Chapter 1: The Masked Beauty

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"What can I get you, sweetie?" The bartender asked the male who sat against the counter.

He glanced up at the girl and his eyes caught her attention. They were a luminous emerald green and his slit pupils resembled those of a cat's. "Warlock," the girl thought.
He said, voice deep and alluring, "Whiskey on the rocks." She nodded and poured it, sliding it toward him.

After downing the liquid, he grimaced as it made his way down. The burning liquid helped slightly ease his high nerves. His cut-off black cat mask hid most of his tan, heavily freckled face and his crimson-raven curls were pulled back into a tight bunch.

The guests of the masquerade ball swayed with others to the music, laughing and enjoying themselves sexually and non. Most of the guest were downworlders, vampires, warlocks, and the like.

"Why is a man such as yourself over here instead of with a lovely maiden..?" The girl grinned at the male. She was quite a sight with her honey-brown hair that was pinned at her neck and bright olive eyes.

"None have caught my attention," he spoke in his playful tone.

The bartender chuckled and served other guests. The male, Adrian Bane, walked out amongst the crowd of bodies. Females wore large skirts with tight bodices, corsets shaping them into hourglasses. Men wore mostly bright tuxedos and vibrant masks. Adrian straightened his own mask and made his way toward the wall, where he watched the throng of people brush against one another.

"Scarlet," a masculine voice hissed. "Stay near me."

Adrian glanced up to find a male, skin as pale as the midnight moon, impatiently calling a female. His deep green mask that guarded his even deeper hazel eyes.

A form walked toward the boy and Adrian almost had to slap himself to believe the female was real. She wore a dress of ivory silk. The bodice's flowered sleeves dropped off her creamy shoulders. A train of soft silky skirts pooled about her feet. Her hair, which was the color of freshly fallen snow, had been pulled into a group of curled buns at her creamy neck, two small curls escaping and falling in her face. Against the white mask she wore, her crimson eyes stood out like blood in snow.

"Must you be so impatient, brother," her voice said, filled with annoyance. Her silky voice was heavily English accented. Each word she spoke sounded like a ringing song.

The male, apparently her brother, looked at his wristwatch and said a word no man should say in the presence of such an angel. He looked around, as if expecting someone.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" The female glared at her brother, arms crossed over her bossom. "I haven't been around anyone in my life and the one chance I get to be around new people, you want to drag me back home."

He lifted his hand to silence her. This action clearly annoyed her. Adrian watched as the male turned from the female for a moment and whispered something neither of them could make out. When she knew her brother couldn't see her, Adrian watched as she disappeared into the crowd.


With a sigh of releif, Scarlet Black shut the balcony doors. Finally, she thought, I'm alone. The marble balcony shot out 2, maybe 3 feet. Below, Scarlet could see a quiet, steady pond filled with Koi.

"Beautiful sight, is it not?" A voice says, making her jump.

Scarlet turned to find a male whom was a good foot or so taller than her. He wore a black cat mask that highlighted his cat-like emerald eyes. Scarlet stomach tightened at the sight of the handsome stranger. His sunkissed face was covered in freckles, a grin pulled at his lips.

"Bello," Scarlet whispered in Italian.

"I beg your pardon, madame." His voice was amused.

Her pale face gave away her crimson blush as she realized she called him handsome in Italian. She shyly smiled, saying, "My apologizes for mumbling. My statement was me just lost in thought."

His grinned seemed to widen. He took a step forward, giving a short bow. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bane. Adrian Bane." He glanced back up with a mischievous smirk. "And you are?"

Scarlet bowed, cheeks warm and rosy. "I am Scarlet Black, daughter of Samuel and Rose Black." This seemed to catch the male's attention.

"Samuel and Rose," he said, "are leaders of the London clan, correct?"

With a nod, she replied, "Yes. The Black family has led the clan for generations." He seemed to know of her family's clan, which made her a bit sceptical.

"So, that would make you a vampire." This was more of a statement than a question.

Scarlet gave him a nod. "That would be quite true, Mr. Bane. Now, I must be going it is growing terribly late.." The small female made a attempt to quickly walk back inside but the male gently touched her exposed arm. Her eyes looked up at him and they help for a moment.

In that moment, they stared into each other's eyes, the world seeming to slip away. For a moment, it felt as if they were the only one's together. Slowly, as if being pulled down to her, Adrian leaned toward Scarlet, his large hand gently on her arm and the other holding her neck.

As he drew closer, the balcony doors flew open, revealing her brother. His dark hazel eyes held such anger. He took one look at the two and let out an animalistic growl, pushing the male away from his kin.

"Leaving. Now." There was no discussion in his voice as he violently grabbed her arm and practically dragged her the ought the crowd.

Scarlet could hear the male chasing after them, but her brother just sped up, getting her outside and hastily in the carriage. Starlust, the white mare that pulled the carriage, made a small, hateful grunt at the male as he treated his sister rudely.

The large building's doors were threw open, revealing a sweaty, breathless Adrian. Once his eyes landed on the beautiful maiden in the carriage, her brother glaring at him from behind her, he ran forward. Her brother, after yelling a command to the driver, yanked the door shut and the sped into the night.

The last noise Scarlet heard was a loud, angry grunt of distress.

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