops his shorts and his hard cock springs out and I salivate at the sight of him again. Fuck!
"You like what you see?" he asks me looking me over.
"Because I know I fucking do" he says smugly. Pulling me up I feel him against me and he wraps me in his arms.
"I'd stay naked with you forever Stacey" he says making me smile and I feel myself getting hot and bothered.
I grab us our drinks handing Liam his and I drink mine down in one.
"Shall we do some more shots?" I ask him staring at his turned up cock oozing precum.
"Sure beautiful" he says and I walk back over to the coffee table pouring the whiskey into shot glasses
"I want something else" I say and walk out to the kitchen looking through the cupboard and find a green shot drink. That's what I'm looking for I thought to myself..
Grabbing it I take it back into the living room and hold it up.
"Yes.. Old skool shots" Liam says and I nod chuckling.

After doing shot after shot I lay on the floor staring up at the ceiling thinking how I became to be here. With my first love. I love him more than I did yesterday I know that..
Liam gets down and lay's on the floor with me and stares at me.
"So perfect from your head down to those pretty toes" he says and I shiver at his light touch he runs over me.
"I'm so ready to kiss and caress every part of your body over and over" he says and I look at him wanting nothing more than for him to show me.
"Do it then.. I dare you" I say and he pounces. He hovers on top of me and kisses along my jaw down my neck and to each breast. I arch my back off the floor with a little whimper needing more and he slowly kisses his way down my stomach and around my underwear and down my right leg and back up my left stopping right at my inner thigh and settles between my legs.
He kisses me softly on my pussy through my underwear. I clench my pussy around nothing needing him more and more.
"Hello hidden treasure, I've missed you" he says and kisses my swollen clit. Fuck I'm sensitive and he knows I can't keep from my squirming. Kissing back up my stomach and up my chest facing me.
"That was the hardest thing I've ever done. I want to just devour you baby" he tells me and I arch my back lifting up feeling his cock rub along my swollen clit.
"I want you to taste me aswell but I don't know if i'm ready yet after everything" I tell him and he nods
"It's OK baby, we will wait til your ready" he says and kisses me passionately.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now