Chapter 74

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Arriving at the new place Liam opens the door and I climb out after him and look around seeing we're in the middle of nowhere again.
"Leave the stuff and go straight in" the driver says but I grab my purse and walk into the new house behind Liam holding his hand.
We walk in to the living room and see a few people in there.
"Liam" one of them say and I just stand there squeezing his hand wondering what's happening..
"Boss, what's happening?" Liam says sounding uneasy.
"We need to have a chat, sit down will you" he says to him and Liam does as he's told bringing me along with him. I sit next to him looking around the room at everything but them. Liam's acting different and I don't like it. His auras off.
"What's this about, why are these here?" Liam asks him sitting forward with his hand on my thigh.
"Why did you need to move? And don't lie to me" he says looking straight at me. Fuck!
"My safehouse was found out, I'm sorry I had to bother you to help me" Liam says to him and squeezes my leg a little.
"Ok, is that it?" he says to Liam and he nods.
"How did it get found out? And who the fuck is she?" another guy says making me feel uncomfortable around them.
"You watch how you talk to my queen, before I knock your teeth down your fucking throat" Liam says standing up angrily. There's my baby.. Sitting back on the sofa I feel all the guys eyes on me and Liam starts to shake with anger. Grabbing his hand I see him instantly calm and he sits back down next to me.
"It's OK baby" I say quietly to him with a small smile.
"No it's not, I will not have no disrespect coming at you" Liam says to me and I smile up at him.
"Liam calm down, am sure he didn't mean any disrespect by it" the first guy talks again looking at me. I think he's the boss.
"I don't care I found it disrespectful, and will you all stop staring at what's mine" Liam says to them all and they all look away from me apart from the first guy who just laughs. Definitely the boss.
"See this is why I really like you Liam, you have fucking balls" the boss says to Liam and I smirk. That's my baby.
"All of you leave while I talk to Liam because your making this worse" he adds and I don't know if he's talking to me or not Liam shakes his head at me and I sigh thanking God I didn't get left with all them.
Everyone gets up quickly and leaves and I start to feel better already.
"Im sorry sweetheart, my names Steve I'm Liam's boss, what's your name?" he says looking at me and I look at Liam and he nods at me.
"Hi Steve, I'm Stacey" I say shyly and look up at him.
"Well it's lovely to meet you Stacey, I can see you two have a strong bond. That's very important in this business" Steve says and Liam nods agreeing with him.
"Just tell me what's going on boss, why is everyone here? Why are you here?" Liam asks him.
"We have a problem Liam. We have a snitch among us" Steve says and Liam grips my hand.
"For fuck sake, do you know who?" Liam asks him.
"I do now, thanks to you" he says to us and I wonder if he's talking about Victor. Fuck what are they going to do to him. They can't kill him it was literally all down to me.
"Would you like the honor of taking care of it" Steve asks Liam and I look to Liam seeing him smile. Fuck. Of course he would look at his face. Happy.
"Absolutely, you know me" he says kissing my hand and letting me go standing up. He shakes out his body and Steve just laughs. Suddenly there's commotion out in the hall and the door comes flying open while the disrespectful guy is being dragged in.. So he's the snitch..
I breath a sigh of relief looking up at Liam who's grinning and clearly can't wait to be let loose on this guy.
Liam don't even wait he goes flying at the guy and swing his fist into his face making him stumble back.
"That's for being disrespectful" Liam says and steps back when he comes at him.
But he's grabbed again.
"That's it. Stop! Use this Liam and go into another room. Your sweetheart will be OK with me" Steve says to him handing him a fucking gun. Liam grabs it and looks at me.
"You'll be OK baby. I love you" Liam tells me and I look at him scared.
"I love you too baby, don't be long please" I tell him back and he nods. What have I got myself into. Is this my life with Liam?
They all leave the room leaving me with Steve and he looks at me smiling.
"How did you meet Liam sweetheart" he asks randomly.
"Erm... We went to school together" I tell him shyly looking at him.
"You don't need to be scared. You are safe here, I promise you that" he tells me and I nod slowly.
"So your childhood sweethearts like me and my wife. No stronger bond than that" he tells me and I nod my head again.
"Yes I guess you could say that, it's complicated" I tell him and he laughs
"Isn't it always, what's the point if it ain't worth fighting for" he says and I guess he's right.
"It's done" Liam says walking back into the room handing the gun back to Steve.
"Good, now go back to the car, he will take you to my safehouse" Steve says to Liam and he nods.
"OK boss. Let's go baby" Liam says pulling me up and I wave to Steve following Liam out the door.
"Hope to see you again sweetheart" Steve calls out to me making me smile. He seems nice. For a boss anyways.
Climbing back into the car Liam holds my hand rubbing his thumb over my knuckles looking at me.
"I'm sorry baby, I had no idea or a choice. Even though I enjoyed it" he says to me and I just kiss him.
"It's OK. I know" I say and kiss him again.
The car pulls off and we make our way to the unknown. Just us I hope anyways.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now