Chapter 72

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What am I fucking doing? Victor's sat right there and I'm stroking Liam's dick like it's OK to be doing this. I let him rub my clit to calm him down and it worked until Victor opened his big fat fucking mouth. I can't believe the power I have over Liam. How he just instantly calms from my touch is amazing. Sat her with them both I know who I want and what I want from my life. They're both completely opposite but it doesn't change how I feel. I love him.
"Stacey are we going to talk? Or you just going to continue sitting with him" Victor says looking at me. I sigh and nod my head.
"Ok, talk" I tell him not wanting to get up from Liam not trusting that he's calmed enough for me to move.
"Alone obviously" he says and I roll my eyes.
"If I move I can't control what Liam does so it's your choice" I tell him and he sighs getting up. Liam laughs and I slap him playfully but serious.
"It's OK baby, I won't do anything but keep him away from me" Liam says to me and I feel his dick twitch in my hand. Fuck!
"Promise me baby" I say to him quietly and he sighs nodding.
"I promise. Hand on my heart. For you" he tells me and I smile kissing his cheek.
"Thank you" I say pulling my hand from his shorts quickly and he removes his hand and lifts me with the blanket putting me on the other sofa. Victor sits next to me and Liam gets up taking his box to bill up..
"I'll bring you a spliff back soon. I'll be upstairs if you need me beautiful" he tells me and I nod.
"Thanks babe" I say and it even sounds weird to my own ears because Liam smirks at me.
"Are you seriously giving him another chance. After everything Stacey?" Victor suddenly says as soon as Liam leaves the room.
"Yes Victor, I can't help how I feel" I tell him and think of the folder and look at my ring on my finger.
"What's with the ring really Stacey. I'm confused baby girl" he says sadly and I feel bad for hurting him.
"I choose it when I was 15 and Liam found it and bought it I'm not keeping it" I tell him because I know Liam wants it back untill the days right.
"I don't understand why your wearing it tho and you was 15 who cares now" he says and that hurt my feelings.
"I care Victor clearly that's why I'm wearing it. Don't be a dick about this it's just a ring" I tell him sighing.
"It's not just a ring tho isit Stacey it's an expensive engagement ring that must be worth thousands and you're wearing it on that fucking finger" he stresses and I shrug not caring. I love it regardless if Victor doesn't like it.
"I don't care Victor. It's my ring and I love it, you can't change that and the price has nothing to do with it" I tell him fiddling with the ring.
"If it's your ring why ain't you keeping it?" he asks and I don't know what to say so I just shrug.
"Dont over think this Victor" I tell him heart pounding in my chest. All these fucking questions.
"Here ya go baby" Liam says handing me a spliff and gives Victor one too. He fucking needs it.
"Thanks babes" I tell him and he kisses my forehead and walks off again.
I spark the spliff and Victor just places his along side him.
"You not smoking?" I ask him and he shakes his head no.
"I've got my own" he says looking at me and getting his own out. Childish much..
"More for me then" I say grabbing the spliff and sparking it too. I need it with these men around.
"What's gotten into you. Your not the same" he says and I look at him confused.
"What you talking about. I'm still the same" I tell him and he sighs.
"This attitude you have with me all of a sudden I don't like it" he tells me and I raise my brow
"Says the one that showed up randomly to spy on me" I say pissy to him.
"And look how I found you, half naked and doing god knows what" he says and I sigh.
"Look Victor I told you I can't help how I feel I want to try with Liam" I just tell him and he sits back sparking his spliff.
"You want him over me. Really? Look where you are Stacey in a fucking safehouse" he spits and I laugh.
"I love this house actually Victor" I tell him and he rolls his eyes.
"OK, so you love the ring, you love the house but do you love him?" he asks me and I don't hesitate.
"Yes I do actually that's why I'm here Victor" I rip of the band aid and just get it over with telling him.
"Wooow, he's unlovable you know that" he says and I slap his face.
"Don't ever fucking say that again. You hear me, you know what just leave. We don't want you here" I tell him starting to stand up but he grabs me and kisses me. I push him off me and slap him again.
"Don't fucking touch me" I yell at him and Liam comes running down the stairs.
"What the fuck is going on?" Liam asks walking up to me and looking me over. I wipe my mouth annoyed that he did that and Liam steps to Victor who stands up squaring off with him.
"Leave now, before you never do" Liam tells him and I don't stop him this time.
"You both deserve each other" Victor spits angrily.
"I know that's why she's mine" Liam tells him smirking and I cross my arms over my body.
"Just leave Victor, don't do this" I tell him sighing.
"You heard her, you have ten seconds before I lose my shit and we all know what happens then" Liam says and I step between them.
"Just leave.. Now!" I yell towards the end and I think he gets the message as he backs away.
"Don't be coming back to me when he ruins you again" Victor says looking at me and I back up to Liam who steps forward to grab Victor.
"Times up bitch" Liam says and goes for him but I grab him.
"He's not worth it baby, just go Victor" I say and he finally listens and leaves. Hearing the door slam behind him Liam hugs me to his body and rubs soothing hands up and down my back.
It's done. Over with because it will always be Liam.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now