Group meet up

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Hope you enjoy!

On a Thursday morning, shoto get ready and heads to class 1 A. He noticed he's a little bit of the time schedule since mr Aizawa was already there ( Aizawa usually comes in late ) As shoto sat down, Mina through a paper airplane saying "MOMO,KIRISHIMA,DENKI,JIROU,ME AND BAKUGOU ARE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE IF YOUR IN CAN WE DO IT AT YOURS?"
As shoto chuckled he agreed.
{ time skip to 4:15}
As Mina was waiting at the gate, todoroki cane walking up with denki and kirishima.
Shoto asked " weres momo and Jirou?"
Mina replied " they have gone to get get bakugou! And..... I may have invited deku and uraraka..."
shoto didn't look surprised since that's just Mina being Mina
{ time skip to 6:30 } (at todoroki's house )
"Okayy! So who's going first" said denki.
"Oooooo! ME ME!" Happily shouted Mina.
"Okay then truth or dare?" Said denki.
"Dare I'm feeling risky!" Said Mina.
"Hmmm Ooooo I dare you to go out to the street and say 'I'm GAY'"said denki.
"What....okay fine!" Said Mina.
At that very moment Mina got up and walked out the door. She walked out onto the road making all the cars stop and then she shouted " IM GAY!"
While she was saying that everyone laughed since everyone knew Mina was a crack head.
Anywho once they all got back inside,Mina asked momo
"Truth or dare?"
"Hmmmm I'll go with truth" said momo
"Oooooooo okay then do you have a crush and if so are they in the room!" Said Mina.
As she said that momo felt a shiver.... she replied with "yes, yes I do and yes they are in the room."
Everyone looked shocked....
"Anyway.... kirishima.... truth or dare?"
"Truth" replied kirishima.
"Okay then since Mina asked me if I had a crush... kirishima do you have a crush and are they in this room?"
".....yes and yes"
"OI YOU BASTEREDS I know uraraka you like deku ew the nerd anyway todoroki you like momo ugh and denki and kirishima you like Mina and Jirou like it's that obvious jeez" complained Bakugou. " ugh this is stupid I'm just gonna leave" said bakugou
"Shall we Carrie on....?" Said uraraka
" yeah I guess" said jirou
"WHAT are we just gonna leave what he said...!" Said deku

I'm gonna make another part later tmr so bye
for now 🤩

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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