Chapter 1

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Yes tomorrow is the day , it will be my birthday and it will also be the day that I will be going to the academy omg sorry I forgot to introduce myself I am Megan Clarke a witch I am born February 15 which is tomorrow I have always wondered why the administration to the academy is on my birthday beats me but am glad.

I just finished practicing my magic and I feel different in a good way and also my magic feels more powerful I just chocked it up to me being happy, I went inside and what I saw had me laughing my my family was dancing like full in dancing . an idea popped in my head I decided to freeze their feet and then I said the spell then I immediately I walked closer to them then I freeze their feet to the floor (a small tit bit I can control the elements without a spell ) my sister said what the f**k I dropped down laughing I saw angry looks Megan unfreeze us this instant or you will regret it my mother said no I will not besides you guys always tell me to practice so am practicing you have powers as well so you can free yourselves with that I turned around and head towards the stairs .

I got out of the shower dried myself off and put on my clothes , I went down stairs only to see dinner I am so hungry after today's practice i saw my brother when I was about to frighten him he turned around and aha you thought you could scare me I am a wizard for god's sake Megan my brother said just then mom and dad came into the dinning room , we were about to eat when we saw a portal open up in the living room we got up and then I saw a man step out he had long black hair he had on a suit is this the Clarke residence he asked we nodded ok am here to deliver this schedule and uniform to one miss Megan Clarke that's me I said he handed them to me ok now like how that's out of the way I have to make sure all of your family members are on our system so could you guys tell me your names am Megan's father serval Clarke am Megan's mother am Carmella Clarke Megan's sister am Beth Clarke and this here is my twin brother Thomas Clarke were both Megan's sister and brother ok he replied then let me out your names in the system I saw his yes turn white then they came back to normal then he went the way he came .

Are you excited to go to the academy Megan yup am very excited and happy at the same time so let's finish dinner so that I can go and pack,

I wake up early so that I would not be late, while I was showering I kept singing (power by Billie eilish ). That song is so heart warming,I was now downstairs eating with my family when mom got up from the table and walked into the living room I saw her mutter something then I portal appeared in the middle of the room I took it that was my cue to leave I got up said by good byes and I walked into the portal.

When I came out of the portal a big castle came into view my mouth hung in awe that's when I heard someone say " I know right" I turned around to see a boy about the same age as me with blonde hair he wearing something similar to mine I have on a sky blue v neck blouse and black jeans with cut at the knees whilst he had on white v neck shirt and a blue jeans sorry I didn't introduce myself my name is Michael rivers and I just turned sixteen a month ago so what's your name well my name is Megan Clarke and today is my sixteenth birthday "wow" he said that reminds me I need to call my mother .

After the call with my mom I came to know that I am gonna keep my birthday party at the academy more specifically in the dining hall before dinner I was glad, I am now in my room thank God I got my own room I looks like today is gonna be a lucky day for me.

Dinner came around quickly I got dressed, on my way to the dining hall I was feeling happy when I got there and open the doors boy I tell you I was huge and magnificent I spotted my family I walked to them I hugged them that's when I spotted man with short brown hair with some other people stepped on the podium "attention students"he says gaining everyone's attention I am your headmaster my name is Mario Wilson you may address me as Mr Wilson or headmaster Wilson now lets get down to business.

"As you all can see, we will be celebrating a student birthday" Megan please stand so that everyone can get to see you I stand up waving while looking around me. She turned 16 today now please give her a round applause the hall erupted in applause so far my birthday is going great I wouldn't want this great moment to end only to hear a noise I looked around to see the others doing same I heard it again and saw that it came from the ceiling it came dropping down oh for the love of god of all the days why today then guys came descending .

They look scary "ok let's not make this hard all the new students please come with me and I promise that no harm will come to you when he saw that no one was moving, he raised his hand and I heard some students crying in pain then I felt something heated inside of me then I raised my hand sent some guys flying , one thing is puzzling is why none of the teachers or the headmaster is doing anything I felt hot then I looked at myself I was on fire crazy thing is that I don't feel anything I got even angrier I said a spell and let the fire die down I heard gasp there were no burn marks in me at all then said hotness came back again but this time I was not on fire it felt more intense I remembered I felt some what the same yesterday while I was practicing this feeling I feel powerful then I looked at the situation infront of me I created fire , water , earth and air at the same time I sent it towards them it set them on fire while some escaped especially that scary guy, I looked at the remaining guys ashes replace where they were then I saw people rushing towards me some of those people are my family then I felt dizzy all of a sudden I stumbled a little then everything went dark.

Ok guys how you enjoy chapter 1 stay tuned for other chapters bye XOXOXO❤️❤️❤️❤️


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