Chapter 82

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Five days later.

"Fuck, Liam just like that don't stop" I cry out as he bends me over the pool table in the games room that I found a few days ago.
My forfeit for loosing was to be fucked over the table. Who am I to play by the rules when this is my prize?
"So tight baby, squeeze that pussy more for me" he groans and I do what he says tightening around him repeatedly.
Hes so deep in this position I can feel him in my stomach. Why do I fall for guys with big dicks?
"Yess, I'm so close" I moan and he reaches round and pulls me against his hard body and twirls my nipples.
"I fucking love you" he growls into my ear and it sends me over the edge, climaxing hard.
"Liam!!" I scream his name as he pounds into me.
"Fuckkk baby!" he groans coming and I feel the throbbing of his cock inside me as he spills into the condom.
"Fuck, that was amazing" he says panting holding me up. He slowly pulls out of me and I go limp against the pool table thankful that I have something to hold me up otherwise I'd be on the floor already.
"Soo good baby" I say and he picks me up carrying me out the room and up the stairs to the ensuite bathroom. Sitting me on the bathroom counter he starts to run a bath and pours in bubbles.
"Just how you like it. I do remember alot beautiful" he says making me smile.
"I know and I'm grateful for everything baby" I tell him and pull his face to mine kissing his soft lips.
"Have you spoken to Mia lately?" he asks me and I wonder why?
"Not since the first night we stayed here. Shes been busy I guess.. Why?" I ask and he sighs.
"She told Jason she can't see him anymore because she's becoming to attached. What the fuck is that.. Isn't that the point?" he asks and I sigh..
"She has attachment issues and doesn't like to get to close.. I know she really likes Jason tho but I guess she's doing her usual shit" I tell him annoyed with her
Jason seems like a good guy aswell and shes just gonna ruin it. Again!

Laying in the bath against Liam as he soothes the water over my body I relax back sinking into his body and close my eyes enjoying him.
"Are you ready to go back to reality baby? We still don't have to leave but don't we have to at some point?" he asks me and I hear him sigh heavily. He holds me tightly and I shrug
"As long as I'm with you I don't care where we are baby. I love you and I'm ready if you are" I tell him but I can feel my anxiety bubbling inside.
"I'm avoiding everything by being here. I really don't want to leave but I know we have to. The thought of sleeping alone without you is daunting and I don't want to" he says and I nod sadly.
"I know what you mean. I'm dreading going back to my own bed. My mums gonna loose her shit too when she finds out where fully back together. I'm avoiding things to. I have work and alsorts that I've just forgotten about but I don't want to leave" I tell him honestly hoping to stay here forever.
"We'll face it all together as a team baby, your works gonna definitely want you back" he says kissing my neck.
"I'm going to marry an amazing cook and baker.. I can't wait" he says and I chuckle.
"Is that all your marrying me for, my cooking and baking skills" I say laughing and splash him.
"I'm going to marry you because life is pointless without you and you have alot more skills than just them.. My beautiful queen" he says and I blush a little.
"I know that feeling baby, where's your skills?" I tease and he gasps.
"I just showed you some of mine, I have plenty up my sleeve" he says rolling his hips into me letting me feel his hard dick.

After a long relaxing bath I dried and put on one of Liam's t-shirts and made my way down stairs to the goods I made earlier feeling peckish. I grab the tubs and take them into the living room and turn the TV on.
"Shall we watch something?" I ask him as he rolls his spliff
"Yeah, choose something baby and we'll cuddle up on the sofa" he tells me and I flip through Netflix and find a rom-com that he won't mind watching and press play.
Opening up the chocolate peanut butter cups I start to munch on them while I wait for Liam to finish rolling spliffs.
"I always think of you when I see this film advertised, now I get to actually watch it with you" he says smiling and coming to sit down behind me as I grab a blanket and get comfortable.
"I've been waiting to watch it, I'm glad it's with you" I tell him and smile thinking of all the films I used to get him to watch with me.
Handing Liam a snack I spark a spliff and slowly start to get into the film.

"Did you enjoy it?" I ask him as the credits start to roll.
"It was decent, I wonder if they'll do a number two?" he say and I laugh.
"I can't believe you liked it.. Such a sap" I call him and he bites my neck.
"Oww" I whine then laugh and he sucks it after.
"You made me this way by starting me off years ago on these films. I only watch them with you beautiful" he says kissing the mark he's probably left on my neck. Like the rest.
"Yeah I bet you do,, sit at home watching them alone really" I say teasing him and he bites me again harder this time.
"Liam I swear to god if you leave one more mark, I'm gonna mark you" I tell him spinning and looking at him.
He licks his lips and looks me over.
"Mark me all over baby, take what's yours" he says stretching his arms out.
Not what I was hoping for. I kiss him and lay on his chest.
"I have to go back to work with these all over me remember" I tell him and he chuckles.
"Men will know you belong to someone else and stay away from you then" he mocks and I slap him playfully on his chest.
"So we have one last day tomorrow and go home Saturday?" I ask him sighing knowing I need to go home it's been days.
"Sounds good baby, but what about sleeping? I can't sleep alone again" he says and I nod my head agreeing.
"I know but what we gonna do.. I was going to find a flat or something I have money saved" I tell him and he looks at me.
"Move in with me baby" he asks and I look at him surprised.
"What? Isn't it to soon?" I ask him and he furrows his brows at me.
"We've practically been living together now and I don't want that to change, so we're gonna pack your stuff and move you in Saturday" he says and I beam at him
"Oh my god yes! I'd love that" I tell him making him grin. I'm moving in with my baby I'm so happy right now. My heart could burst.

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