Chapter Four- Icy

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"dont awaken love in someone you have no intention of loving back"

Isaac and Rosie stood outside the Animal Clinic after being asked to meet here by Scott, though he didn't know Rosie would be with him. He had received a message which entailed of a way which could help Isaac remember what happened with the Alpha pack.

"You're really going to do this?" She asked him, looking up to see Isaacs face as he seemed somewhat nervous.

"Athletes have ice baths all the time, I'm sure I can handle it." Isaac opened the door, letting Rosie go in first. He walked behind her into the room where Scott, Stiles and Derek were filling the bath with ice, though he stood back as Deaton spoke to him.

Rosie walked in and picked up a bag of ice, the boys not noticing her presence, and began to fill up the bath more. Though, as she did so, the boys finally noticed and Stiles heart began to beat faster.

"Where have you been all day, you didn't reply to any of my messages." Scott asked, stopping himself as he walked over to stand in front of her.

"Sorry, I had my phone on silent. I was just with Isaac all day then you asked him to come here." Hearing Isaacs name come out of Rosies mouth was like a punch in the gut for Stiles, knowing the jealousy he used to feel when they were together. Though that was months ago, nothing changed.

"If we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance like state." Deaton walked Isaac through and into the room where he would indulge into a freezing cold bath.

"Like being hypnotized."

"Exactly. You'll be half transformed. It'll let us access your subconscious mind." As Deaton spoke, making the situation sound better than it looked, Isaac joined Rosies side by the tub and bent down beside it, opposite Stiles and Scott.

"How slow does his heart rate need to be?" Rosie asked, sort of panicking about Isaac, already thinking of the worst.

"Very slow."

"Okay, well, how slow is very slow?" Derek joined in, concerned about his beta.

"Nearly dead." Everyone looked at him, except Isaac who was busy feeling the temperature before he sat in it.

"Its safe though, right?" Isaac asked, looking up at Deaton, who wasn't wearing a positive expression.

"Do you want me to answer honestly?"

"No, no. Not really." A sudden squeak off rubber gloves snapping escaped amongst the serious situation, coming from none other than Stiles. It was obvious that he tuned out once he heard Rosie panicking over Isaac, something he found rather boring.

"What?" Everyone was looking at him, though he didn't know why. Rosie indicated to the rubber glove he had stretched on his hand and he took it off immediately.

"Look, if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this." She said to Isaac, watching him exhale at the sight of the mountains of ice in the water. "Im sure, Derek will understand."

Instead of backing out, Isaac began to take off his shirt, showing off his tone abs and built up body. As he did so, Rosie couldn't help but look and Stiles couldn't help but see that.

"Woah, well I guess hes doing it then. Or hes just practicing his magic mike routine." Stiles joked, his coping mechanism when he felt things were awkward.

HEALING LOVE Stiles Stilinski~ part twoWhere stories live. Discover now