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Hey early squad ~


The van was silent as their manager drove. The adrenaline and panic finally wearing down once the ambulance was off and they were loaded into the van, completely forgetting the fact that they were in the middle of a concert. The van only stayed silent for a minute before Jungwo spoke up.

"...so... Yuta hyung, is pregnant." He said slowly. "That means... he's a hybrid?"

Taeyong turned in his seat, "Well... I'd believe so."

"Why didn't he tell us he was a hybrid?" Mark asked.

Donghyuck immediately responded, "Don't know? SM would never let a hybrid debut with a group of non-Hybrids. They know we like to screw each other." He pointed out.

"And Korea puts hybrids in the same category as gays and whatnot, but even then, gays are much better excepted than hybrids because they say it's 'against human biology'." Added Jaehyun. The others hummed in agreement before falling silent again.

"Didn't Dongyoung say that he got pregnant from the night our drinks got spiked?" Taeil said rather loudly.

Their manager's eyes widened, "Spiked? Your drinks got spiked?!"

"Hyung, don't worry, we were at home anyway, no one could've known." Taeyong quickly reassured their manager before turning to Taeil, "Yes, he did say that..."

"Doesn't that mean that any one of us, including Sicheng and Ten, could be father?" Taeil asked, making everyone's head turn to look at him questionably. Taeil defended himself, "Hey- I remember some pieces of that night, you can't tell me you don't remember screwing him."

The members just nodded, they've all remember some bits of the night, but kept it to themselves as to not make things awkward. Jungwoo spoke up again, "That true... then, shouldn't we call Sicheng hyung and Ten hyung to tell them what's happening?"

"I'll call them!" Mark offered, already taking out his phone.

Taeyong nodded, "You do that. Let's hope Yuta is okay... he didn't look too good back there..." Taeyong expressed his worries. The sight of the blood had worried him immensely.




Half asleep, he answered the phone. "Hello?" He muttered in Chinese.

"Hey Sicheng hyung!"

Hearing the korean, he pulled the phone away from his ear to squint at the awfully bright screen of his phone. "Oh, hey Mark." He whispered, not wanting to wake Yukhei.

"Hey man, do you mind getting Ten hyung? You both need to hear this, I'm serious."

He could tell, he could hear the seriousness in his voice. Though still confused and groggy with sleep, he got up, quietly exiting his room into to find the kitchen light on, someone at the counter with their phone and headphones in as they ate some ramen. It's four a.m, why is he- whatever. Walking over, he tapped the elder's shoulder, successfully gaining his attention. "What?"

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