Chapter 28: We're Having A Meeting

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I've been watching them closely, and there's definitely something going on with them. I see their little looks and exchanges. I wasn't sure to begin with and just thought it was him being his player self, but she definitely reacts to him. One of his gifts must be to hear thoughts or something as they definitely communicate. None of the others have noticed but they are possessive and not looking for the signs as they believe Declan is her mate. They have no reason to think otherwise other than the fact we don't like him at all. If they thought about the possibility that Declan isn't hers and that Tejus was they wouldn't be so hostile towards him. They would see that they don't actually mind. None of the jealousy is there, it's as if he's one of us and as he's a prince too, it kind of makes sense for it to be him and not Declan. 

What I don't understand and I've been getting madder and madder about is that she's keeping it to herself and not saying anything. She's still going on dates with Declan and acting like he is her mate. When all I want to do now is kill him for trying to trick her. I've been thinking about what the seer said all those years ago.

6 to 1 then 1 equals 8, this is what will seal their fate: So this obviously means she mated the 6 of us and has one more. Again it makes sense being the other Prince!

But beware the trickster, in wolf's clothing, for he shall try to take and mate the ultimate power, And if he succeeds, he will be the most powerful in the world: This must mean Declan as an Alpha but why would it make him the most powerful?

2 possible outcomes, one good, one bad. And the outcome rests solely in the ultimate hands: maybe she doesn't know yet or is confused because of what Declan has been doing. Things only happen or go wrong with her once he's been around. 

I don't like snapping at her but I haven't been able to help it. Maybe I should just bring Tejus and all this stuff up with her. See if she omits things or tells me. I still feel bad about how I snapped at her in the shower. I didn't like her reaction at all, then when she told me to leave... I didn't want to upset her even more. 

I think that's something she likes about Tejus right now too. That he doesn't know anything about her past so treats her like he would any other woman. Well, he better not treat her like he would any other, but you get my point. 

She's currently typing away on her phone, with a small smile on her face, Biting her lips to try to hide it. Who's she talking to? We just got here. We're leaving her with Zander and her dad while the rest of us go do what we have to do. She chucks her phone in her bag then jogs over and hugs her dad. I know she wants to communicate with everyone so she doesn't have a translator every time so I might sort that out for her today as well. I'll make it include her family as well as Katy, Kris and J-low. 

My phone goes off and I reach into my pocket. I see it's My father.

"Father" I say all business like

"We're having a meeting. Get here now... please!" He demands and tacks the please on the end

"Fine!" I hang up and look up to see the others have the same looks on their face apart from Zander and Dravon. Our fathers still aren't fully accepting yet of our multiple mating. But they should be happy! It completely unites all the different creatures which has been the aim all along. It's why we all grew up together and made this massive territory for all. And once Jenus gets here it will include everyone. 

I still don't know how none of us knew of the sentrys until Zanders father told us. There's nothing about them in our archives or history, to my knowledge. I will have to go through and have a see if it's there and we just missed it. But it's not something taught to us at school. 

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