Chapter 83

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Waking up on my last day in the mansion and I feel kind of sad to be leaving the place. I roll over and look at Liam sleeping soundly and creep out the bed and wrap a robe around me. Walking out I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Turning the cooker on I grab the frying pan and make Liam his sandwiches because he needs to start eating breakfast.
Opening the fridge I pull out eggs, bacon and sausages and start to cook the meat first.
I grab the bread and decide to make myself a sandwich aswell.
Suddenly feeling hands on me I jump and spin around seeing Liam smiling at me.
"Hey baby" I say to him as he kisses my temple.
"You know I don't eat breakfast beautiful" he whines and I raise a brow.
"Well you do today, its our last day and I'm making you breakfast. It's nearly done anyways" I tell him and he sighs.
"Fine baby if I must" he says and starts to butter the bread for me. I don't know why he won't eat in the morning, he never has as far back as I can remember.
"Atleast it's your cooking but I'd rather have you" he says wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Baby, you need to start eating more, you'll wither away" I moan and he laughs.
"I doubt that but I'll try.. For you OK?" he says and I nod happy.
"Thanks baby, I just want you to be good and eating comes with that" I say taking out the sausages and bacon and cracking the eggs open.

Building his sandwich I hand him his plate and he smiles at me.
"Thank you beautiful, I appreciate it" he tells me and I nod smiling and he kisses me.
"Your welcome baby" I tell him making my own sandwich now.

Finishing up eating I look at Liam devouring his food and think clearly he can eat he's just lazy first thing. That's about to change if I'm moving in with him.
Grabbing the weed box I bill both of us a spliff for when he's finished eating and take our plates into the kitchen.
"OK it wasn't that bad eating first thing baby" he says as I walk back into the living room.
"It starts you off for the day aswell" I tell him and he nods taking his spliff..
"Outside?" I ask him
"No its fine we'll smoke it here" he says
"It's time for some changes anyways" he adds and I smile up at him.
"Absolutely, I can't wait to move in with you" I tell him.
"I can't wait to wake up to you every morning in our home" he says and lifts my chin to kiss me sweetly.
"Aww baby, our home?" I ask and he nods smiling..
"Yes, it will be our home once you move in" he tells me and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.
"Right it's our last day and there's still two rooms I haven't fucked you in yet" he winks at me and pulls me onto his lap undoing my rob and latching onto my nipple.
"Fuck!" I moan as he rolls the other one and I feel his hard cock rub against my pussy.
"I'm ready for my real breakfast now" he says sliding his hand between my thighs and pinching my clit.
"You're obsessed with your treasure baby" I say laughing and he groans.
"I could never get enough of my treasure, I need it.." he says and slides in his fingers.
"Fuck!" I cry out and throw my head back.
"I love to hear you moan" he says hooking his fingers and beginning to press on my gspot.
"Yesss.. Liam" I cry out feeling the orgasm build making my legs shake. I tighten around his fingers and grind myself on his hand needing more to send me over.
"You ready to cum for me" he asks and I lean back nodding rapidly, giving him more room to fuck me and the building starts. Feeling it through my body he bites down on my nipple and I cum.
"Babyy" I cry out as I climax.
"So fucking sexy" he tells me removing his hand and lifting me back up. He forcefully kisses me shoving his tongue in and I suck onit making him groan and I feel his dick throb. Reaching between us, I lift pulling him out and start to stroke it looking into his eyes.
"You can have him when I'm finished with you" he groans as I squeeze up his precum and rub my thumb over his tip.
"I want you now" I whimper making him smile.
"We need a condom for starters baby, and I'm devouring you after then" he tells me. Would he actually do that?
I pull him out and lift up grabbing a condom from his bag and hand it to him.
Watching him roll it on I straddle him and line him with my entrance.
"Take what's yours" he says and I slowly start to sink down on top of him.
"Fuck!" we both say at the same time.
I grip onto his shoulders and level myself on him and bring my ass up and down slowly at first while I get used to the size of him in this position.
"So good baby" he tells me throwing his head back and grabbing my hips. I start to build up the speed feeling myself tightening around him and he starts to move me more and I let him take control of the speed and I rock my hips back and fourth..
"Yes baby, just like that, so fucking sexy" he groans out and licks his lips watching me. He licks and sucks each nipple taking it in turns and I feel like I'm going to cum.
"Baby I'm close, so close" I tell him and he begins to fuck up into me and I come undone.
"Liamm!" I cry out feeling him throb inside me but he doesn't cum he lifts me spinning me so my backs to him and I put my feet on the floor and bounce on his big hard dick.
"Yes, fuck me baby" I moan and he does just that slamming me back down onto him.
"Fuck yeah, I'm close baby" he says and I lift my ass up and down faster fucking him to completion.
"Fuck, Stacey!" he growls out and I cum again feeling myself clench around him..
"Fuck" I moan as I cum again from the throbbing feeling.
He lifts me off of him and spins me around and lifts up my leg over his shoulder and starts to suck on my swollen clit.
"Yes baby" I moan out and he swirls his tongue around me in fast short motions making my legs shake.
"Hmmmm" he groans and send a vibration through me.
"So close" I cry out holding onto his head for balance as they start to become weak.
"Baby" I let out a strangled moan as I climax into his mouth and he slurps at my wetness. Continuing to suck on me I try to push his head away so he gives me one last long lick from my entrance up to my clit. Legs shaking he catches me and sits me back down on his lap
Straddling him he removes the filled condom and ties it up throwing it to the bin next to him and looks back at me.
"Well that was something else baby, fuck" he says grinning and I smile down at him and kiss his wet lips tasting myself on him.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now