Chapter 87 Liam's POV

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Sitting on the floor in the middle of the game - 'spin the bottle' and it happens to land on me. Fuck.
"Truth mate, you lot can't be trusted yet" I say laughing.
"I've got a question for you" Mia says and we all look at her.
"Go on..." I tell her.
"How did you feel about Stacey being with Victor?" Mia asks me and I stare at her. Really?
"You don't have to answer baby" Stacey says to me rubbing my thigh.
"No it's OK.. Obviously I was pissed. She will always be mine" I tell the group and Stacey smiles at me happy with my answer.
I spin the bottle and it lands on Jason. Yes bro.
"Dare fuck it" he says and downs his drink.
"I dare you to tell Mia how you really feel" Stacey says straight away and Mia stares at her unimpressed. Ha shame.
"Erm.. I like her and she already knows that.. I'd like to give it a go with her properly" he says and I nod happy that he got it out there finally.
I look to Mia who's gone pale and laugh.
Jason spins the bottle and it lands on Mia.
"Truth why not" she says and sighs
"What do you think of what Jason just said." Stacey asks her and she just shrugs.
"Honestly I have thought about it but I'm scared he'll hurt me" Mia says and I think wow now where getting somewhere..
She spins the bottle and it lands on me again. Fuck sake.
"Dare" I say sparking my spliff.
"I dare you to down some of this" Jason says and hands me a small bottle of gin. Dick
Grabbing the bottle I open it and look at Jason giving him the evil eye.
You can do this Liam. I tell myself already ready to be sick.
Putting the bottle to my lips the smell hits me hard and I heave. But just down the lot. Then bang the bottle off the floor when it's empty.
"Wow brother, I was expecting you to tell me to fuck off" he says laughing and I grab my rum drinking it down to rid the taste of gin.
"No forfeits around here.. Just remember pay backs a bitch" I tell him and his face drops.
Spinning the bottle it lands on Stacey and she perks up.
"Dare" she plainly says and looks at me.
"I dare you to give Jason a lap dance" Mia says and I look at her pissed. Why the fuck would she say that. Stacey looks at me and I just shrug I got one when she was kind of with Victor so now I know how he felt. Fucking pissed.
"It's just dancing do it babe it'll be fun" Mia says and Stacey sighs getting up and turning the music up. Jason gets up and sits on the chair and Stacey walks over to him and slowly starts to move her hips and raise her arms feeling Jason like she did to me the other night and I clench my jaw not enjoying the view.
I look at Jason and he doesn't seem to be enjoying himself he's just staring at Mia.
The song ends and Stacey stops moving and comes to sit back down embarrassed bless her and looks to me giving me sorry eyes.
"It's OK baby, I love you" I tell her and she smiles relieved
"Well that was fun" Mia says rolling her eyes.
Stacey spins the bottle and it lands on Mia.
"Dare" she says and Stacey perks up again.
"Show me how it's done. Give Jason a better lap dance" she says and Mia jumps up turning the song over and turning it up. Walking over to him seductively she grabs his hands and puts them on her hips and rolls them and I look at a gleaming Jason smiling ear to ear now. She rolls her hips and grinds her ass on him she spins and straddles him grinding on him and starts to kiss his neck and along his jaw. I feel like I shouldn't be watching this but I can't help it. What is she doing?
She blatenly likes him and was jealous of Stacey doing it.
She gets lost in the moment and kisses him passionately pulling him in for more and I watch as Jason pulls her closer to him. The song finishes and there still going..
"OK fuck sake shall we just stop now" Stacey says and I think thank fuck she said something because that was getting hot and heavy.
Mia climbs off him and sits back down.
"That's how it's done Stacey" she says smug and I want to punch her. Bitch I don't know why there even friends..
Mia spins the bottle and it lands on Stacey again and she sighs clearly wondering what she's about to get.
"Truth" she says and smiles at me.
"Why did you choose Liam over Victor?" Mia says and I clench my jaw again. What the fucks her problem?
"Because I love him.. Always have and I always will it's that simple" Stacey tells her without hesitation and I breath out. Since when was I holding my breath?
"Well that's shit. You don't go back to exs you know this Stacey" Mia says and I seriously want to punch her. Who the fuck does she think she is.
"You know what Mia just leave it yeah. I'm done" Stacey says taking my spliff and walking off and I hear her go up the stairs.
"What the fuck is your problem? Why do you have to be a complete and utter peice of shit. You've been digging all night. She's supposed to be your friend no correction best friend shit man" I say to her and she just shrugs.
"I don't like you never have never will. She deserves better than you and what you have to offer. Your just going to break her heart AGAIN" she says and I think OK where going there then.
"And what exactly do you have to offer my brother apart from your stinky pussy. Your a fucking hoe Mia.. You ain't scared your a slag" I tell her getting up to go find my baby.
Running up the stairs I find Stacey smoking the spliff laying on the bed in our room.
"Baby?" I says and she hums at me.
"Are you OK. I'm sorry" I says and she sits up.
"You've done nothing wrong baby, it's all her. I knew it was a bad idea playing with her. I'm sorry" she says and I climb onto the bed pulling her onto me holding her tight.
"As long as we know what it is it doesn't matter what she thinks. And don't apologise for anyone else's behaviour. Do you want me to make her leave?" I ask her. And she nods slowly.
"I'm not coming down dealing with her tonight or I'm staying up her she's ruined everything" she says and puts her head down.
"OK baby she's gone, nothings spoiling our night we're ment to be happy. We've just moved in together fuck sake. Stay here while I empty our home" I tell her and kiss her getting back up.
I don't want my brother to go but Stacey will always come first. Her needs above all.

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