Chapter 71 Liam's POV

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Sitting on the sofa I bill my spliff and take myself outside to calm down before I fucking split that cunt in two.
How could he be so fucking stupid.
"Fuck!" I shout then take a drag of my spliff and another. Then another. Feeling the cloud I blow out the smoke and hear the door open.
"Baby?" I hear Stacey say and I look at her
"Are you OK?" she asks me and I nod my head sighing.
"He's a fucking imbecile, Jason's stressing me and your just perfect like normal" I tell her handing her the spliff as she sits on my lap.
"It's gonna be OK baby, don't worry we'll sort it" she tells me and I smile at her. She's just perfectly amazing.
"You calm me baby, please never stop. I'll never fuck up as long as I have you" I tell her making her smile.
"I'm happy you think that and I'm always here for you, you know that. I love you" she tells me and my heart pounds in my chest at her words. Fuck she really does centre me. How did I ever survive without her.
"I love you too, I think I'm ready to go back inside now" I tell her and she jumps up passing me the spliff and I take a deep breath before I have to face the dick.
Walking back into the living room I take a seat and pat my lap for my baby to help me out here. She hesitates but comes over and climbs onto me with a small smile. She's nervous.. Probably because she's naked underneath my t-shirt and Victor's sat there. Grabbing a blanket from beside me I wrap it over us and she grins happy for it.
Looking at Victor who just watches us furrowed brows I rub circles on her inner thigh underneath the blanket and she looks at me with wide eyes. I just laugh and continue my teasing.
"So Victor... At the risk of you pissing me off again. Tell me honestly why you didn't come straight back here from work, we both did it so it's on both of us not just me.. Remember that. Help me understand your thought process" I ask him calmly thanks to my baby chilling me.
"I thought I threw them off the scent. I told them I haven't seen or spoken to him which was weird aswell. I have my dad questioning me and the two people that know are acting weird. So what you expecting from me man?" he says and I feel my blood beginning to boil.
"Are you fucking serious Victor. You told them that it's weird that you haven't seen or spoken to him.. You know how suspicious that sounds right" I tell him raising my voice a little and I suddenly feel her hand at the back of my neck trying to calm me.
I take a deep breath and sigh shaking my head.
"Just stay calm, it's gonna be OK. He clearly doesn't speak with police that often to know what and what not to say" Stacey says looking me in the eyes and winking. I run my hand up further and she squirms so I grab her cleft holding her still and she gasps a little at me.
"Is she right? Help me, help you Victor" I ask him and he nods. Fucking imbecile!
Why did I think he could handle something like this. Boy was I fucking wrong I scold myself annoyed.
"I was as normal as possible Liam. I don't know what the fuck you want from me? I fucking tried OK" he says getting annoyed and I just wanna rip his fucking head off.
I go to move but Stacey pushes me back looking at me shaking her head no.
I roll my eyes and sigh heavily sitting back.
"First off let's drop the swearing, because I take that personal. Secondly, I expected you to not screw it up. You gave them reason for concern by telling them that in the first place" I say calmly when I feel anything but. I pull Stacey into me further and she rubs up and down my neck soothingly thank god she's here or I'd be burying another body today.
"I've never been in trouble with the law so I've never spoke to the police before" he says pissy like he's better than me. I'll fuck him up I swear to God.
I clench my fist and Stacey sees me and spreads her legs a little wider.
I like her style.. Sexy little minx.
I rub her slowly and she trys to hold in her moans but I hear her a little and smirk at Victor. If only he knew..
"So what you trying to say?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"Clearly your trying to say your better than me because I have a criminal past" I say as calmly as I can.
"I'm sorry we all didn't grow up in a perfect home with mummy and daddy smelling of fucking roses" I spit out and he raises his brow at me. What pussy? Do something I thought. I'd love to fuck him up just for looking at what's mine. Let alone touching her. I start to breath heavily and Stacey notices and looks at me with a small smile and puts her hand under the blanket feeling my raging hard on. Fuck she wants to play..
She grabs my dick and I hiss out looking Victor dead in the eye wanting to slam my fist in his face. I feel like moving the blanket and showing him that she's all mine.
"I wasn't trying to say I'm better than you, I'm just saying I had no reason to break the law" he says and I shrug my shoulders not caring while her hands wrapped around my dick. I want him to fucking leave so I can devour my baby.. Its my breakfast time. I'm starving for her especially after sucking her fingers earlier. Shit. I need her now!

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