Chapter 69

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Waking up in bed with Liam feels strange. It's been a long time since that's happened.
After lastnights drinking and games I'm horny and I can't do anything about it. I need a release and soon before I explode. I run my hand over my sensitive body pulling on my harden nipples watching Liam and feel myself become wet. Letting my hand roam down and into my underwear I rub my swollen clit and moan quietly.
I pull the covers back and see that he's still naked and look at his dick just laying on his stomach turned up and hard.
I rub a little faster but not wanting to wake Liam up and arch my back off the bed.
"Mmm Liam" I moan as I close my eyes and imagine that it's him touching me.
Rubbing in circles I feel how wet I am and rub faster needing to climax.
Fuck I can feel my orgasm building and I moan a little louder and buck my hips with my hand as I get faster rubbing harder.
"Fuck! Liam" I cry out as I climax still rubbing softy, pulling my hand from my underwear I open my eyes and look at Liam. Who's awake.. And watching me. Oh my god! How embarrassing. I feel myself go bright red untill he grabs my hand and sucks on my fingers that I just used.. Fuck!
"Mmm, tastes amazing, just like I remember" he says as I pull them from his mouth. He continues to stroke his hard cock and I put my hand onit doing it for him instead.
"Kiss me while I cum" he tells me and I connect our lips kissing him lovingly while I stroke him back and fourth at a steady pace. He slides his tongue across my bottom lip then slips it into my mouth. I suck on it gently and he groans into my mouth. He sounds so hot when he does that and he's turning me on.
I start to pump him faster feeling as his legs shake so I stop kissing him and go down wanting to taste him again.
I get on all fours and slowly swirl my tongue around as I pump him sucking on the tip.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum baby" he tells me and I suck faster eager to taste him. Suddenly he shoots his cum into my mouth and I swallow it down enjoying it more and more.
Pulling back I kiss the tip and look down on him.
"Come here baby" he says pulling me on top of him and kissing me as he sucks on my tongue and bites my bottom lip.
"I love you baby" I tell him making him smile up at me.
"I love you more than you know beautiful" he says kissing me again and rolling me over. Giggling as he nuzzles my neck and sucks on it. Knowing for a fact he's about to leave a mark. I don't even move.
"Shall we shower?" he asks me and I nod my head at him smiling.
"Together?" I ask him and his eyes darken looking down at me..
"Absolutely baby" he says getting up and lifting me with him walking us into the bathroom.
Switching the shower on he sets me on my feet and I go to the toilet first doing my business, seeing that I've completely finished bleeding definitely since before,I smile happily.
"You OK?" he asks me looking me over.
"Yeah it's done now.. Like there's nothing" I say a little sad but quickly push that emotion back down. I don't want to be sad. I want to be happy because Liam makes me happy!
"I'm sorry baby. I can leave you to shower alone if you'd like?" he says and I shake my head.
"No. I want you with me" I tell him as he removes my underwear from my legs and throws them into the wash basket. I stand, flushing and wash my hands quickly before stepping into the shower. Feeling hands on my body suddenly I lean back into him and rest my head on his chest sighing with content.
"Let me wash you baby" he says grabbing some of the wash cream I used yesterday.
Squirting some onto a sponge he lathers it up then runs it over my shoulders then down my body.
"Use your hands" I tell him and he drops the sponge squirting some more into his hands and runs them over me. He glides them over my hardening nipples and over my stomach and down towards my aching cleft. Pulling me close to him he kisses my neck and slowly washes between my legs. Arching my back off of him I moan low enjoying the feeling.
"You like this baby" he whispers into my ear and I moan again as he swipes over my clit.
"Yesss!" I moan as he goes back over it again. Fuck he feels good touching me.
He slowly starts to kiss my neck again while rubbing circles on my swollen clit.
"Liam" I moan out and he bites down just like he use to when I'd moan his name.
"Cum for me baby" he says as I feel the build up of my orgasm and my legs begin to shake
"Liammm!" I cry out as he holds me up. My orgasm flows through me and I feel limp in his arms. He spins me around and kisses me.
"My turn" I say grabbing his wash gel and lathering it up in my hands running them over his broad shoulders and down his chest I work it over his abdominal and towards his hard dick. Wrapping both hands around it I wash him as I glide my hands up and down it slowly at first looking into his hooded eyes. I watch him as I stroke back and fourth as he holds my hips looking into my eyes.
"I wanna do this every morning with you for the rest of our lives baby" he says making me smile. I tug faster wanting him to cum and he grits his teeth
"Fuck baby" he groans out legs shaking.
"Cum for me baby" I demand and he shoots his load onto my stomach groaning incoherent words about how much he loves me.

After re washing we climb out the shower and he drys my body for me and walks me back into the bedroom.
"Do you even need clothes. I'll happily have you naked all day" he says and I laugh at him
"How about just your t-shirt" I compromise and he thinks about it.
"I'll be smelling your sweet pussy all day baby, I'll be eating it for breakfast, lunch and supper" he says pulling a t-shirt over my head and slapping my bare ass
"If your lucky I might let you" I tease and lay back spreading my legs showing him.
"I'll eat it any time you want baby where ever you want. I don't care.. Don't tease me" he says staring at it licking his lips grabbing his cock. I watch how he tries to control himself and chuckle as I tease him further spreading my pussy showing him how wet he makes me.
"Fuck baby, I'll devour you right now" he says and I hesitate whether or not to just let him.
"Come on before I loose control" he says offering me his hand to get up. I climb off the bed and he slaps my ass again as I walk past him.
We walk down the stairs and suddenly the door knocks.

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