Just The Wind

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My mother is a non-believer. Anytime something has freaked me out, she has said,

"Oh, it's just the wind."

Like these times: I woke up in the middle of the night screaming, because there was a dark figure in the corner of my room. When my mom came in, and looked right at the figure, she said that it was just the wind. There was a time when My dad took some photos of our family and found orbs in the background. When he showed them to mom, she said,

"Honey, It's probably just the wind."

When my sister, Sierra saw the kitchen chairs scoot across the room, and called mom in to see, she said,

"It's only the wind!" as she watched the chairs go from one side of the room to the other, making a terrible scooting sound as they traveled. Now, here's another time that makes my mad: When my brother, Keith was playing Fluxx with mom, a young woman's ghost sat down beside them, and you could see the impression of a bottom in the cushion. Then, mom, who was sitting next to the ghost said

"Something feels creepy. The wind, perhaps?"

Okay, now let me tell you a time that makes no sense at all:

We went to the Crescent Hotel, and went on a ghost tour. We went down into the morgue, and the tour guide told us the story of how 200 patients died. Mom looked at my siblings and I and whispered

"Don't worry kids, it was only the wind. None of that ever happened." There was no tornado! The wind did not kill everybody! My mom is just flat out insane! The only wind that causes paranormal activity comes from my dad! Sorry, too much information?

Well, mom's wind thing is really weird. What is it with her and wind?! So, there you have it!

                                                       THE END?

None of this is true, I hope you liked it. Just thought it would be funny. The moral of the story is never second guess yourself when it comes to paranormal activity. And never jump to the answer....It was just the wind.

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