Chapter 78 Liam's POV

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Billing a spliff I spark it and pass it to Stacey watching as she takes long drags.
I love watching her, I always have. It makes me feel better some how content even.
Hearing my phone ping I grab it and see a text. Clicking onit I read it.

Savanna: I don't care about her I want you.
No one will pleasure you the way I do and you know it Liam. I miss you X

Sighing I drop my head back and think why did I even reply back in the first place.
Stacey looks at me with furrowed brows and I just hand her my phone.
"Desperately trying to replace me, bless her. Kill her" she says then laughs and I look at her wondering if she's being serious or...
"I'll do it in a heart beat" I say to her being serious and her face drops.
"Liam I was joking, fucking hell" she says rolling her eyes at me.
"Well I wasn't baby, reply to her if you want and delete her number.. My bad I forgot" I tell her and she nods smiling and typing away. I wonder what she's saying?
"I've been thinking... Now the heat has died down I wanna take you out on a proper date" I tell her and she looks up grinning at me.
"I'd love to baby, but I have no going out clothes" she says sadly and I think for a moment.
"I'll take you out in anything baby, but if you must have something then we can go get you some new clothes" I say and she just stares at me.
"I literally went shopping before all this happened Liam" she says sighing.
"I want to buy you something to wear for our date. Not what you bought thinking of Victor" I tell her with a smirk.
"And I do mean everything. Underwear, dress, shoes and jewellery and I might let you wear your ring" I say and she raises a brow.
"It's my ring. Your not taking it back" she says holding her hand to her chest.
"Then you'll never take it off again and you'll be forever mine" I say simply and she nods.
"We'll go get married right now" I say being deadly serious.
She hesitates and looks up at me.
"Don't be stupid Liam, you haven't even gone through your proposal yet" she tells me and I think I need to get her to Paris asap.
"Dont tempt me baby. Only say what you mean because you know I will" I say and she looks up at me wide eyed.
"I always say what I mean Liam" she says and I sit up looking at her.
"I will literally book a flight right now and whisk you away and I don't know when we'd come back either so don't tease" I tell her and she smirks at me.
"Your playing with fire baby" I add looking at her smirking face.
"I must be because damn you hot and I know how to tame MY fire" she says raising a brow smirking still. Sassy little minx.
"Your not wrong there beautiful" I tell her laughing and spark my spliff..
"So Paris.. When we going?" I ask her to see what she says and she shrugs.
"Steve said where childhood sweethearts like him and his wife. You wanna be like him?" she randomly says and I hum.
"He must like you baby, he's not really the opening up type. I didn't even know that" I tell her and she smiles smug.
"What can I say, I'm adorable and everybody loves me" she says laughing and it makes me laugh.
"Your not wrong.. And for your question we'll be whatever you want us to be baby" I tell her and she grins.
"I like the sound of that, I wonder if his wife's nice tho" she says and I have no idea.
"Never met her baby, couldn't tell you" I says and she sighs.
"I wanna drink and play more games with you. You can take me on a date tomorrow after we've been shopping" she says and I smile thinking about getting her naked in this game she wants to play.
"We'll make a day of it. Might aswell pamper yourself.. Hair, nails all that crap you girls love" I tell her and she looks at me shocked.
"It's not crap.. But thankyou baby for doing this" she says smiling.
"You don't need to worry about anything it's all on me beautiful.. Now what do you want to drink?" I ask her and she perks up.
"Vodka and shots" she says and I nod laughing.
"Coming up" I tell her and make my way over to the kitchen.
Rummaging through cupboards I find a bottle of Absolute sour apple flavor and grab it with two bottles of strawberry sidekick. I grab a bottle of rum for myself and take them into the living room.
"We're getting drunk baby, stay away from the pool please" I tell her not wanting any accidents.
"I will baby don't worry, no drunken dips" she tell me opening the drink and pouring herself a vodka.
"Good, let me grab you something to mix that with what you wanting?" I ask her.
"Anything will do baby thanks" she says and I head back out to the kitchen looking in the fridge finding apple juice knowing this is her go to choice and I get two shot glasses out.
Back in the living room I pour shots and hand her one then pour apple juice into her drink.
Pouring myself three fingers of dark rum I down it after today. I definitely need it. The killing, sex with my queen its alot to take in, in one day.
Pouring another I watch as she drinks and watches me.
"So this game.." I say wanting to get it started.
"I want to play truth or dare again but this time there are no rules" she says and I perk up thinking my type of game.
"I'll start with a dare" she says putting her drink down.
"I dare you to lick this off" I say and pour the rum down my chest letting the droplets trickle down my body.
She stands and leans over me and slowly licks up from my v lines following the trail of alcohol up over my nipple and she swirls her tongue around it and up my chest. She kisses me and smirks.
"Easy baby" she says and turns walking away. Damn girl.
"I'll start with a truth" I tell her and she taps her chin thinking.
"I want to know honestly if your OK after what you did earlier.. Did you enjoy it?" she says and I look at her surprised by the question. I wasn't expecting that. Shit. I wish I picked dare.
"Honestly.. I'm OK and after the way he spoke to you, yes I enjoyed it more than I would of" I tell her and smile thinking how I put a bullet in his head.
"Your smiling like a crazy person baby" she says laughing and I wonder if it bothers her. I'll wait to ask her that..
"Your turn" I say and she takes a shot.
"Truth why not" she says and nows my chance.
"Does it bother you, the way I am and what I do.. Honestly?" I ask her and she pauses looking at me.
"It use to.. But the more time I spend with you the less it bothers me. I love you regardless baby" she tells me with a smile.
I wasn't expecting her to say that. That makes me happy.
"Good to know baby, Dare" I say and wait for her.
"Do a shot of the chilli sauce" she says pushing the pot over to me. I laugh at her as I've done this before and it's fucking nasty. But who am I to say no to my queen.
I stand and pick up the pot and drink the rest of the contents. Pulling a face and swallowing it down I heave a little but handle it. Sitting back down I down my rum and pour myself other one..
"Your disgusting Liam" she says and bursts out laughing.
"I can't believe you actually did it" she says shaking her head.
"A dare is a dare" I say shrugging. But she's right I am nasty. Who cares? She loves it really.
"Truth" she outright says
"Do you love me more than Victor" I ask her needing to know. I feel myself begin to get hot thinking of her answer..
"Absolutely baby I love you more than anyone" she says without hesitation.
Thank fuck she said that otherwise I don't know what I would of done. Kill him probably.. Most likely
"Good to know, I'll have a truth if your making me do nasty shit" I tell her chuckling.
"Why did you make the folder? When you pushed me away" she asks and I wonder where all these questions are coming from.
"As you know I started the folder from the moment I seen you, I pushed you away because I was scared and I didn't think I was worthy of your love or time. And I just kept adding to the folder hoping I'd get better or atleast good enough for you one day" I tell her truthfully with a sad smile.
"I love you Liam" she tells me and putting her drink back down smiling at me
"I love you too and I hope you think I'm worth it now baby" I ask her and she nods grinning.
"Absolutely worth it. Sometimes I think I'm not good enough for you" she says and I look at her with raised brows. What the actual fuck?
"Don't ever say that again Stacey, your more than good enough for anybody in this God forsaken world. I'm just glad you chose to love me" I tell her forcefully sitting forward needing her to know that.
"I'm sorry, you know my thoughts get a little haywire. I just feel that sometimes" she says and I shake my head.
"I know beautiful, just know that there will never be another you in my life" I say and get up and sit next to her pulling her into my lap. How can she think she's not good enough for me.. Me of all people.
I just hope I can be the man she deserves because I can't lose her again.

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