Melancholic Melodies

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Skye sat abruptly in her bed, breathing harshly as she clutched her covers against her chest. "Same nightmare," she breathed, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She felt them water as her hands dropped to her sides, and she swung her legs over the side of her bed frame, sitting up.

She covered her face as she sniffled into her hands, the scenes of the horrible dream still fresh in her mind. Ever since GHOST had learned of their new predicaments, from losing the battle against SHADOW to Midas and Jules betraying them, Skye would have recurring nightmares that she desperately wished she could get rid of. They would always haunt her through the day and interfere with the work she still had to do, and she hated it. She hated it so badly... but they just wouldn't stop.

Wiping at her eyes, Skye stood and threw on some leggings as well as her favorite denim jacket. "Come on, Ollie," she whispered, pulling his beanie form over her head. "Let's... let's take a walk."

She slowly turned the handle and pushed open her door, glancing around the dimly lit hallways as she slowly walked around. The Shark was full, filled to the brim with GHOST agents as the waters outside continued to rise, yet it still felt so empty. Even now, as night-duty henchmen patrolled the area and a few agents conversed in the dark, the halls were almost lifeless.

After looping around the top level, Skye's eyes trailed to the stairs that descended into the dining area. A wave of nostalgia rushed over her, to the times she would find herself here after long days of work... how the piano in the corner called to her each time, and she would practice for hours when there was nothing left to do. Sometimes, she would even feel the eyes of the guards as they watched her in silence.

Skye made her descent into the open room, the gleaming rays of the moon a hopeful contrast to the high, murky seas. It was refreshing to see the mostly clear sky, as thunderstorms had become way more common after The Device's failure. She walked over to the windows behind the piano, pressing her face against the glass as she gazed up at the stars. Midas likes nights like this, she thought, a frown settling on her face.

At last, she turned and sat down on the piano bench, resting her chin in her hands as she contemplated what to do. With a silent sigh, she raised the piano lid and lifted her fingers, letting them slowly glide across the keys as she began to play. Just something soft and pretty she had learned, not really caring enough to remember what the name of it was.

"There's a piano?" Skye enthused, freeing her hand from Journey's grasp and running to the golden piano sitting in the open salon of The Yacht. She had already made herself comfortable and lifted the lid before either of the agents next to her could protest, her hands hovering over the gilded keys as she tried to remember a tune.

She felt Midas set a hand on her shoulder. She could tell by his movements that he was hesitant, but he didn't make any gesture to kick her off. "Yes, but it's not a toy," he advised.

With a wide smile, Skye finally laid a hand down and played a few easy scales, before properly positioning her hands to play a simple tune she had been taught by one of her former caretakers. She could feel several pairs of eyes on her, the astonished looks of Midas and Journey the fiercest. As she finished, she stood and bowed to the small crowd that had formed around her, standing next to Journey as she smiled at the applause.

"Well," Midas said coolly, trying desperately to hide his bewilderment, "I..."

Despite his best efforts, she saw a small smile fight its way onto his face. "Well done, Skye."

Skye felt herself fumble over the notes, raising her hand to quickly wipe a tear that had begun to trail down her cheek. She shook her head and kept going.

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