Chapter 86

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"Shots, Shots, Shots" everyone shouts as Liam pours them for everyone. He sits back down pulling me onto his lap and passes me his spliff.
"Sian, Mia this is Cornell, Cornell the girls" Liam introduces as he walks into the room and eyes them up smiling.
"This is my bro Jason, Jason my boy Cornell" Liam says and they nod at each other.
"Now we're all acquainted can I get drunk" I say and Liam chuckles.
"You do what you want beautiful" he says and I pass him the spliff back getting up to get myself another drink.
Walking into the kitchen I pour myself a bailey's and a rum for Liam and take them in.
"Here, made you another one" I say handing the drink to Liam and he smiles then downs the one he's got switching glasses.
Fucking alcoholic I swear.
Sitting back on his lap he rub his hand along my bare thigh and I see Jason staring at us. What's his problem? I don't think he likes me very much.
"I don't think Jason likes me" I look at Liam and say and he sighs.
"He just doesn't know you baby, hes protective like me" he says and I sigh this time. Great.

Turning the music up and the dimmer lights on us girls get up and dance, feeling the music I let it take over my body.
I look at the guys just watching us and I lock eyes with Liam who's watching me hard.
I slowly wine my hips and Mia grabs me touching me inappropriate and Liam follows her hands on me and I just enjoy the music and finally being back with my best friends.
Songs blend into each other the more drinks are flowing and everyone's having a good time.
I see Liam and Jason leave the room and I wonder what's happening or what their doing. I continue to dance and I close my eyes raising my arms above my head swaying my hips loosing myself for awhile thinking how happy I am to be back with Liam and my girls then suddenly I feel hands on my hips and being pulled back into them.
"So perfect baby" Liam says into my ear and I breath a sigh of relief that it was actually Liam.
I grind my ass onto him and he rocks his hips with me dancing.
I look over and see Mia and Jason dancing the same and smile at her.
Looking back towards Sian who's being bugged by Cornell to dance she puts her hand up to stop him.
"I have a boyfriend, no thanks" I hear her say and I laugh at them.
Cornell's persistent with it clearly not taking no for an answer so I nudge Liam.
"Sort your friend!" I tell him spinning to face him and he looks over at them.
"Yo Cornell, leave her the fuck alone or your gone, she clearly ain't interested fuck sake" Liam yells over the music and everyone looks to Cornell.
He hold his hands up and backs away and I kiss Liam thanking him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I've got to go babe, I have work tomorrow but I'll see you soon" Sian comes up to me and says. I hug her and smile.
"Thanks for coming babe it means alot" I tell her and walk her out the door and watch as she climbs into an Uber. Waving her off I go to shut the door but get stopped by Cornell.
"I'm not staying with yall love birds, I'm out" he says and walks off.
"Bye" I say and shut the door locking it behind him. This is all I need. My man and my bestie.
Walking back into the living room I take a seat and drink down my drink feeling hot and Jason comes and sits next to me.
"I'm happy you two are back together. I just hope that you don't break his heart again" he says and I look at him shocked. Me break his heart.. Again? Is he crazy?
"I love him Jason, I wouldn't do that. He broke my heart by leaving me actually" I correct him and he sighs.
"I know the story Stacey.. I'm just saying don't break his heart" he says and I nod understanding.. He gets up and walks off and sits back down in the chair. Well that was weird.
Getting up to find the weed I grab it and make myself a spliff thinking about what Jason said. Why does he think that I broke Liam's heart, clearly he doesn't know the story.. Just half of it like most people.
Rolling my eyes I spark my spliff and kick back. Liam walks back into the room and stops and just stares at me.
Coming over to me he sits next to me
"What's wrong baby, your upset" he says concerned.
"I'm OK we'll talk tomorrow baby" I smile at him not wanting to cause a problem.
"If it's bothering you, it's bothering me.. Spill" he says and I sigh getting up and take his hand pulling him with me into the empty kitchen.
"Jason told me not to break your heart.. Again?" I ask and he sighs
"When I walked away from you I was heartbroken I didn't want to leave you baby but I had to like you know. So he just assumed that you broke me when really it was the other way around" he says sadly and I hug him.
"I'm sorry baby I'll never leave you" I tell him and he kisses my head repeatedly.
"I have no fear of that, you have nothing to be sorry for baby" he tells me and kisses me lovingly. I smile up at him and pull him back into the living room grabbing a bottle.
"SPIN THE BOTTLE" Mia calls out grabbing the bottle off me and sitting on the floor.
This bitch I swear. Turning the music down a little I get on the floor facing her and look to Liam's smirking face.
"More games, are you sure about this?" he asks me and I nod my head unsure deep down.
Liam pulls a face and sits down next to me.
"Bro come on man if I'm playing so are you" he says to Jason and he gets up sighing.
"If I must, no dumb shit" he says looking straight at Liam.

Weak For Him | DARKNESS SERIES #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now