Chapter 79 Victor's POV

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Sitting in my house alone I stretch my body feeling knackered from a long day at work and wonder what Stacey's doing?
Wait No! I don't care about her.. Them. I need to move on. I am! I tell myself.
Pulling the blanket back I check my phone and see a text from Kai.

Kai: Going out for food and drinks I'm picking you up. Your done moping. Be ready I'll be there in 30mins.

Climbing the stairs I make my way to the bathroom and jump in the shower.
Washing my body quickly I rinse and jump out not having much time. Walking into my bedroom I look for something to wear and just pull out blue jeans and a grey jumper. Not really in the mood for anything anymore. Pulling on fresh boxers I get dressed and run my hands through my hair. Why would she choose Liam over me? What's he got that I don't.. Accept a criminal fucking record.
Making my way downstairs I pour myself a JD while I wait for Kai to come pick me up. He's intending to get me drunk. I know his trick.
Downing it I make my way outside hearing him beep his horn and lock up.

Climbing into the car I look at his smiling face and give him a small one back not really feeling in the mood.
"Do I have to do this man. I just wanna stay home" I tell him sighing and he drives off.
"Yes. She clearly didn't deserve you if she's gone back to her ex" Kai says to me and I sigh heavily.
"I don't want to talk about her or Liam tonight OK" I tell him and he sighs.
"Alright bro, where going to steakhouse and drinks after alright?" he says and I nod needing food anyways. There's only so long you can live on cereal for.

Arriving at the restaurant Kai pulls up and switches off the engine.
"Sian's meeting us here aswell, she's bringing a friend from work" he tells me and I sigh.
"Really you're setting me up" I say irritated.
"Just try it, if you don't like her then atleast you came out the house for something other that work" he says and I sigh again annoyed more..
"Let's just get this over with" I tell him and climb out the car.
Walking into the restaurant I wait for Kai and he tells them the reservation and we get lead to a table where I see Sian and her friend another blonde. Kai knows I like brunettes why would he set me up with a fucking blonde..
"Hey babe" Sian says to Kai and kisses him. There the only two that have lasted out the three of us for fuck sake.
"Hey Victor, this is Emily, Emily.. Victor" Sian says and I smile at this Emily girl.
"You alright" I ask her and she smile at me.
"Yes thanks, it's nice to meet you Victor" she says and I nod..
"Same" is all I say not in the mood.
Sitting down next to her the waiter arrives and takes our drinks order and scurries off quickly.
"So how you been?" Sian asks me and I sigh.
"Been better, what about yourself?" I ask her not really caring for this conversation.
"I'm good, works hectic" she says and Emily hums agreeing.
"Tell me about it" Emily says and rolls her eyes.
All I see is Stacey rolling her eyes smirking.
I miss my baby girl more and more every day. This Emily girl has nothing on Stacey.
She looks short too and I don't favour the shorter girls.
"So Victor tell me about yourself" Emily says and Kai looks at me giving me the 'be nice' look and I roll my eyes at him.
"I'm 21, live alone and just broke up with Sian's best friend" I tell her and she gasps.
"Oh I'm sorry, this must be hard for you then" she looks at Sian like 'why didn't you tell me'
"I'm good thanks tho" I just tell her not wanting to get into it.
Our drinks arrive and I down it.
"Same again bring me two" I tell the waiter and he looks at me strange. Fucking do it fucking hell.
"I'll bring them right out" he says and walks off.
"What happened Victor? I don't get why she'd break up with you she was well into you" Sian says looking at me and I clench my jaw.
"She's back with fucking Liam" I spit agitated that I have to talk about them.
"You being serious?" she says and I nod. Do I look like im fucking joking?
"Kind of makes sense now, he's her first love" she says like that's fucking helping me. All she's doing is pissing me off. Kai looks at me like calm down and I just slump in my chair. I'm no fun and I don't want to be here.
"You deserve better like I told you. Just have some fun" Kai says and I sigh again.
"I need alcohol" I tell him and I see the waiter coming with my drinks thank God.
Why's it so hard to move on when she treated me bad giving me all these problems.
"That's my best friend and shes not like how your thinking she is. She's weak for Liam and always has been. I knew if he came back around she would get back with him. It was only a matter of time really" Sian says defending Stacey. And I laugh
I really shouldn't share my thoughts right now but I can't help it.
"Mind your fucking business" I tell her getting more agitated.
She stares me down giving me a dirty look.
"Don't speak to her like that" Kai says and I just look at him.
"There's no need to be rude to me I'm just stating facts. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings. You stood no chance, no guy does" Sian tells me and I shrug.
"I don't care can we just drop it" I say raising my voice a little.
I need more alcohol.. And fast.

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