Chapter 81 Liam's POV

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I never thought I would be happy with my baby again. The fact that I have her back is amazing and I don't want to leave her again. She's mine and I intend on keeping her.. Marrying her asap so she knows she's mine forever..
If only everything in life was so simple of getting people back. I just hope my mum keeps fighting this horrendous battle she's going through. It's breaking me watching her go through it and not being able to help her. I'm so glad I have Jason through this with me. He understands what I'm going through. He's practically my brother.. Her son. And I know he's hurting like I am. He's losing another mother. Fuck my thoughts are depressing.
I look up and see my baby watching me as she smokes and I wonder what she's thinking about?
"Are you OK baby you look sad?" she asks getting up and sitting on my lap. I feel alot better when she's on me. Surrounding me. She makes me feel at peace.
"Just depressing thoughts about my mum" I tell her and she sighs.
"I'm sorry baby, I know your hurting. What can I do?" she asks and I shrug not knowing.
"Just keep being you, it helps alot am hurting for my mum but over the moon because I have you back. I don't know how to feel" I tell her honestly with a sad smile. This night took a turn down a depressing lane. Shit..
"I'm happy that I make you happy baby, if you need me for anything even if you want to just talk am here for you" she says and kisses me affectionately. I love her so fucking much.. That hurts too.
"Thank you beautiful, I know I can talk to you, I just don't like talking about it because it's depressing. I need you too meet her when we go back home" I tell her knowing that she'll love Stacey.
"I'd love to baby, I hope she likes me tho. What if she don't?" she asks and I shake my head.
"Absolutely not, she'll love you just like I do but if she doesn't, it won't matter because I love you" I tell her hoping she does.
"I can't believe I haven't met her after all these years." she says and I sigh wishing I'd done it long ago when she was my mum and not a ball of cancer. She's not the same women she was.
"I know I'm sorry, I wish you could of met her before all this happened maybe I wouldn't be so fucked up if she was OK, I'd never of let you go" I tell her sighing thinking my life's a complete mess. The only good thing I have is this relationship and I'm determined to make this work.
"You are my number one. No one will ever come above you baby, my heart is all yours I fucking love you Stacey Bloom" I tell her hugging her to me holding her tight never wanting to let her go.
Still feeling like this is a dream and she's gonna slip through my fingers and I'm going to wake up any moment. Fuck!
"I know I own your heart and you own mine too, I love you more and more each day. I never stopped loving you Liam Johnson I'll always be yours" she says and I feel emotional. Why does she even love me? I'm fucked and I've hurt her so much but she's still here with me loving me like she always did.. Has.
"I can't wait to marry you and make you my wife" I tell her smiling at her.
"I can't wait to walk down the aisle and see you waiting for me.. My husband imagine it" she says and I have a million times over. That's what I want more than anything.
"I'll never stop waiting for that day to come, your worth the wait baby" I say and watch as she plays with her ring smiling.
"Shall we continue drinking and playing? Or you want to do something else" I ask her and she smiles at me.
"What ever you want to do baby I'm here for you" she says kissing me and I smirk.
"You know what I want" I tell her and she looks at me through her longlashes and rocks her hips on me.
"Yes I do, but can we bake something first?" she says happily getting excited.
How can I say no to her plus whatever she makes is gonna taste amazing. She's always been able to bake.
"What did you want, you choose? Anything you want" she says and I think about it for a moment.
"Then chocolate and peanut butter cups that you use to bring me in school" I say feeling my mouth start to salivate. Shit they was good.
"Anything for you baby, I'll be back soon unless you want to help?" she asks and I shake my head.
"If you do it they'll be perfect and I'll just fuck them up" I tell her rolling my eyes.
"No you won't baby, but OK I'll be back soon, I love you" she says and kisses me affectionately.
"I love you too, I miss you already" I say as she walks out giggling. So fucking sexy.
Pouring myself another rum I slow sip it and bill myself another spliff and think about Victor and what he must be saying about us. Especially my queen. He needs putting out of his misery.. I've been there. The loss of Stacey, it's not a good feeling. But I can't do anything because I promised my baby I wouldn't touch him. Fuck! My promise means no one will touch him not just me. And I hate that I made it but now I can't go back onit. When hes testing my patience the fucking imbecile.

Relaxing back with my eyes closed finishing the end of my spliff I feel Stacey climb onto me straddling my lap.
"There in the fridge now baby, I've set the timer, we have like thirty minutes" she says seductively. I drop her onto her back next to me and spread her legs.
"That's plenty of time to make you cum a few times" I says and she smirks looking up at me smiling down at her.
I'll never get enough of her love and my delicious treasure.

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