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Your hands were nearly shaking with nerves as you made your way to the Loveland Financial Group headquarters. You had stayed up almost all night working on your proposal, with only a couple hours of sleep to rest. However, as you made your way to the office building, your determination alleviated most of your fatigue.

You were a producer and the leader of your father's production company, which had been left to you after he had passed away. Anna, one of your father's loyal employees, had kept the lights on for the last two years while you finished school. In the six months since you had been head of the company, you had faced an onslaught of difficulties, most notably surviving an attempted funding withdrawal from LFG about two months ago.

How you had accomplished that, even you weren't sure. At the time, you hadn't been able to get an audience with LFG's CEO as you had hoped. You had tried and tried, never getting past his ever-diligent assistant, Goldman. It had been a final desperate attempt to save your sinking company when you had shown up that day. Shortly after you entered the lobby, the office was whipped into a frenzy at the announcement of the CEO's arrival. You had heard nothing but impressive and intimidating things about Victor Li, the legendary CEO of Loveland Financial Group. He had started his company and turned it into the industry leader within 8 years, and no one was quite sure how he did it.

When you heard he would be in the building that day, you knew you couldn't leave until he had heard you out. This was your last chance to save everything your father had built. It was his life's work, and you weren't about to let it disappear into nothingness. You had waited in the lobby until his arrival. Sure enough, you caught a glimpse of the legendary Victor as he walked past you, surrounded by his staff.

He wore a fine black suit that was immaculately tailored. He was tall, broad shouldered and handsome. His black hair was medium length, almost reaching his chin. Above his dark eyes were long bangs that were neatly swept across his forehead.. He looked as intimidating as you had been told, but you were shocked to find that he was also extraordinarily young. Older than you, to be sure, but he couldn't have been more than twenty-eight years old.

As you saw him enter the hallway that must lead to his office, you slowly stood up and looked around. With everyone being distracted by Victor's arrival, you figured you may be able to sneak past the front desk and get to Victor's office before anyone saw you. You started walking confidently, trying to blend in. You were about to make it around the first corner when a familiar voice sounded behind you.

"Hey!", he shouted. "What do you think you're doing!? I told you, you can't be here!"

Goldman had found you once again. He was in the lobby behind you and closing distance fast. Panicked and desperate, you did the only thing you thought sensible at the time.

You ran.

You bounded through corridors and hallways, passing blurry faces along the way. Mercifully, you came across an isolated, large, black door you knew must belong to the CEO. If he could just listen to you for a few minutes it could change everything. You had to take this chance.

"HEY! HEY!!!"

You reached the door before Goldman, knocking urgently. You spared a quick glance behind you and saw he was hot on your tail. And he wasn't stopping. He was going to actually try and physically remove you from the building this time, you were sure of it. Goldman didn't look particularly strong, but that didn't mean him crashing into you at full speed wouldn't be painful. You knocked a bit more frantically on the door and the sound of footsteps grew louder.

Just as you shut your eyes and braced for the impact, the door in front of you opened. But it was too late. Goldman had reached you. His momentum was too fast to stop short of the open door. He crashed into you, pulling you down with him as he fell and tackling you to the ground. You both groaned and untangled yourselves as you tried to stand.

Falling Into You (MLQC) (Victor x MC) (Lucien x MC)Where stories live. Discover now