Chapter 80

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Jumping up hearing my phone ring I see Sian calling me.
"Hey babes long time no see" she says and I laugh.
"I know babes I'm sorry. What's up?" I ask her smiling.
"I'm on a double date with Victor and he's bad mouthing you" she says and I roll my eyes.
"Well I have Liam now so he needs to watch it.. You know what he's like Sian" I say and she hums at me.
"I know babe. He's proper moping and he's nothing how he was before. So fill me in on you and Liam" she says giddy and she actually sounds happy for me. Atleast one person is.
"Oh my god Sian, he's amazing nothing like before" I tell her excitedly looking at a smiling Liam.
"Are you with him now?" she asks me
"Of course" I tell her laughing.
"And your OK?" she asks me concerned.
"Never better.. I'm happy Sian.. Be happy for us it's a good thing" I tell her looking back at Liam drinking his drink as he blows smoke out.
"I'm happy for you babe. You got what you've always wanted. Yaaay!" she says down the phone loudly. Pulling the phone from my ear I laugh at her and we chat a little longer telling me about her work and Kai and we say our goodbyes.
"I'll call you soon as I'm back home" I tell her.
"OK see you babes" she says and I hang up.
"Some ones happy" Liam says looking me over as I replay my music.
"Sian's actually happy for us.. Atleast someone is" I says sadly and sigh.
"Well we're happy right?" Liam asks me with a small smile.
"Of course baby. More than ever. I have everything I need right here" I tell him grinning again. Fuck Victor.
"Good that's all that matters baby, who was you talking about at the beginning?" he asks and I sigh heavily.
"Victor's with her" I tell him not wanting to say the rest.
"OK so why does he need to watch out for me?" he asks sitting forward.
"It doesn't matter, he doesn't matter baby" I say not wanting to turn his mood sour.
"Baby tell me what he said, I promise not to let it spoil our night" he tells me with a smile.
"Hes badmouthing me.. Us" I say just getting it out there.
"OK thank you for telling me.. He's just being childish. You chose the better man that's all" he says smug with a smirk.
"Exactly" I say doing a shot. I hand Liam one and continue the game.
"Truth fuck it" Liam says suddenly.
"What you gonna do when Mia breaks Jason's heart?" I ask him needing to know. I watch him start to breath heavily and sigh out.
"He already knows it's just sex. I'm hoping he doesn't fall in love and to answer your question I won't do anything but be there for my brother. For you" he says and I smile thanking all gods.
"Fuck that was deep" he says laughing and does his shot.
"Truth aswell" I say leaning back on my hands looking at him.
"What did you truthfully think I was going to do about Victor just then" he says and I gulp..
"Erm.. Possibly kill him too" I say honestly looking at him.
"Just say the word baby, it'll be done" he says and I shake my head.
"I don't want that Liam. I just want to be happy with you" I tell him smiling.
"Well I won't do anything to him without talking to you first. Even tho he deserves it and I just really wanna make you happy that's it" he says grinning.
"Dare for me" he says and I spread my legs teasing him.
"I dare you to just watch me" I say running my hand up my thighs and along my cleft spreading my pussy open showing him how wet I am. He stares hard licking his lips and edges off the sofa ready to pounce.
"Fuck baby, your killing me here I can't stop watching" he tells me and drops to his knees.. I hold up my hand telling him to stop.
"If you come any closer I'll stop" I tell him. And he hesitates.
"Fuck!" he groans grabbing at his hard cock.
I rub my clit in circles and then slowly bring my fingers to his mouth letting him taste me. Groaning I feel my wetness drip down and I pull back and slide a finger inside.. Then pull it out and suck onit myself.
"Hmmm" I moan and I hear a growl leave his lips.
I close my legs and wink at him.
"My turn.. Dare" I say smirking watching him weak for me.
"OK.. My time to tease" he says and I wonder what he means.. Me or himself. Shit!
He slowly pulls down his shorts and grabs his cock.
"I dare you to resist the urge to touch me" he says coming right close to me and starts to stroke himself. Fuck.
I stare up at him biting my lip and my fingers flex to grab him, needing to feel him. I can't fail.
"Not fair, I kept you away" I whine and he smirks.
"I'm just upping the game baby" he says and slowly rubs his oozing dick across my lips. Shit he's got to be kidding me.
I go to move and he backs away.
"My turn" he say putting it back in his shorts and sitting down
"Dare" he says and I think off something he won't be able to resit.
"I dare you to not put it in my mouth" I tell him and open my mouth sticking out my tongue.
"FUCK, baby that's not fair you know I love it" he says and I bend over on all fours, a favourite poisition off his aswell.
"Shit, I forfeit" he says getting out his dick and pushing it into my mouth. I wrap my hand around it and bob my head swallowing as much as I can. I do it a few times and pull back.
"That's enough of that" I say smirking and he stares at me with his mouth agape. My poor baby.
"Such a tease baby" he says and sits back down taking out his stuff to bill up.
"Truth" I say still bending over on the floor facing him ass up..
"How hard was that for you to do that?" he asks me and I look up at him.
"Very.. You think you have it bad for me. I feel the same about you" I tell him with a smile and he nods grinning sparking up.
"Truth too" he says and I sit up thinking what to ask him.
"Now we're together... How long do you think you could go without anything happening now you've had me again?" I ask him and he coughs looking at me
"I can't go without you again, I refuse to unless it's what you really wanted" he says and I smile knowing that I couldn't go without him. Regardless...

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