Chapter 9

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It was the end of the day. I walked and waited for Ryan and the others. Marco and Mia came up behind me and hugged me. "Hey girl. Ryan and Victoria went to go get Veronica. James is at his locker. He got out of class late." I nodded and put my phone away. "Should we go to James?" Marco nodded. "We should. I don't trust James by himself." With that being said, we headed back inside to get James. I texted Ryan to let her know the situation. Honestly....I didn't think we'd run into trouble. Oh boy was I wrong?

There was a crowd of people forming a circle. We pushed our way through. Marco got in front first and covered his mouth. There, we saw Chad and James fighting. "What the-." I couldn't believe my eyes. This dipshit is attacking another one of my friends. Without realizing, Mia and Marco ran over to James to help. "Oh look who decided to join in on the fun~?" Mia growled. "What is your fucking problem!!!" Chad laughed. "I told you fags! I get what I want when I want it!" I was pure angry. I was tired of this. My friends are in danger because someome is desperate for me. Not anymore. I won't stand for this. Without thinking, I ran at Chad and punched him square in the face, busting his nose and lip. He stumbles back and covers his face, his friends running over to help him. Chad looked at me and chuckled. "Playing hard to get with me huh?" I stood in front of Marco, Mia, and James. They watched with shock filling their faces. I was pissed and tired of this shit. "Chad, I thought I told you to fuck off. I guess you didn't hear me clear enough. I guess the only way to get you to by beating the shit out of you." Everyone roared with excitement.

I took my flannel off and gave it to Mia. Chad's girlfriend, Cindy walks into the middle of us. "I want to fight this whore." I rolled my eyes. "I don't care who I'm fighting, I want you both out of me and my friends lives for good!" With no hesitation, Cindy charges at me. Ha, idiot. I dodge just a little, swing my leg up and kick her square in the face, busting her nose and lip. Everyone cheered, along with Mia, Marco, and James. "Aw, now you two get to fucking match. How disgusting!" Cindy gets up, holding her face and screams. "MY FACE!! MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!!!" Instead of continuing the fight, she runs out of the circle to the bathroom, her little possy behind her. I grabbed my stuff and left with Mia, James, and Marco. "Our bestie is a bad bitch!" I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully. "Thank you?" Ryan, Victoria, and Veronica we're leaning against some lockers. "Damn, my girl knows what's up!" I blushed madly and ran to Ryan. "You saw didn't you??" She chuckled and grabbed my waist. "I did babygirl~." I blushed, rolling my eyes. "Ughhhhh." "And you tell me not to fight." "Shut it." Mia snickered and grabbed my arm. "Y'all are adorable. I ship it!" I looked at her. "You hush. Hey James, are you alright?" He smiled, leaning against Marco. "Yeah...thank you Miki for saving my ass." I smiled as Mia leans against me more. "Of course, we are all one big family. You all mean so much to me." We all stopped walking, turned to each other and hugged in one big group.

"I love you guys." "We love you too Miki."

~At our hangout spot~

We sat inside at our favorite hangout spot. It was a boba cafe. We sat up front by the registers, talking. "Guys, prom is next week! I'm so excited!" "Who's going shopping this weekend?" "I know Mia, Marco, and I are." Ryan looked at me. "Y'all gonna go to the mall?" I nodded. She grabbed my waist and kissed my neck. "I'll come too." I looked at Veronica, Victoria, and James. They smiled. "We'll come too." I smiled. "The gang is going!" I looked at Mia and smiled. "Your a child but I love it." She giggled and continue to drink her strawberry boba that her and Veronica we're sharing. As we continued talking, the door opened. I turned and saw Chad and his friends. I quickly turned around and cuddled more up against Ryan. She looked at me and kissed my head. "You okay babygirl?" I nodded. Marco looked at me. "Is that-" Victoria gulped. "C-Chad's voice?" I sighed. "We gotta ignore him. He ain't fucking important." They all nodded. Chad walked up to the register and ordered for him and his friends. He noticed me and smirked, but did nothing. He sat back down and continued talking with his friends. I yawned softly and cuddled against Ryan. "Ugh, it's only Thursday." Mia giggled. "Someone wants it to be Friday already. "Duh! We have half a day tomorrow and Ryan and I are going to do stuff." "Oh~? What kind of stuff?" I glared at Mia, face red. "I know what your thinking!" I threw some napkins at her. She squealed and hid behind Marco and Victoria as they laughed. Ryan was holding me and laughing. "Someone made my baby all flustered. Though, she knows I can do better~." I growled and slapped Ryan's chest. She grabbed my hand and kissed me. "Calm yourself babygirl~ wouldn't want to act up now~?" Mia and Marco stared at me and giggled. "Y'all no PDA in front of us!" This caused the others to laugh.

We ended up leaving, all of us going out separate ways. Ryan and I got in the car and drove back to my house. We were listening to The Neighborhood when suddenly, I saw a black truck following us. I didn't think too much of it but, this truck was gaining on us. I looked at Ryan as she made a sharp left away from my house. I squeaked, holding onto the 'oh shit' bars. I looked back and the truck was still following us. I studied the truck and realized it was Chad's truck. "Babe? That's Chad's truck..." Ryan looked at me. " the fuck we gonna lose him?" I sighed. "Let's just go home, we'll ignore him." Ryan wanted to say more, but decided against it.

We pulled up to my house in the driveway. Chad pulled behind, blocking Ryan in. Ryan and I quickly got out of the car and got into the house and locked the door. "Mom!!!!" Both of my mom's ran downstairs. "Princess, honey, what is it?" I looked at them both. "Do you remember Chad Smith?" My mom rolled her eyes. "Ugh that asshole that always messed with you and Mia back in elementary school and is now messing with you in high school." I nodded. "What happened now my princess?" "He's outside, blocking y'all's cars in. He won't leave me alone mom. He hurt Veronica. He hurt James and I fought his ass because he's messing with my friends. I don't know what else to do. I don't want nothing to do with him. I have Ryan, the love of my life and he doesn't understand that." I sighed and sat on the couch with Ryan. Both of my mom's sighed and looked out the window. "He's walking up to the door hun." My mom opens it. "Go away. She wants you to leave." Chad pushed past her. My other mom slams him against the wall, her muscles showing. "Don't touch my wife like that. Pushing past her in her house to get to our daughter like is disrespectful. We told you. Our daughter wants nothing to do with you. She's taken by Ryan. Nothing more, nothing less. Get that through your head." Chad looked at me. I was cuddling Ryan, my face in her chest. "I don't care. You know who my dad is Diamond." I stared at Chad. Did he just call my mom's wife by her first name????? What type of shit is that!!! My mom walks over. "Diamond honey, what is be talking about?" She looks at my mom, grabs her waist and kisses her. "Baby..his dad...forced me to do things with him that I didn't want to do...I was disgusted with the things he did to me. That's why I'm the way I am. I'm the asshole, cold-hearted chick you married. And though we have a beautiful daughter and two young kids, making that three kids and I'm super overprotective of you all, I'm still the same asshole, cold-hearted chick." My mom stared at Diamond and kissed her. "And I still love you for that." Chad gaged and walked away towards me. "Get away dipshit." "No. My dad is coming over faggots. Get ready feet your old friend." My mom growled. "Do NOT speak like this in my house!" Chad rolled his eyes. I stood up and slapped him hard and kicked him to the ground, pulling out my butterfly knife and aiming it to his neck. "She said, don't fucking speak like that in her goddamn house bitch boy." I stood up back up straight and walked upstairs, Ryan following me. "Can't wait to meet your dad. Maybe I'll fuck him up too and teach him a fucking lesson."


It was dinnertime. Chad, his father, and my mom sat on one side. Ryan, Diamond and I sat on another side and my two little siblings sat on one end of the table. We sat in silence for a bit before the two little ones started making cute noises. My mom looked at me. "Sweetheart, isn't prom next week?" I smiled and nodded. "Yup! This Saturday, the group, Ryan, and I are going to the mall to shop. Mia and I always find the prettiest dresses at the mall." My mom smiled. Diamond looked at Ryan. "Yo Ryan, as soon as you found the perfect suit, before buying it, take a picture and send it to me. I wanna see it." Ryan chuckled. "Fuck yeah I will." Diamond and Ryan high-fived each other. I rolled my eyes. "Oh lord." Chad looked at me, his eyes haven't been leaving me. Chad's father spoke. "Chad son, who are you going with? Are you going with Cindy?" Chad, still staring at me. "Yes father." He smiled. "How is she? Is she good?" Chad nodded.  "Yes father. She is." Chad stared at me, he hated how close Ryan and I were. Watching me laugh to her jokes, touching her arm or anywhere else.

"Ahh~ that was delicious ma'am." My mom smiled slightly. "Thank you. Diamond honey, can you help me with the dishes?" She gets up and comes over, wrapping her arms around her waist. "Of course baby." I got up and walks towards the stairs. "Come on little rascals, time for y'all's baths." My little siblings, Roxy and Dylan ran up the stairs to go take their baths. I walked to my room, Ryan following me. "Babygirl~~ come play with me~." She grabs my waist, closing the door and pulls me against her, kissing my neck. "Fuck I need you so badly~." She bites my neck, leaving marks all over for Chad to see to let him know that I belong to her and her only. I moaned softly and wiggled against her. "R-Ryan..~ w-we have guest here~." I panted softly as Ryan sat on the bed and pulled me onto her lap. I sat on her and wiggled. She groaned and laid back on the bed, her hands on my waist. "I want you so bad babygirl~ you have no idea. I don't care about the guest here baby. Besides, we have the shower, your bed, and my car to have our playtime~." She sits ups and whispers in my ear. "Though, I prefer the shower and your bed more than anything else babygirl~."

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