Chapter 70 Victor's POV

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Standing at the door I hesitate to knock and begin to pace. What am I even doing here? Thinking fuck it I've drove all this way and I need to see her. I knock on the door and wait.
Suddenly the door swings open and Liam stands there looking unimpressed.
"Victor?" Liam says and I hear a gasp from behind him. Shit.
"You coming in or you just gonna stand there?" he asks me and walks off.
I walk in to the house and see Stacey standing there in his t-shirt and that's it. Fuck.. She's blatantly back with him or atleast fucking him.. Now I feel like I've come for no reason and she hasn't missed me at all. What do I do now?
"Baby girl?" I say to her and she hesitates looking at me.
"What you doing here Victor?" she asks and I wasn't expecting this kind of welcome. I thought she'd be happy to see me. Obviously not. That hurt.
"You haven't been answering your phone or my messages. I was worried" I tell her and she sighs.
"You came all this way because you was worried about me? I'm fine Victor, you know Liam wouldn't let anything happen to me" she says and she's right I knew that.
I just wanted to see her.
"I needed to see you baby girl" I tell her and she sighs again.
"We need to talk Victor" she says and I know that tone of voice.. Her and Liam are back together I know it.
"Your back together" I say outright and Liam walks back out looking at me.
"Im thinking about it that's why we're spending time together, to see how it goes" she tells me and I slowly feel my heart beating hard. How could she do this to me. She knew I didn't want this in the first place and she pushed me to commit.. But then I pushed her into his arms. Fuck!
"So we're over? Like properly?" I ask her standing there clenching my jaw.
"I don't know what to say Victor. I love him" she says and I notice a rock on her ring finger. What the fuck?
"What's that?" I ask her pointing to her hand. Her eyes go wide and she looks down at the ring.
"Ohh erm.. Its just a ring I found when I was younger" she says and I scoff.
"Stop lying, it's blatenly an engagement ring.. Is that what you've been doing.. Fucking the life out of each other up here. While I'm back home worrying about you" I say and she slaps me across the face.
"I haven't fucked him actually" she spits angrily.
"You know what I don't care I'm out. And I'm done" I say turning around and storming out. What the fuck is happening, there fucking engaged it's been two fucking days. Is she crazy or something. After she watched him beat someone near to death, then the cop, finding out about Marcus I thought she'd run a mile from him.. Yet she's ran straight to him. Why? What the fuck does he have that she's so drawn to?
Pacing outside the house Liam opens the door and comes out.
"Are you going to grow up Victor and come inside to talk? We've just fucking woke up jeez" he says to me and I sigh
"Just give it to me straight.." I ask him and he looks at me confused.
"I know just as much as you do, let her make her mind up" he says and I scoff again.
"Funny how she's doing that with you all cosy and not alone or with me" I tell him pissed.
"Like I said Victor are you going to grow the fuck up? If not get back in your car and go" he says getting annoyed. Well join the fucking club buddy.
"Well? You going to come in smoke a spliff and have a conversation or leave.. Your choice" he says and I don't know what to do. I want her.
Liam walks up to me and stops
"Listen man, the way your acting is not helping your case" he says and I nod knowing he's right. Fuck!
"Come inside and chill out" he tells me and walks off. Deciding to do just that needing her I follow him in closing and locking the door behind me.
Walking into the living room I watch Stacey eat her breakfast and looks up at me with a small smile.
"I'm sorry baby girl" I tell her sitting next to her.
"I'm really trying here Victor. I'm sorry this is happening but you can't talk to me like that" she says looking at me and I sigh.
"I know I was angry, I'm sorry" I tell her and she nods her head and continues to eat.
"For fuck sake, it's to early for this shit bro" I hear Liam stress assuming he's on the phone. He suddenly appears and stares at me.
"You didn't think to fucking tell me the police are involved looking for fucking Marcus. Are you completely stupid or something Victor" he spits angrily and I don't like the look in his eyes. Fuck.
Stacey stands up and looks between us.
"Liam, calm down you have that look" she says walking up to him and putting her hand on his chest. What the actual fuck is going on between them?
"I'm OK beautiful, but you start talking now" he says to me and I just look at him.
"His family reported him missing and police showed up at my work I told them he's a party goer so he's probably just out, chill out" I tell him and he clenches his fist.
"Don't tell me to fucking chill out, when did they come to your work?" he asks me
"Yesterday after I left I went to work and they was there when I showed up" I tell him and he looks more pissed off
"And you didn't think to fucking tell me Victor, what if they followed you up here. Are you fucking stupid" he yells at me and I gulp hoping he calms down.
"No one followed me am not stupid Liam I know what I'm doing" I tell him and he begins to pace..
"Liam relax and have a spliff and get some fresh air please, for me" she says to him. And he sighs dropping down on the chair and billing up. How does she do that?

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