Why deen over Dunya ?

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Bismillah hir Rahman ar Rahim
We all can agree with the fact that we fell into a lot of Temptations that our religion Islam forbids and as a Muslim it can surely be a bit difficult to remain tight to our deen because of how spoiled this generation is, if we take a glance at the society we can spot out The majority of the generation part takes in things like listening to music drinking in a moderate manner also cursing and vulgar language, but we cannot judge whatsoever because we all have been in these situations at least once as a victim but some of these actions that I have mentioned are the Shaytan's trick to distance our relationship or our faith with Allah and the trick that he actually uses is that he tries to make us forget that the harm is actually much greater than the benefit. As a Muslim who claims to follow Islam should avoid all the things, that I have listed and I believe that such things shouldn't be normalised everywhere and the most prominent fact is that we begin to publicise certain actions that are considered Haram or not very modest and partaking in these trendy social norms. And I can bet that it has been a struggle and we even get defensive when we told correct ourselves knowing that it is hypocritical of us to represent Islam when we feel such things for it and our Lord has also warned us for doing it but it's very difficult for us except that we think what we do is wrong maybe we fear the society, we feel that we are being rejected by the society or most probably feeling different from others in a bad manner when it isn't really like. Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet (SAW) said, "Indeed Allah (swt) does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather, He looks at your hearts and actions." This hadith is a useful reminder to those of us who get caught up in worldly affairs. To sum up everything that has been stated so far I would like to tell that the world is not of any benefit to you, instead you should start to prioritise both deen and dunya in such a manner that you give deen the utmost respect and importance if you start to give time for deen you will surely succeed in the worldly life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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